Law Research Papers/Topics

Children And War; Towards A Comprehensive Legal Approach To The Problem Of Child Soldiers In Africa

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION DEDICATIONAPPROVALACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS  TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the study 1.2 Research questions 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Literature review1.5 Methodology 1.6 Limitations of the study1. 7 Overview of chapters CHAPTER TWOTHE LEGAL PROTECTION OF CHILD SOLDIERS IN AFRICA2.1 Introduction 2.2 The four Geneva Conventions and the two Additional Protocols 2.3 Convention on the Rights of the Child 2.4 Af...

The Interplay Between Indemnity And Subrogation In Eliminating Unjust Enrichment In Insurance Contracts: Zambia In Perspective

ABSTRACTIn a society characterized by high and unavoidable accidents and losses, insurance remains an important tool for management of risks and remedying losses. However, attaining a successful insurance industly requires a balance in the application and operationalisation of the key principles of insurance which include indemnity and subrogation principles. Research on the relationship of these two principles has become an important subject because the two principle...

The Efficiency Of Uganda Police In Handling Criminal Related Complaints In Uganda (A Case Study Cid Headquarters Pts Kibull)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDI,CLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................

Analysis Of The Law And Practice Of Receivership In Uganda

AbstractThe study was set to analyze of the law and practice of receivership in Uganda, it was guided by the following objectives which included; examine the adequacy of law on receivership in relation to duties of receivers and power of sale, to examine the liabilities of receiver and how such can be avoided, to examine the problems/challenges released to receivership in Uganda and to examine remedies available to the parties in receivership process. The research design u...

The Efficacy of THE COPYRIGHTS and Neighbouring RIGHTS ACT OF 2006 in Protecting Musician in KAMPALA, UGANDA

CHAJ>TER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION This research intended to present an overview on whether the protection according to authors of musical works by the copyright and neighboring act is a reality in the real sense or a myth. Copyright, is among other categorics1 · an clement of intellectual property. So important is the consideration to the meaning of the word property which has an outstanding feature that the owner of' such property is free to use it to the extent of his/her wish as long as the&...

The Place of Cohabitation Unions Under the Marriage Act 2014 of Kenya and Marriage Act Cap 251 of Uganda

ABSTRACT Cohabitation unions have been on the increase perhaps due to the recognition of family units, as a result of increased urbanization and increased isolation of young people from their family network. These unions have become common as the meaning of family continues to increasingly transform in the wake of the fast changing societal values. The proliferation of divorce, re-marriage, step families and single parenthood has liberalized the idea of family from the way it was traditionall...

A Critical Examination of Human Rights Institutions in Promoting and Protecting The Economic And Social Rights in Uganda: . The Case Study of Uganda Human Rights Commission (Uhrc)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL BY THE SUPER VISOR ........................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii LIST OF THE OF STATUES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS ............................... iv...

The International Criminal Court And The Promotion Of Peace And Justice Case Study Of Kenya

ABSTRACT This article investigates on the role played by the International Criminal Court and the promotion of peace and justice in Kenya. It also seeks to see the potholes in the system and give recommendations where needed. Issues such as the post election violence in Kenya have also been discussed. Such includes the problems faced during the elections violence and the solutions that have been used and the ones that have already been used to promote peace and justice. Victims that have been...

The Law of Copyright and its Effects on Musical Works in Uganda: A Critique

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Declaration .................................................................................................... .i Approval. ...................................................................................................... ii Dedication ..................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgement .......................................................................................... .iv List of acrony...

Analysis of 'The Law on 'The Rights Of Accused Persons and Their Enforceability In Uganda Case Study Of Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .......................................................................................................................................... ii DEDJ CATION ..................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................

Human Rights Protection and Access to Essential Treatment for People Living With Hiv/Aids in Uganda A Case Study of Makindye Division Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLED...

Tile Efficacy of the Law and Policy on the Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment: Case Study of Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.APPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF CASES vABBREVIATIONSABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTS ixCHAPTER ONE 11.0 General Introduction 11.1 Introduction1.2 Background 31.3 General Economy 61.4 Statement ofthe Problem 61.5 Scope ofthe Problem 71.6 Significance ofthe Study 71.7 Objectives ofthe Study 71.9 Methodology 81.10 Literature Review 8CHAPTER TWO 122.0 Analysis ofthe Regulatory and Institutional Frame Work for Foreign Investment 2.1 Introduction 12ix2.2. The FDI R...

An Analysis of the Legal Regime Under the Computer Misuse Act in Relation to Cyber and Computer Law in Uganda

CHAPTER ONE REPROPOSAL FOR THE RESEARCH TOPIC 1.0 Introduction: The Computer Misuse Act of 20 II was enacted with the intent of providing safety and security of computer (information systems) and electronic transactions. The act in relation to its main purposes of protecting and safeguarding information and other transactions on electronic devices handles crimes of nature not tackled under the Penal Code act Cap 120 by virtue of its enactment in the I 950's. Under the act an electronic devic...

The Consumer Protection and an Examination of the Law and Practice in South Sudan

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vLIST OF CASES viLIST OF STATUTESTABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE1.0 Background of the sludy 11 . 1 Who is a consumer 21.2 Statement of the problem 51.3 General objectives 71.3.lSpecific objectives 71.3.2 Research Questions 71.4 Justifications of the study 71 .5 Metliodolouy.5 1 Area of study1.5.2 Data collection methods s1.5.3 Scope of the study1.5.4 Limitations of the studyvi1.6 Literature review . 1o1....

A Critique Analysis of the Law on Capital Offences and Their Punishments as A Violation of Human Rights (A Case Study of Uganda

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION Death penalty, as a form of capital punishment is the legal infliction of death as penalty for a violation of criminal law .it involves severe trauma and injury on a body to the point where life is extinguished 1 The death penalty is controversial form of punishment throughout the world, which it has been condemned and abolished in many states as a violation of human rights, however in many countries including Uganda it's still form of punishment.

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