ABSTRACT Test anxiety is conceived as the hyper-arousal condition that results in physiological, emotional and intellectual changes that prevent the effective use of the previously learned information while taking an examination. It is composed of “worry” which a cognitive anxiety related with performance and “emotionality” the arousal of autonomic nervous system in evaluative situations (Morris & Liebert 1970 in Ndirangu 2009). Examination performance is the grade point or scores obt...
ABSTRACT 6 This descriptive study assessed the palliative care needs of HIV-positive clients in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi, Anambra State. Identification of these needs, will help the health care-givers to plan on approach(es) that can be implemented to improve the quality of lives of the clients. Population of study was 4119 confirmed adult HIV-positive clients that were registered and access health services at NAUTH as of the time of the study. A sample of 387 clients...
ABSTRACT The importance of skilled birth attendants in the reduction of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality worldwide cannot be over-emphasized. The midwives service scheme was established by the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) in collaboration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria in 2009 to achieve reduction in maternal, newborn and under-five mortality in Nigeria, especially in rural communities. The purpose of the study was to determine how mo...
ABSTRACT Premarital sickle cell screening is a test done to screen intending couples in order to determine their genotype before marriage. This study investigated the knowledge and attitude of adult students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), Awka as correlate of adherence to premarital sickle cell screening. A cross sectional descriptive research design was used for the study. A sample size of 370 adult students was drawn from an estimated population of 10,400 through a proportional, strati...
ABSTRACT Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a neurological assessment tool that gives a reliable, objective way of recording the level of conscious state of a person. Assessment of consciousness level is considered a primary action of health care practitioners, including nurses, who care for the patients with neurological or neurosurgical problems. Growing evidence suggests that problem is encountered when completing some aspect of the GCS with the potential for performing an incorrect assessment. T...
ABSTRACT The study determined the socio demographic differences in multiple risk taking behaviour patterns among secondary school adolescents in Enugu urban. Six (6) objectives and five (5) hypotheses were set to guide the study. Relevant literatures were reviewed to enhance the theoretical background of the study. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 422 respondents, who met the inclusion criteria, was used for the study. A convenience sampling technique was ...
ABSTRACT The study examined the association between complementary feeding and the growth of infants in Onitsha, Anambra State. The objectives were to identify the types of complementary feeds mothers give their babies in Onitsha, determine the differences in the weight of infants fed with different types of complementary feed, determine the differences in the length of infants fed with different types of complementary feed and determine the difference in the weight of infants introduced to co...
Abstract Chronic illness is the term used to describe diseases which have non-reversible pathological condition that cannot be corrected by medical intervention. Examples include sickle cell disease, cancer, Aids, bronchial asthma among others. Many children are affected by chronic illness and cared for in the homes. The diagnosis of chronic illness in a child evokes a lot of influences on the dynamics of both immediate and extended families. This study investigated the influence of a child�...
ABSTRACT This study investigated terminally ill patients’ opinion on communication of prognostic information by healthcare providers. It specifically determined the views of terminally ill patients on what healthcare providers communicated to them about their prognosis; which of the healthcare providers that communicates prognostic information to terminally ill patients; the condition under which healthcare providers communicate prognostic information to terminally ill patients and ascertai...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of patient teaching among nurses working in selected tertiary health institutions in Enugu. The objectives of the study were to determine the nurses’ knowledge of patient teaching, attitude towards patient teaching and practice of patient teaching. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used for the study in two tertiary health institutions in Enugu. Simple random sampling technique was used to se...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the maternal health care seeking behaviour and pregnancy outcome of pregnant women in two rural communities in Enugu State. The objectives of study were to: (i) determine the gestational age at which pregnant women book for Antenatal Care(ANC) in Udi and Abiacommunities, (ii)determine how often pregnant women attend Antenatal Care(ANC)during the third trimester, (iii) ascertain the facilities utilized by pregnant women with complications for c...
ABSTRACT Traditional Birth Attendants are traditional, independent non-formally trained and community based provider of care during pregnancy, labour and post partum period. Despite the important role TBAs play, some of their services and practices are very crude and ineffective. This analytical descriptive survey was therefore carried out to investigate the services and practices of TBAs in selected communities of Southern Ijaw local government area of Bayelsa State. The study population com...
ABSTRACT Men involvement in family planning would increase its recognition, acceptance and practice by people especially within the rural communities. This is because in rural communities in Nigeria including Enugu, men are still the gate keepers in our families who control power and major decision making. Some of them decide whether their wives will practice family planning or not and the methods to be adopted. This implies the men seem to have the finally say on the number of children the f...
ABSTRACT The study examined the infant care practices adopted by mothers in the rural communities of Udi Local Government Area of Enugu state. The objectives of the study were to determine the infant feeding, hygiene/cleanliness maintenance, umbilical cord care, warmth maintenance and health/care-seeking practices adopted by the mothers in the area as well as compare the adequacy of performances by the mothers across the different infant care practices and the association between their adopti...
Abstract This study was on prevalence and treatment outcome of pulmonary tuberculosis in Eku referral Hospital, Delta State. The objectives of the study were to find out the achievement of the state target within the five year period reviewed, ascertain the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the hospital, during the period reviewed, and determine the treatment outcome of the patients within the period.A retrospective research design was employed for the study. The entire pulmonary tuberc...