Law Research Papers/Topics

Critical Evaluation of Investment Laws in Uganda

TABLE CONTENTSDeclaration ........................................................................................... .iApproval. ............................................................................................. .iiDedication .......................................................................................... iiiAcknowledgments ................................................................................ .ivTable of Contents ..................................................

The Enforcement of Court Orders Over Defilement Cases in Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ................................................................................................................................................ iiApproval .................................................................................................................................................... iiiDedication ................................................................................................................................................. ivA...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration: ............................................................................................................................................ iiiApproval: ............................................................................................................................................... ivAckno\vledgment .................................................................................................................................... vDedication .........


TABLE OF CONTENtSDECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................

A Critical Analysis On Issuance of False Cheques in The Banking Industry and The Law in Uganda, A Case Study of Kampala District

ABSTRACT This Article offers a coherent way of thinking about double jeopardy rules among sovereigns. Its theory has strong explanatory power for current double jeopardy law and practice in both U.S. federal and international legal systems, recommends adjustments to double jeopardy doctrine in both systems, and sharpens nomzative assessment of that doctrine. The Article develops a jurisdictional theory of double jeopardy under which sovereignty signifies independent jurisdiction to make and a...

The Levying of Excise Duty (Sin Tax) and Its Implications: The Case Study of Uganda

GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The need to finance government expenditure in fiscally tight times has many times led to government imposing unusually high taxes. One form of tax commonly used by government in filling the fiscal deficit is excise duty, often referred to as "sin tax". A number of reasons have been given for levying high taxes on selected goods and services: to discourage the consumption of harmful/ undesirable goods; to reduce on the consumption of luxurious goods; and t...

The Right to Education and the Conventions Interpretations in Kenya. A Case Study of Children with Disability in Nairobi County.

CHAPTER ONE .0 Introduction The chapter presents the background, problem statement, purpose, specific objectives, research questions, corresponding hypothesis, scope and significance of the study. Disability means a physical, sensory, mental or other impairment, including any visual, hearing, learning or physical incapability, which impacts adversely on social, economic or environmental participation . . 0 Background Historically disability was viewed as a source of disgrace and shame upon a ...

A Review And Analysis Of Nigeria's Aviation Safety And Security Legislations: The Role Of International Law, The International Civil Aviation Organization And Other International Organization

ABSTRACT ( The growth of civil aviation has seen development in civil aviation technology. Over the years, there have been sedes of attacks at airports and onboard aircrafts which have necessitated the intervention of both international and domestic organs in the bid to repress and suppress such threats to aviation secudty. The intervention has come in forn1 of enacting Conventions, legislations and regulations which contain measures to be put to improve the situation. This study is therefore...

A Critical Analysis Of The Role Of The Office Of The Inspectorate Of Government (I. G) In The Fight Against Corruption In Uganda.

Table of Contents DECLARATION ..................................................................................... i APPROVAL .......................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................... iv CHAPTER ONE .........................................................................

A Review Of The Doctrine Of Preventive Arrest In Relation To The Principle Of Human Rights In Uganda ,A Reflection To Dr.Colonel Kizza Besigye Kifefe

ABSTRACT The study reviews the doctrine of preventive arrest, in relation to the principle of human rights in Uganda. a reflection to Dr. Colonel Kizza Besigye Kiffe. This research aims to examine the negative impact of preventive detention on our society by scrutinizing various leading decisions by the Supreme Court. It also tries to examine the need for amendment of the preventive detention laws of Uganda. Overall, this research provides insight into how the structure of political instituti...

Critical Analysis Of Enforcement Of Pre-trial Rights Of Suspects Under Uganda's Legal Regime. Case Study: Kasese District

ABSTRACT This research paper is a critique of how the rights of suspects are violated. It handles the way police violates rights of suspects from the events of arrest, detention and investigation, that is to say its limited to suspects not the accused. The research proposal contains an introduction, background of the study, statement problem, objective of the study, research questions, scope of the study, limitations, methodology, synopsis and literature review, the domestic and international...

The Impact Of The Laws On Tax Incentives On The Socio-economic Development In Uganda

ABSTRACT The dissertation was undertaken to collect data on The Impact of the Laws on Tax Incentives on the Socio-Economic Development in Uganda. It employed both qualitative and quantitative methods in collection of data; theses were questionnaire/ interview guide and observation. Using sampling/ the research selected 133 respondents out of the 200 targeted population and questionnaire and interview method were used to collect data. The study targeted various classes of stakeholders ranging ...

An Analysis Of The Landlord And Tenant (Business Premises) Act Cap 193 Laws Of Zambia. A Case Study Of Zambia

ABSTRACT The legal system of any country has either a negative or positive impact, one area of investment where the legal system can have impact is real estate. In Zambia a good legal system will strike a balance between property owners or landlords on one hand and tenants on the other hand. The purpose of this study is to critically analyze the applicability and effectiveness of the Landlord and Tenant (Business Premises) Act. The general introduction through to the general conclusions and r...

Access To Criminal Justice In Rural Hard-to-reach Areas In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kalangala District

ABSTRACT Justice Law and Order Sector member agencies, departments and other NonGovernmental Organisations, have played a big role in addressing the issues of access to crime justice in Uganda and more especially the rural however, the problem still exists and the gap is still very big whereby the marginalised and vulnerable groups being disadvantaged by age, gender, history, disability and economic status. These categories have bigger challenges in accessing justice and face discrimination,...

The Refugee And The Right To An Effective Remedy In International Law: A Case Study Of Dadaab, In North Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between the relationship between refugees and state compliance with human rights obligations, and protection of refugees' rights under the international refugee law in Kenya, for this purpose which is to validate and test the existing information about it_ to test the hypothesis of there is no significant relationship between international law and being a refugee. The specific objectives of this study are to determine the effects of protection...

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