Abstract The paper reports tile potentials of media mix in use for agricultural information dissemination as applied to dissemination of information on forest conservation and sustainable land use practices in three southwestern states of Nigeria. It covered enclaves in Sliasha and Oluwa forest reseives in Oshun and Ondo states respective&, as well as settlements surrounding Old Oyo fictional Park h Oyo State. Z'ie media considered were traditionai and eierironic/prinnt Primary data were sour...
ABSTRACT A study was undertaken to estimate the magnitude of dynamic stresses (MDS) induced in some mature tropical hardwood species during felling operation and their effect on the harvested wood. Five areas in Shasha forest reserve, Osun State, Nigeria were selected as the study sites because of the prevalent high. Two hundred and eighty nine trees represented by nine different species were studied. The species are Afzelia africana, Nauclea diderrichii, Terminalia superba, Khaya ivorensis, ...
ABSTRACT Forests play central and primary roles in the mitigation of climate change. Forests are important carbon pools which continuously exchange C02 with the atmosphere, due to both natural processes and human action. At the global level, 19% of the carbon in the earth's biosphere is stored in plants, and 81% in the soil. In tropical forests, approximately 50% of the carbon is stored in the biomass and 50% in the soil (Karsenty et al, 2003). Wood products derived from harvested timber ar...
ABSTRACT Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Modulus of elasticity (MOE) of veneer laminated wood cement panel were evaluated. the boards were made of 3 layers comprising . 1.5 mm thick mixed hardwoods sawdust for the two surfaces, and 9mm thick core layer made of plantation grown Gmelina arborea flakes. Three varjabIes were investrgated namely: .Demity at three lev& (1000 w31,10 0kg/m3a nd 1200 kgl m3), Cam& wood ratios of2,5:1.0,2.75:I.O and 3.0:l.O and glue spread of 1.02 kgh2, 1.43 kg/m2 and 1,7...
ABSTRACT Low and arbitrary review of forest charges encourage waste and poor harvesting practices resulting in underdevelopment of forest resources. The study therefore assessed the type, value and changes in the value of forest charges in Kogi State between 1991 and 2009. Data on forest charges between 1991 when the state was created and 2009 were collected from the Forestry Service of Kogi State. GDP deflator was used to convert the forest charges in each year under study to real or constan...
ABSTRACT In Nigeria, high cost of Domestic Energy (DE) has put untold hardship on households. Coping strategy is therefore imperative to meet household domestic cooking and heating needs. Investigating evolving strategies would better inform DE experts and policy makers. This study was therefore designed to investigate strategies devised by households in Northeastern Nigeria for coping with the escalating prices of DE. The domestic energy types considered in the study include Liquefied Natura...
ABSTRACT Unsustainable forest land use practices have resulted in land degradation in the northern part of Nigeria leading to low crop yield. Agroforestry is a viable option for reversing dwindling crop yields through proper soil management practices. There is notably no sufficient published information on the contributions of agroforestry to food production in Katsina State. The practices of agroforestry and its potential to slow down the pace of soil degradation and boost food production in...
ABSTRACT A number of factors persist to constrain the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) market and, by extension, its potential to contribute meaningfully to livelihood development and poverty reduction objectives. To better utilise the potential of NTFPs, it is important to have a better understanding of the key factors governing the success and failure of NTFPs trade. This paper reports on the market constraints and socio-economic factors that influence trade in five top-priority NTFPs wit...
ABSTRACT Trees face rising drought stress and mortality with global warming and it is vital that adequate information is available on the tolerance levels of tree species. In 2012, seedlings of Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst ex A. Rich were evaluated for response to varied levels of water availability at the Aliero Teaching and Research Farm, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Jega, Kebbi State, Nigeria. Twelve uniformly growing potted seedlings were selected and exposed to fou...
Abstract: Forests in Benue State are depleting due to anthropogenic activities. Community based forest management had been suggested by various researchers as being capable of stemming the rate of destruction of forests. This study was therefore carried out to assess the presence, mode and level of participation in community based forests practices in Benue State with a view to corroborate or dispute the veracity of the practice. Stratified multistage random sampling method was adopted to sel...
ABSTRACT Plukenetia conophora, a liana with economic potentials is threatened by extinction. Ex-situ conservation of the species which requires knowledge of its early growth and vegetative propagation has the potentials to enhance its sustainability. However information on the silvicultural requirements for the early growth of this species is scanty. Hence, in this study, seed germination, seedling growth, macro and micropropagation of Plukenetia conophora in Southwestern Nigeria were investi...
Abstract Although urbanization may be increasing globally, over 75.0% of Nigerian populations are still living in rural areas. Extensive rainfed farming used to sustain this population is limited by loss of forest biodiversity, climate change and exposure of fragile soil. This study reports the socio-economic background of Edo State forests environments dwellers in relation to their land use activities with a view to positively harnessing the synergy of the two variables for improving human l...
Abstract A cemetery, because of its presumed sanctity, is less disturbed from other land use activities in the urban areas and thus serves in many cases as the last remnant for greenery and conservation of trees in many large cities. However, there is little information on the population, diversity and management of trees in cemeteries located in the Ibadan metropolis. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the potentials of cemeteries as urban tree conservation areas. Eight cemet...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the marketing system of Palmyra Palm products in North-eastern Nigeria to; identify its marketable products, channels of distribution and roles of market participants, and also assess its marketing facilities in North-eastern Nigeria. Data were generated through market surveys and interviews on 203 respondents selected randomly from Adamawa, Bauchi and Yobe markets. The generated data were analysed using descriptive statistics where appropriate. Marketing syst...