TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................... i APPROVAL .............................................................................. ii DEDICATION ......................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................... iv LIST OF ACRONYMS ............................................................. vii LIST OF STATUTES ..................................
ABSTRUCT The study Consumer Protection Law in Uganda: Adequacy of the laws governing consumer protection in Uganda, has been carried out with specific objectives of finding out whether the laws relating to consumer protection in Uganda adequately protect the consumers. This was established by exploring the background and !levelopment of Consumer Protection Law, the different laws relating to consumer protection in Uganda, looking at the rights of the conswners and the different problems face...
ABSTRACT This research set out to examine challenges facing implementation of childrcn·s right to food in Uganda. with Mbale as the case study. The research analyzed the legal basis for children·s right to ltmd both at Municipal and international level. gender roles. control over linancial and physical resources and levels or decision making in the household and the c!Tcct on fullillmcn1 or child rights. ' ' Data was collected from 116 respondents using both qualitati,'C and quantitative m...
ABSTRACT In East Africa, the idea of economic c1ime is a new concept in the legal perspective and has only been recently embraced in the 21" Century. Practically however, economic crimes, and more specifically money laundering, have been taking place for centuries. Among others, weak and poor legal systems and reluctance to enforce the laws has led to the growth of this type of crime. The end result is that East Afi·ica has become a huge hub for illegal drugs, illegal anns and most recently...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv ACI ABBREVIATIONS .......................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... i DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... iii APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. iv DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. v ACK...
ABSTRUCT This research book covers "the protection of the rights ofjuvenile delinquents in Uganda; case study of Kampala District. " Throughout the exploration of this as the area of research, the researcher principally concentrated upon the ambits of juvenile justice, looking at its evolution, progression as well as the structure of the juvenile justice system of late in Uganda 's judicial system. The research further explores the rights of the juvenile offenders enshrined under the na...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Approval .......................................................................................................................... i Declaration ....................................................................................................................... ii Dedication ........................................................................................................................ iii Acknowledgement ..................................................... : .....
The gist of this thesis is that the right to a clean and healthy Environment is a fundamental human right although it is of recent origin. The right is closely related to the concept of human rights namely the dignity inherent to all the members of the human family The right to both an individual right as well as a co!leotive right in the sense that is enforceable by an individual or by a group (collectivities on their own behalf and on behalf of future generations. Many international instrum...
ABSTRACT This report is entitled "legal analysis of labor laws in Uganda". The study was carried out based on three objectives, that is; to identify the various labor laws in Uganda, to establish the current working conditions of employees in Uganda, and to find out how the labor laws are being applied in the Uganda. The study was in form of a descriptive survey, to describe and analyze the condition of the areas being studied as it was at the time. The study population comprised of 300 emplo...
We live in a time marked by unusually rapid modern developments in commerciai Iransacriuu,. This is evidenced by the arrival of sophisticated telecommunications and computer technology, and the globalization of business especially in the area of capital markets and securities. In the global world where e- commerce has become prevalent and tremendous achievements have been made in areas of information technology, communications and the like, there is obvious need to adopt new reforms so a...
ABSTRACT The right to a clean and health environment if often overlooked within the context of discussion on human right. Against this background, this dissertation examines how the right to a clean and healthy environment can be realized and be implemented by Ugandans. Recognition of the constitutional right to a healthy and clean environment can facilitate the implementation and enforcement of environmental laws. This research has demonstrated that the incorporation of the right to a clean ...
Table Of Content CHAPTER 1: ....................................................................••..............................................................................•.......... 9 I :0 INTRODUCTION . ............... ........................................... ... ........................... .. ................................. 9 THE RIGHT T< >A CLEAN, HEALTHY AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT.. ... ........................... .. ................................ 9 1:2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBL...
ABSTRACT The research will trace the evolu tion of the African Union as a successor to the Organization of African Unity in terms of its mandate for conflict prevention, peacekeeping, peacemaking and peace building. I will briefly touch upon the origin of the organisation, its role and mandate on the African continent in e nsuring peace, security and human rights through IS organ the Peace and Security Council and particularly its effo11s in South Sudan. The state of South Sudan is less than...
ABSTRACT Any system or tribunal that exercises judicial power in a democratic society must comply with certain minimum standards for the administration of justice. These standards are embedded in the right to a fair trial which undoubtly is the most important prerequisite for ensuring justice in the adjudication of cases. This dissertation examines the extent to which Uganda's military justice system complies with the right to a fair trial. It is argued that despite attempts at reform, Uganda...