This is a master's dissertation on a comparative study of the legal framework of the fight against terrorism in West Africa.
In an ideal world, once parties pursuant to their agreement decide to submit their disputes to an arbitral tribunal, they have invariably agreed to be bound by the tribunal’s decision. However, in reality the unsuccessful party may wish to evade carrying out the award. To this end the New York Convention provides a remedy for the successful party. The successful party can enforce his award not only in the courts of the seat of arbitration but also in the courts where the unsuccessful p...
ABSTRACT The quest for an international body authorized to regulate the conduct of states in international law and prevent war and aggression was long and arduous; and was seemingly achieved with the establishment of the League of Nations in 1919. International euphoria was short-lived however, as the League’s existence was truncated by World War 2 following which the United Nations (UN) was created in 1945 to maintain international peace and security. The UN via its mandate is empowered ...
ABSTRACT It is the practice in most legal systems and jurisdictions for litigants in cases of fraud, misrepresentation, mistake etc to maintain that documents which they purportedly signed did not represent the exact character, nature or content which they believed the documents contained. Again, illiterate contracting parties often thumb printed on documents which in some instances are incorrectly read over to them as being correct whereas they may not be. These positions have caused a lot...
ABSTRACT War is gradually taking the front burner in international politics. In some case peaceful resolution of a crisis is possible and fully exploited to achieve peace and order in a state. However, where such attempt to resolve crisis fails, skirmishes and clashes may snowball into war. The impact of war on human population has invariably been sanguinary, devastating and catastrophic. Sometimes, the population of a nation is completely extirpated through bloody massacre geared towards the...
ABSTRACT Death penalty is a recognized punishment for a number of crimes in South Sudan Criminal Justice System. European Union under the umbrella of International Community, calls for moratorium or abolition of death penalty by the President of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit, without due consideration of law making process in South Sudan and views of South Sudanese people. The main objective of the study is to determine the implications of abolition of death penalty in the criminal justic...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION............................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL.................................................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION..................................................................................................................................iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.....................................
ABSTRACT Trade or commercial secrets are a critical part of intellectual property protection in Uganda. Broadly speaking, trade secrets are a type of confidential information. This area oflaw is concerned with secrets ofa personal, commercial or industrial nature or the state and its administration. The study ascertains the relevance of the protection of trade secrets within the context of the existing legal and institutional amework in Uganda. The study looked at the various pieces of legisl...
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to analyse the extent of the compliance of the public bodies with the right to fair hearing in administrative proceedings in Juba County. This researcher used interviews, books, reports and many more in gathering the information in Juba County. The researcher was able to interview residents of Juba who once appeared before the administrative bodies as well as the administrative officials. The objective of this study was to ascertain the factors responsible f...
ABSTRACT The impm1ance of land in Uganda is vast, and the issue is gaining more and impm1ance. The number of conflicts, both in court as well as of court, is indisputably on the rise, tensions are increasing and ownership of land is becoming a strife political debate. Research on this topic is limited on the weakness of existing legislations, how land tenure affects land disputes, and the possible solutions to land disputes. The goal of the research is to provide a comprehensive view on the i...
ABSTRACT A company is one formed and registered under the companies Act cap no.l 2012 or an existing or a re-registered company under that Act. A corporation is therefore defined as a separate legal entity, an artificial person far from its shareholders that can sue or be sued in its own names. From the date of incorporation, the subscribers to the memorandum and all such other persons as may become members become a body corporate capable of exercising all the powers of an incorporated compan...
ABSTRACT The above research was carried out in northern Uganda with an intention of examining the role of Uganda police force in peace and conflict resolution in the republic of Uganda. The research attempt to trace the history of Uganda police force citing its development from the pre-colonial era to post-colonial times, it addresses the legal establishment and categorization of the force in different departments. The research critically looks at the role of the police with a considerable sc...
ABSTRACT. The suggestion that euthanasia should be authorised by law, to a considerable extent raises some plausible moral, ethical, philosophical, and religious issues as well as legal and constitutional questions. In addition, the euthanasia debate has been fueled by a number of social and legal developments. These include the advent of modern medical technology and the availability and use of artificial measure to prolong life. Therefore, this study will examine and analyze all the factors...
ABSTRACT KEY WORDS; Prisoner Health Rights, Health Care Service Provision, Nutrition, Activity, Hygiene and Sanitation. BACKGROUND: Female inmates tend to suffer poor health on a range of indicators. This Study sought to explore Female and Male Inmates' perceptions of the Impact of Imprisonment on their Health Rights and Well-being. METHOD: This Qualitative Study involved both adult Female (20) and male inmates (I 0) who were either Remands or Convicts at Soroti Prison in Eastern Uganda. Pa1i...
ABSTRACT This thesis entitled "A critical analysis of consumer protection laws in Uganda". It's majorly to focus on consumer protection laws in Uganda which include; The Uganda communication Act of 2013(as amended), the Contract Act 2010, Sale of Goods Act Cap 82, and Uganda National Bureau of Standards Act Cap 327,the National Drug Policy and Authority Act Cap 206, Foods and Drugs Act Cap 278 the Hire purchase Act of 2009,Agdcultural seeds and plant Act Cap 28,the Bank of Uganda Act Cap51 an...