Clinical Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Evaluating Predictive Value of Schistosoma mansoni Prevalence and Infection Intensity in School-Age Children in Estimating Community-Wide Prevalence in Siaya County, Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background Various milestones have been set targeting the elimination of schistosomiasis with the vision of “a world free of schistosomiasis” including the 2020 and 2025 goals. Despite the increased control and prevention efforts, schistosomiasis still affects many people, partly because treatment doesn’t cover all at-risk populations. Preventive chemotherapy (PC), the cornerstone of control interventions is primarily inclined toward school age children (SAC), whos...

The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Conduct Disorder among Children in Dagoretti Girls’ and Kabete Boys’ Rehabilitation Schools.

Abstract: Adolescence stage is when an individual is in the transitional years from a child to and adult. This stage marks the onset of cognitive, physical and emotional changes therefore a very important time for the child as they try to answer the question who they are and who they want to be in future. Parental love care and supervision is very important to the child because they start question rules and defy them at this stage. The manner in which the parent raise their child determines ...