Nursing and Nursing Science Research Papers/Topics

Food Craving And Aversion Among First Time Pregnant Women In Selected Health Facilities In Enugu Metropolis Enugu State

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the food craving and aversion among first time pregnant women in selected health facilities in Enugu metropolis. The objectives of this study were to determine the type of food first time pregnant women crave for or have aversion to, identify their reasons for their specific food craving and aversion, determine the first time pregnant women’s awareness of the implication of food craving and aversion in pregnancy and to identify measures taken by f...

Assessing Barriers To Maintenance Of Cold Chain (Bcg And Measles Vaccines) Among Primary Health Care Workers In Enugu Metropolis

Abstract This study assessed the barriers to maintenance of vaccine cold chain among primary health care workers in Enugu metropolis, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive cross sectional design. From a target population of 267 health workers in health centres in Enugu Metropolis, a sample size of 176 health workers who met the inclusion criteria were selected for this study. Data were collected using two instruments: a 41 item researcher-developed questionnaire used to elicit information...

Complementary And Alternative Medicine Use Among Pregnant Women In Udi Local Government Area Of Enugu State, Nigeria

Abstract This study was designed to obtain information on the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) among pregnant women in Udi LGA of Enugu State. Cross sectional descriptive survey design was used for the study. A sample of 400 pregnant women was systematically drawn from the twenty political wards in Udi Local Government Area (LGA) of Enugu State. Interview administered questionnaire developed by the researcher was the only tool used for data collection. Major findings revea...

Factors Influencing Nurse Students Perceptions On The Implementation Of Competence-Based Education And Training Curriculum Among Diploma Nursing Schools In Tanzania: Analytical Cross-Sectiona

ABSTRACT Background: The Competence-Based Education and Training curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes the complex outcomes of a learning process (knowledge, skills and attitude to be applied by learner). Tanzania adopted and started the implementation of CBET Curriculum among diploma nursing schools since 2008. This study intended to determine the factors influencing nurse students’ perception on implementation of Competence-Based Education and Training curriculum among diploma nursi...

Assessing Socio-Cultural Factors That Still Preserve Female Genital Mutilation Practice Among Women In Selected Rural Communities Of Enugu State

ABSTRACT The study examined the socio-cultural factors that still preserve female genital mutilation practice among women in selected rural communities of Enugu State. Five objectives and two null hypotheses were raised to guide the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. A sample of 419 women aged 15-49 years were drawn from estimated 145,905 women in rural communities in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State using convenient sampling technique. Data were collected...

Predictors Of Substance Use Among Undergraduate University Students: A Cross Sectional Study, Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Background: Substance use in young people is significant public health concerns which need to be understood and addressed. Young adolescent is a period when substance use typically starts and patterns become established (NDARC, 2016). Objective: The study was aimed at determining predictors of substance use among undergraduate university students in Dodoma Municipal. Method: A cross-sectional study design was employed involving undergraduate university students aged from18 years and...


ABSTRACT This study sort to examine the effects of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) on pain intensity (PI), occurrence and control of negative thoughts in response to pain (OCNT) and quality of life (QOL) in breast cancer patients who were experiencing physical pain. A pretest post-test control group quasi- experjmental research design was utilised. Ninety patients with breast cancer who were; experiencing physical pain were randomly assigned to three groups. Experimental group I received ...

Preparing Nurses for the 21st Century: Re-envisioning Nursing Education and Practice in Nigeria

Abstract The paper explores the current situation and future development of nursing education and practice in Nigeria and their influence on health care. This is necessitated due to the significant advances in biomedical science and in the complexity of health care, coupled with observed shortage of nurses and the numerous reports of unsafe and poor quality of patient care, which have served as precursors to the concerns about nursing education and nursing practice in developed parts of the w...

Assessing Psycho-Social Challenges Of Women With Vesico-Vagina Fistula At National Obstetric Fistula Centre, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State

ABSTRACT This study was on the Assessing Psychosocial Challenges of women with Vesico-Vagina Fistula at National Obstetric Fistula Centre, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. Specifically, the three objectives of the study were to; assess how VVF affect the emotional health of patients, determine how the attitude of significant others affect their social health and determine some correlates of VVF among the patients. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Reliability coefficient ...

Choice Of Birthplace And Use Of Birth Attendants Among Child Bearing Women In Akanu, Ohafia Local Government Area, Abia State Nigeria

ABSTRACT Birth place and birth attendants during delivery are crucial factors in reducing maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. This study investigated the choice of birthplace and use of birth attendants during delivery and also the factors influencing these choices among child bearing women in Akanu, Ohafia community of Abia State. The need for this study arose because women attend antenatal clinic during pregnancy but do not come to the health facility to deliver their babies; the...

Factors Influencing Mothers’ Decision To Deliver Outside The Health Facility Where They Booked For Antenatal Care: Phenominological Approach, Bayelsa State.

ABSTRACT Out of health facility delivery is highly challenging and competitive to health facility delivery in many communities in Bayelsa State, as most women continue to engage in the practice. Therefore, the study is to explore in-depth, the factors that influence mothers’ decision to deliver outside health facility where they booked in Bayelsa State. Objectives were to (1) determine personal factors that inform pregnant mother’s decision to deliver outside the health facility of booki...

An Assessment Of Psychosocial Challenges Of The Elderly In Ibagwa-Aka Community, Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area Of Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT. A descriptive survey design was used to assess the Psychosocial Challengesin Ibagwa-aka Community, Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area of Enugu State, South East Nigeria. The specific objectives of the were to: identify the mental challenges of the elderly in Ibagwa-aka community; identify the emotional challenges of the elderly in the community studied and determined the social challenges of the elderly in the area of studied.Validated questionnaire was used to administer the ins...

Factors Restraining Choice Of Nursing As A Career Among Male Sssiii Students In Enugu Urban

ABSTRACT The various institutions offering nursing programmes have continued to witness very low male enrollment while female enrollment continue to increase. This situation created the problem of sex stereotype, gender bias and lack of professional autonomy which could have been addressed if men were well represented in nursing profession. This work therefore was aimed at determining the factors restraining choice of nursing as a career among male SSSIII students in Enugu Urban. The specifi...

Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Care Of The Elderly Patients Among Health Workers In University Of Calabar Teaching Hospital Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT With the global trend towards an increasing aging population, there is a corresponding increase in the health problems associated with elderly population especially in developing Countries including Nigeria. With this increase in the growth of the aging population, the number of people that will need health care will undoubtedly increase, which motivated this study. The study was aimed to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of care of the elderly patients among heal...

Assessing Barriers To Maintenance Of Cold Chain (Bcg And Measles Vaccines) Among Primary Health Care Workers In Enugu Metropolis.

Abstract This study assessed the barriers to maintenance of vaccine cold chain among primary health care workers in Enugu metropolis, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive cross sectional design. From a target population of 267 health workers in health centres in Enugu Metropolis, a sample size of 176 health workers who met the inclusion criteria were selected for this study. Data were collected using two instruments: a 41 item researcher-developed questionnaire used to elicit information...

196 - 210 Of 518 Results