ABSTRACTThis study examines the Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation on Project Sustainability inNigeria, A Case Study of Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project(LEEMP) in Benue State. Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) helps to track projectperformance at any given time and provides reasons for an observed project status. In thisstudy, M & E was defined as the key component of project management that gives controlover the main parameters that define a project; scope, quality,...
Globally, the estimated number of children below 15 years of age living with HIV increased from 1.6 million in 2001 to 2.5 million in 2009. Almost 90% of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa. Over 90% the new infections of HIV are acquired through Mother-To-Child Transmission(MTCT). According to Kenya Aids Indicator Survey (KAIS) report of 2007, nearly 1 out of 10 pregnant women in Kenya are infected with HIV. Exclusive Breast Feeding (EBF) of a child remains the best and safest source o...
ABSTRACT Skilled delivery is a key intervention that greatly contributes to improvement of maternal and child health. By extension, skilled delivery is a component of maternal and childcare provided during pregnancy, at delivery and post-delivery. Irrespective of the quality of service provided during pregnancy, delivery process remains a risk and hence needs to be given relevant attention. Global data shows that in developed countries, over 99% of the women access skilled delivery as compa...
ABSTRACT The global policy of providing primary level care was initiated with the declaration of Alma-Ata in 1978.Kenya is a signatory to the AlmaAtta declaration. Implementation of the Community Health Services is a top priority for the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation in Kenya. The second National Health Sector Strategic Plan (NHSSP II) defined a new approach to the delivery of Health Care Services to Kenyans, the Kenya Essential Package of Health (KEPH).CHWs are the key agents in ...
ABSTRACT Health workers collect and report data routinely on all their activities. Studies show that very little of this vast amount of information is used by those who are collecting the data and by local health management at health facility or County levels. Ideally, local data should be collected, analyzed and used in order to support local health management, health promotion and prevention and to improve local health service delivery. Significant resources have been invested on HMIS but ...
ABSTRACT Adequate nutrition, healthy ageing, and the ability to function independently are essential components of a good quality of life. Though it is recognized that nutritional challenges account for a significant proportion of elderly morbidity and mortality, less has been determined on nutritional status of the old age men and women living freely and in institutions. This study investigated the relationship between nutritional status of the elderly and related factors in free living and...
ABSTRACT Cancer of the cervix is a disease of public health importance with a high global morbidity and mortality. More than 266,000 women die every year, 87% of these women coming from low and middle-income countries, where programmes for screening and treatment are deficient or underutilized.The Ministry of Health through the Division of Reproductive Health launched the National Cancer of the cervix Prevention Program, action plan 2005-2009 with the main aim of reducing cancer of the cervi...
The proportion of births assisted by skilled birth attendants in Kenya is 44% while in Kajiado Central Sub County is 28%. Maternal mortality in Kenya is estimated to be 488 per 100,000 live births. This worrying trend of maternal mortality is thought to be a result of using unskilled attendants at birth. This study sought to determine the factors that influenced utilization of skilled birth attendants among women of reproductive age in Central division, Kajiado County. The objectives of ...
ABSTRACT Although cervical cancer is said to be the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in low resource settings, screening services in health facilities remains very low. The risk of death from this disease is higher among HIV positive women as a result of persistent Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection with quicker progression to cancer. As a result, screening services have been in cooperated in routine care of all HIV positive women, but uptake remains very low. This could be due t...
ABSTRACT Household Economic Strengthening (HES) programs improve the economic capacity of households (HH) to provide for needy families (increased income, savings, and access to credit). Scanty information exists on outcomes achieved beyond counting of program services provided. Outcomes on child well-being; health, nutrition and protection remain poorly understood, and few programs have been analyzed to establish these outcomes. Analysis highlights knowledge gaps that inform stakeholders of...
ABSTRACT The use of herbal medicine is on the rise globally, especially in developed countries. Indeed, over 80% of the populations in developing countries depend on herbal medicine. In Kenya herbal medicine is widely used, with 70% of the population having been reported to be dependent on it for primary health care. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that growing use of traditional medicine, both in developed and developing nations, has been mirrored by an increasing number of reports...
ABSTRACT Around 5.1% of the worldwide disease burden and injury, as well as 5.9% of all fatalities are linked to alcohol abuse. In Kenya, Kiambu County is one of the leading counties in alcohol abuse and alcohol-related physical injuries. The study established the types and management of alcohol-related physical injuries among 383 persons with alcohol use disorder in Githunguri Sub-county, Kiambu County. The crosssectional survey specifically occurred from March-November 2015 in Githiga and ...
ABSTRACT The impact of the civil war, the waves of IDPs, emigration, poverty and the absence of a Central Government in Somalia have led to emergence IDPs camps with a large population. Malnutrition in Somalia is a huge public health problem, negatively affecting growth, development and survival of the population. The determinants of food consumption patterns and the prevalence of nutritional status are not well documented. The main objective of this study was to assess nutritional status o...
ABSTRACT By 2015, an estimated 2.4 billion people lacked basic sanitation and 15% still practiced open defecation globally. In Kenya, approximately 5.6 million people still defecated in the open. Siaya County adopted Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in 2010 as an approach to address the problem of open defecation. This study aimed at assessing the uptake of the CLTS approach in Siaya County, Kenya. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 370 randomly selected households. Structured q...
· ABSTRACT '. I I Addressing child mortality and under-five mortality (USM) has continuously been a global challenge. The world summit for children in 1990 called for a worldwide reduction in child mortality to reduce USM to below 70 deaths per thousand live births or one third reduction. Nations and organizations have continued to invest much resources and effort to promote child health. In Sub-Saharan Africa investments in health systems and interventions necessary to achieve these marks ...