ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Kaduna State, Nigeria to explore the perspectives of nurses about the Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Programme (MCPDP). The study used an exploratory descriptive qualitative design to explore and describe the perceptions of registered nurses and midwives in Kaduna State about mandatory continuing professional development programme. Since not much research has been done in Nigeria to elucidate the perspectives of nurses about the various di...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to explore the psychological, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing of stroke survivors. An exploratory, descriptive qualitative design was employed and the Quality of life Model by Betty Ferrell, 1999 was used to guide the study. Participants were purposively sampled and saturation was achieved at the 9th participant. Face-to-face interviews were conducted in-depth and data were analyzed using the thematic content analysis approach. Stroke affected the ph...
ABSTRACT Children are highly valued in the African culture. As a result, women with infertility experience devastating suffering. Women are often left alone to go through the burden and complex decision making process of health seeking because it is seen as a woman’s problem. The main aim of the study is to explore the health seeking behaviour of women with infertility in Sokoto State Nigeria. Explorative descriptive design which is a qualitative approach was employed. Ethical clearance ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to assess pre-hospital management of diarrhoea and factors affecting it among caregivers with children under five at the PML Children Hospital in the Greater Accra Region. Diarrhoea remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children under five at PML Children Hospital despite the undeniable success of interventions such as ORT, appropriate drug therapy, optimal breastfeeding practices over the years. Proper home management can reduce morbid...
ABSTRACT The perception of nurses about the leadership behaviours of their Nurse Managers is essential in determining the kind of leadership behaviours Nurse Managers adopt, what influences these leader behaviours and their effectiveness. This study investigated the leadership behaviours of Nurse Managers as perceived by nurses in the 37 Military hospital Ghana. A quantitative crosssectional approach was used to collect data from 205 nurses who met the inclusion criteria took part in the stud...
ABSTRACT This study investigates knowledge and practices of Tuberculosis infection prevention and control among health workers in Tema General Hospital. Two hundred and twenty nine (229) randomly selected (stratification) health workers were administered a 54-item questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised sections designed to provide relevant information of concern to the study such as knowledge of Tuberculosis infection prevention and control, practices and challenges. Results showed that h...
ABSTRACT Nurses have legal and professional responsibilities toward patients to promote a high standard of care. However, in the course of performing the duty of care owed to the patient, omissions and breaches may result. Nurses ought to have the requisite knowledge about the legal responsibilities to ensure adherence to professional standards. This study sought to assess the perception of nurses about their legal duti...
ABSTRACT Active management of third stage of labour is one of the important strategies for reducing postpartum haemorrhage which is the leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide. In Nigeria, the maternal mortality ratio is as high as 1,500 per 100,000 live births making 10% of the world’s maternal death annually and ranks second globally in the number of maternal death. The aim of this study was to assess midwives on active management of third stage of labour in Osogbo, N...
ABSTRACT Globally, children are believed to have strong value especially among African societies. Therefore, the inability to bear children is a stressful situation that affects women socially, and psychologically, and puts them in a serious life crisis. Women with infertility have different experiences which vary from one country to the other including Nigeria, and that determine their psychosocial health. However, little is known about women`s experiences of infertility in Zamfara state. Th...
ABSTRACT Contraceptive choices that couples make is a key component of the Sustainable Development Goal agenda and a major contributor to national health. In spite of the importance of increased contraceptive uptake among couples of reproductive age, meeting the reproductive health rights of women remains an issue due to multi-faceted obstacles within complex environments. The issues which impact women’s reproductive health rights in relation to contraception relate to availability, accessi...
Antenatal care (ANC) is the care a pregnant woman receives during her pregnancy through a series of consultations with trained health care workers such as midwives, nurses, and sometimes a doctor who specializes in pregnancy and birth. According to the WHO (2014), a teenager (adolescent, youth or young person) is a person aged between thirteen (13) and nineteen (19) years. Thus, a person aged between 13 and 19 years and pregnant can be termed as a pregnant teenager, and in every society, teen...