Law Research Papers/Topics

A Critical Examination of the Offence of Criminal Misappropriation

Abstract: This discourse delves into the offense of criminal misappropriation, exploring its definition, elements, and application within the realm of criminal law. It emphasizes the significance of statutory and judicial authorities in comprehending the intricacies of this offense and shaping its interpretation. The elements of criminal misappropriation, including dishonest intention, property belonging to another, appropriation without consent, and resulting wrongful gain or loss, are exami...

Synopsis of Data Protection under the Nigerian Laws: Has the Universality of Right to Privacy Trickled Down to Nigeria?

The concept of personal data protection is no doubt, an off-shoot of the universal human right to privacy and confidentiality. Not only has it been ingrained under Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but it has also been incorporated into most of the regional human rights conventions, charters, and treaties, except, of course, the African Charter on Human Rights (ACHR) to which Nigerian affiliates with. Despite its conspicuous absence in the ACHR, the revolution in the in...

What is Innovative in the Nigeria Police Act 2020

Introduction The Nigeria Police Act, 2020 which formally came into force on the 15th day of September 2020, by the assent of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Mohammadu Buhari repealed the Police Act Cap P19 Laws of the Federation 2004. The general desire or aim of the new Act is to provide for an effective police service system for Nigeria which is based on the principles of accountability and transparency, protection of human rights, management of its resources an...

Recruitment Of Child Soldiers In Armed Conflicts In The Great Lakes Region: The Role Of Legal And Human Rights Instruments In The Protection Of Children's Rights

Abstract The Great Lakes Region which constitutes of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda. The Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi is a region that has been invariable embroiled in wars and conflicts spanning decades. Broadly, a number of factors are responsible for this state of affairs ranging from social, cultural, economic and political factors. More specifically however, divergence in political thought and opinion, ethnicity, imperialistic tendencies, the struggle for wealth and natural ...

Save Edu Frontiers 71 PAGES (24022 WORDS) Law Paper
Analysis of the role and obligation of joint bank account holders. The law and practice. Case study: tanzania

ABSTRACT This works the rights and obligation of joint account holder's law and practice is organized in four chapters as follows. Chapter one is on introductory remarks and comprises background to the research problem, statement of the problem, literature review, the hypothesis, and research methodology. Chapter two deals with the historical development of joint account holders and comprises the basic concept and mechanism, the meaning of joint account from vaiious sources, the types of joi...

Edu Frontiers 55 PAGES (11581 WORDS) Law Paper
The Critique Of The Legal Frame Works For The Protection Of Wetlands In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kamp Ala Capital City Authority.

The Research evaluated the adequacy of the existing legal frame work for the protection of wetlands,the rationale for the conservation of wetlands and the mechanisms that are put in place to conserve the wetland resources.The case study makes use of qualitative research methods to make a critical analysis of wetland policies in Kampala capital city authority.The research was conducted tlu·ough legal policy analysis,literature review and interviews with the stake holders such as NEMA,wet...

An Examination On Efficacy Of Disclosure Requirements In Capital Markets Authority Case Study: Kenya

Abstract World over, most securities investors stay glued to the affairs at the stock exchange markets. In Kenya, the situation is not different as one can easily find the investors either watching at the live trading of securities at the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) or following up on the progress in the media. All these constitute the 'appetite' to know the affairs of their investment. Most of the investors in the securities market are yet to come to terms with the happenings at the Nairobi...

Edu Frontiers 69 PAGES (14398 WORDS) Law Paper
The Machinery For Raising Capital By Companies Through Debt Finances In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining critically the legal machinery for creating debenture by companies, rights of  the debentures holders and methods of enforcement of the debenture in Nigeria.  The machinery for raising capital through debenture is not well articulated in the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990. The position of the law on the rights and duties of the parties to a floating charge is inadequate and reforms are urgently required as current edition of the law allo...

Pub Network 17 PAGES (8938 WORDS) Law Paper
Identifying legal issues

This work aims at knowing how to identify legal issues even in a very difficult circumstances using the required method.

"It Takes Two To Tango”: Libraries Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Preservation Of Indigenous Knowledge On Textile Craft Making (Adire) Among Women

Abstract Indigenous Knowledge (IK) serves as a basic input to sustainable development, perhaps due to its distinctive nature in the knowledge economy. Despite the several benefits of IK to sustainable development, many African nations have lost their cultural and customary knowledge due to inadequate attention of heritage institutions especially libraries, in ensuring that IK constitutes part of their collections. Women are at the forefront of using IK to improve livelihoods in areas such as...

Progress and Challenges of Implementing the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in Uganda

Introduction to the study “As a consequence of complementarity, the number of cases that reach the Court should not be a measure of its efficiency. On the contrary, the absence of trials before this Court, as a consequence of the regular functioning of the national institutions, would be a major success” 

An Evalution Of The Ownership And Control Of Oil And Gas In Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis With Other Jurisdictions

ABSTRACT This paper evaluates the ownership and control of oil and gas in Nigeria and the experiences with other jurisdictions. As it is a common knowledge that the bulk of Nigeria revenue is derived from petroleum produce for many years now up until the recent drop in the price of petroleum due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With this knowledge, this paper intends to reveal the intendment of the legislature by vesting ownership and control of oil and gas to be within the purview of the State. Sec...

SSA Research 45 PAGES (12446 WORDS) Law Paper
A Critical Appraisal Of The Innovations, Problems And Prospects Of The Administration Of Criminal Justice Act 2015, In The Nigerian Justice System

ABSTRACT The recent revelation that it takes twenty two long years to conclude a case up to the Supreme Court, and between five to ten years at the state High Courts, which has made public the challenge of criminal justice administration in Nigeria is startling. Even without further query, it presupposes that the problem with the judiciary is deeply entrenched at the root of its entire structure, and beginning from the court gatemen to bailiffs, clerks, registrars, and messengers down to typi...

SSA Research 50 PAGES (10641 WORDS) Law Paper
An Appraisal Of The Rights Of Victims, Witnesses And Defendants Under The Administration Of Criminal Justce Act (Acja) 2015

ABSTRACT This long essay aims to examine the existence of rights, under the provisions of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) 2015, accorded to victims of crime, witnesses in criminal proceedings and criminal defendants and analyze them through comparison with both the antecedence of Nigerian administration of criminal justice as well as global and international standards on these rights through a qualitative doctrinal research of said Act. The purpose of this is to explore the ...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (21961 WORDS) Law Paper
An Examination Of The Legal Rights Of Surgical Patients Under The Nigerian Laws

ABSTRACT With the passing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 and signing of the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 and the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966, there has been a global emphasis on human rights. The issue of patients’ rights has also been brought to prominence with the advent of modern technology and the availability (and use) of artificial measures to prolong life; the evolution of legal rights and duties of patients, an increa...

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