Nursing and Nursing Science Research Papers/Topics

An Educational Programme To Facilitate Reflective Practice For Registered Nurses In Training Hospitals In Windhoek

ABSTRACT  Illness is an evitable part of life for the vast majority of people. The nurses’ reactions to people who are ill or who are in need of health care are influenced and shaped by their own personal qualities, such as sensitivity, understanding and honesty as well as the professional attributes, skills, competencies, attitudes and cognitive abilities necessary for effective practice.   Problems or incidents occurring in clinical settings are often seen as indicators of poor nursing...

Effect Of Facilitation In A Problem-Based Environment On The Meta Cognition, Motivation And Self-Directed Learning In Nursing: A Quasi Experimental Study Among Nurse Students In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study intended to investigate the effect of facilitation in a problem-based environment (FPBE) on metacognition, self-directed learning and learning motivation to undergraduate nurse student in Tanzanian higher learning institutions. It was a quasi-experimental study with quantitative research approach. A purposive sampling technique was employed for achieving a sample size of 401 undergraduate nurse students (interventional = 134 and control = 267). The semi-structured question...

Effect Of Mobile Learning Technology User Behavior On Self-Directed Learning And Academic Performance: A Cross Sectional Study Among Student Nurses In Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The goal of mobile learning technology in nursing education is to inspire student nurses for self–directed learning and to improve academic performance. This study intended to determine the effect of mobile learning technology user behavior on self directed learning and academic performance among student nurses.   Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study with quantitative approach, which involved 418 respondents from four schools of nursing were selected by simple random sampl...

A Psychosocial Educational Program to Facilitate The Reintegration of Incarcerated Women Who Had Dumped Babies And/or Committed Infanticide in Namibia

ABSTRACT Baby dumping and infanticide have become a social phenomenon with severe consequences that are drawing nationwide attention and condemnation in Namibia. Those women who are perpetrating these heinous acts provide numerous motives; such as fathers denying paternity, unemployment, young mothers who still want to continue with school, as well as a lack of awareness about institutional care, foster homes, and formal adoption. These young incarcerated women before and after having dumped...

Intimate Partner Violence And Their Associated Emotional Disorders Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinic At Makole Health Centre – Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Background: IPV is among of the most widespread forms of violence now days, about one third of women murdered worldwide are murdered by their intimate partners. Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and Southern Asia are leading region on IPV worldwide with the prevalence of 37%. About 20% of pregnant women in Dodoma region, Tanzania experienced IPV during pregnancy. This study aims to determine the association between intimate partner violence and their associated among pregnant women at M...

The Association Between Antenatal Attendance And Knowledge On Obstetric Danger Signs Among Postnatal Mothers In Zanzibar: A Community Based Cross-Sectional Study

ABSTRACT Background: Raising awareness of women about obstetric danger signs would improve the early detection of problems and seeking timely obstetric care. This study aimed to determine the association between antenatal attendance and knowledge on obstetric danger signs among postnatal mothers in Zanzibar. Method: It was a community-based cross-section study. A multistage sampling technique was used to select study participants that were postnatal mothers from day 0 up to 42 days. Sample ...

The Role Of Health Belief Theory On The Uptake Of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Among Caregivers Of Children Aged 6 Weeks To 2 Years In Zanzibar: A Cross-Sectional Study

ABSTRACT Background: Health belief theory was developed to assess health behavior of individual through examination of perceptions someone may have towards disease and negative outcomes of certain actions. In relation to vaccine uptake, the theory explains why caregivers reject or accept child disease prevention intervention. Methods: Across sectional study design community based was conducted. Purposively sampling method was used to select region and District based on low uptake of Pneumo...

Factors Affecting Clinical Training of Nursing Students in Selected Nursing Educational Institutions in Ebonyi State of Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that affect clinical training of nursing students in School of Nursing Afikpo in Ebonyi State and Department of Nursing Sciences, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus in Enugu State. Four research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The research design used was descriptive cross-sectional survey method. A face and content validated questionnaire with 34 items was used for the collection of data. Data derived from...

Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Of Patients Regarding Coronary Artery Disease At The Cardiac Clinics In Windhoek, Namibia

ABSTRACT Phenomena such as urbanisation and individual traits such as health literacy, affect people’s exposure and vulnerability to coronary artery disease risk factors. Namibia, as a developing country, is no exception. Although studies have indicated significant effects of predictor variables such as knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on coronary artery diseases, none has been reported in the Namibian context. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the knowledge, ...

Postnatal Care Practices Among Mothers in Three Rural Communities of Yakurr of Cross Rivers State

ABSTRACT Reports show that most maternal deaths occur during the post natal period, yet this is when coverage and programmes of maternal and child health are at their lowest along the continuum of care in the local government, state, country and African region at large. Therefore it is important to investigate postnatal care practices carried out by mothers to reduce the trend. The aim of this is study was to assess postnatal care practices with respect to, perineal wound care, breast-feedin...

A Model To Facilitate Male Partner Involvement In The Reproductive Health Contextin Oshikoto Region Namibia

The overall aim of this study was to develop a model to facilitate male partner involvement in the reproductive health (RH) context in the Oshikoto Region of Namibia. This study was brought about by the fact that male partners do not fully participate in the RH context, because the health system lacks provision for or fails to recognise male involvement and underestimates the active role that male partners could play in the RH of their female partners. As a result some male partners might fee...

An Educational Programme To Facilitate Critical Thinking Of Student Nurses In Namibia

SUMMARY The focus of this study was to develop an educational programme to facilitate the development of critical thinking in student nurses in Namibia. The study was conducted in four phases, beginning with a needs assessment in phase 1 through which the researcher determined the needs of student nurses in terms of critical thinking. The deductive data analysis of phase 1 served as the conceptual framework for the development of an educational programme in phase 2. Phase 2 consisted of the ...

Self-Assessment Programme For Operating Room Professional Nursing Practice In Namibia

ABSTRACT Operating room professional nursing practice is an evolving, ever-changing, clinical, hands-on nursing activity. For professional nurses to stay abreast of these changes they need to assess their clinical performance to improve quality of practice. An adult leaner usually brings her/his life experience to the learning situation. Therefore one can assume that they are problem orientated and are capable of self-directed learning. In this respect adults need to be involved in evaluatin...

Preparation And Support By Nurses To Caregivers Of Children Diagnosed With Cancer In The Northwest Regions Of Namibia

Abstract There have been several complaints that children diagnosed with cancer in the Northwest regions are discharged from the hospital while they are still sick, and that their caregivers are not taught how to take care of these children at home and told what to expect during the disease process. This has brought about a situation where caregivers are not returning their children for follow-up as scheduled and are, in some cases, taking their children to traditional healers. The prevailin...

Experiences Of Men Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer In The Four Northern Regions Of Namibia

ABSTRACT Men diagnosed with prostate cancer have different experiences and express different emotions regarding their diagnosis. In daily conversations, some patients revealed that they were totally surprised by the diagnosis, others expressed that they were in denial, while some anticipated their diagnosis. As a result, a qualitative study aimed at exploring and describing the experiences of men diagnosed with prostate cancer was carried out in the four northern regions: Oshana, Ohangwena, ...

301 - 315 Of 518 Results