Law Research Papers/Topics


Abstract: Nowadays, in Ethiopia, the private business sector and the non-profit sector are becoming more intertwined with one another. The concept of social enterprise (SEs) is one manifestation of this overall pattern. A social enterprise can be broadly defined as businesses that trade for social purposes or addressing social problems. It may set up in forms of non-profit, for-profit, and a hybrid entity form. Such a socially conscious business (social capitalism) is a new horizon of hope f...

Effect of multiple taxation on SMEs in Nigeria

Multiple taxation has been identified as one of the major problems of small businesses in Nigeria, and its effect on the growth and productivity of small businesses are quite alarming as new businesses have high tendencies to stop functioning also, it has greatly affected the compliance rate of such business owners whose profit are taxed more than once by the same taxing authority and for the same purpose. Profitability is the ability of an enterprise to use its resources to generate revenues...

Rape, Law and Politics in Ancient Roman Society

The notorious rapes of Rhea Silvia, the Sabine women, Lucretia, and Livia are documented in Ancient Roman documents. These incidents had a profound impact on Roman history and were recorded throughout the political landscape. These terrifying incidents were interconnected with significant junctures in the political development of Rome, such as the founding of the city, the Republic, and the subsequent attempts at restoration after the turbulent Decemvirate period. This study sheds light on ho...

Public National Security and Refugees Crimes in Kenya: Examining International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and 1951 Refugee Convention in the Defense of Accused Refugees (2011-2019)

Abstract: Refugees have often engaged in criminal activities or compromising situations that often lead them into crimes. Refugee involvement in crime has thus become a key matter within the refugee protection agenda. This is also happening at a time when the issue of human rights protection has also become especially important. The fundamental question has concerned the guarantees that International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and 1951 Refugee Convention accord refugees, especially those accuse...

Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Kenya. A Case Study of Land Conflict Resolution in Migwani Sub-County

Abstract: Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism (ADRM) is a broad term which is used in conflict resolution such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration in conflict management. This study tried to answer the feasibility of ADRM in Kenyan courts and how they needed to be incorporated as an alternative way of solving disputes and conflict in Migwani, Kenya thus reducing the backlog of cases and speeding up the judgments. The thesis purposed to approach and view dispute resol...

Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law: Evaluating Whether Due Process is applied in the Prosecution of Terror Suspects in Kenya (2012-2019)

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to evaluate whether due process is applied in the prosecution of terror suspects in Kenya. Specific objectives included: to examine whether the counterterrorism laws, particularly provisions on the arrest of suspected terrorists follow due process as provided under the Constitution of Kenya, 2010; to evaluate whether counter-terrorism strategies are guided by due process rights and/or crime prevention principles of the criminal justice system; and to as...

A Critical Analysis of the Causes of Child Paid Labour in Uganda. Case Study of Kampala District

ABSTRACT  This research study was undertaken to analyze the causes of child paid labour in Uganda since it is so rampant in Kampala district. The rationale of the study was to raise awareness to policy makers and legislators to come up with appropriate strategies for the purposes of review and reform of the policies and laws on the welfare of the children in Uganda and also to sensitize the entire community about the rights of the child and the children at large. The study identified the dif...

The Protection of the Rights of Women Refugees in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study explores the social construction of women refugees from the perspective of their human rights. To this end, this study examines the development of women refugees’ rights as a category within the human rights discourse. The main assumption of the study is that promoting and improving refugee women’s sexual, reproductive health and other rights in Uganda will contribute to their livelihood security in camps. Refugee women’s special needs are particularly related to the...

Towards the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Uganda (An Analysis of the Implications of the Susan Kugula Case)

ABSTRACT  The researcher embarked on the research topic: An analysis of the implications of the SUSAN KIGULA CASE; The study investigates two issues related to Uganda perception about the abolition of the death penalty and also discusses the implications and imports of the Kigula Case- a special type of ruling on the subject in Uganda. In the researcher’s report there is an introduction of the death penalty and its background in Uganda. The researcher looks at the background in Uganda and ...

Examination of the Impact of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2098 on the Protection of Civilians in North-Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

ABSTRACT  The United Nations Security Council has taken several measures to stabilise the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 1960. Facing so many security issues and civilians’ human rights violations, in 2013 the Resolution 2098 created the Intervention Brigade with the mandate of using all necessary measures to protect civilians. This study intended to examine the impact of the UNSC Resolution 2098(2013) on protection of civilians in North-Kivu, DRC, with the following specific objec...

An Examination of the Law on Deposit Guarantee and Resolution Fund in the Burundian Banking Sector

ABSTRACT  Deposit Insurance schemes are currently recognised by the general consensus as being vital to financial system’s stability by protecting depositors from incurring large losses due to deposit taking institutions’ failures and preventing them from engaging simultaneous withdraws when these institutions’ solvency is questioned; provided that the scheme is well established by a clear legal framework. Burundi also took a significant step toward Deposit Insurance, when in August 20...

A Study of the Legal Framework of Protecting Copyrights in Hargeisa Region of Somaliland

ABSTRACT This study focused on the legal framework of protecting copyrights in Hargesia region in Somaliland. To achieve general objective of the study, five specified objectives were set and these included: The study focused on the legal framework of protecting copyrights in Hargesia region in Somaliland; to examine the international and national historical development of copyrights in Somaliland; to examine the legal framework in place that protects copyright protection in Hargeisa region i...

Save SSA Research 91 PAGES (25161 WORDS) Law Thesis
Combating Terrorism in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Framework.

ABSTRACT Terrorism has been a threat to both the people and of government of Nigeria. The loss of human and material resources is so monumental and set back to the country. The objective of this research is to critically evaluate the legal framework put in place to counter terrorism in Nigeria. The methodology adopted for this research is doctrinal, this enable the researcher examine the mechanism put in place to tackle terrorism and find a means of filling the gap identified. The major findi...

Save SSA Research 114 PAGES (36421 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Implications of the World Trade Organization (Wto) Agreement on Agriculture on Trade and Agricultural Liberalization On Food Security In Uganda

ABSTRACT This study constitutes an analysis of the implication of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture and trade liberalization on food security and realization of the right to adequate food in Uganda. The research was intended amogest other things to establish whether the implementation of the agreement on agriculture (AOA) has facilitated the the achievement for greater food security and promotion of the right to adequate food in Uganda. The promised market access und...

SSA Research 134 PAGES (39177 WORDS) Law Thesis
Poverty And Hiv/Aids As Determinars of Child Labour in Uganda

ABST~~ The most recent study of child labour ~n Uganda of 2008 L~ Ugarda B ~reau of Statistics (UBOS) findings IDoint out several factors inrluding gerder. age parents education status, household income place of residence~ being an orphan, exposure to shocks and being internally displaced persons (IDPs) as determinants of child labour. The study fails to link child labour to poverty eradication and HIV. Hence, the study undermines both poverty and Human Immune Virus/Acquired immune~Deficiency...

SSA Research 101 PAGES (28966 WORDS) Law Thesis

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