ABSTRACT With the global trend towards an increasing aging population, there is a corresponding increase in the health problems associated with elderly population especially in developing Countries including Nigeria. With this increase in the growth of the aging population, the number of people that will need health care will undoubtedly increase, which motivated this study. The study was aimed to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of care of the elderly patients among heal...
Abstract This study assessed the barriers to maintenance of vaccine cold chain among primary health care workers in Enugu metropolis, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive cross sectional design. From a target population of 267 health workers in health centres in Enugu Metropolis, a sample size of 176 health workers who met the inclusion criteria were selected for this study. Data were collected using two instruments: a 41 item researcher-developed questionnaire used to elicit information...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed at assessing the retirement preparedness among civil servants in State Health Board, Enugu. Four objectives and three hypotheses guided the study. A prospective descriptive survey design was used and the population of the study was 82 civil servants retiring between 2016 –2020 and they constituted the subject of the study. Responses were elicited from respondents using researcher’s developed questionnaire. The instrument was validated using face and content v...
ABSTRACT This study evaluated the Maternal Mortality and Perceived Challenges among Midwives at Midwives Service Scheme facilities in Benue State. The objectives of the study were to determine the recorded number of women that delivered at these facilities before and during the implementation of MSS between 2006 and 2014, the maternal mortality recorded in the MSS facilities before and during the implementation of MSS (2006 to 2009 and 2010 to 2014 respectively), the causes of maternal morta...
ABSTRACT Premarital sickle cell screening is a test done to screen intending couples in order to determine their genotype before marriage. This study investigated the knowledge and attitude of adult students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), Awka as correlate of adherence to premarital sickle cell screening. A cross sectional descriptive research design was used for the study. A sample size of 370 adult students was drawn from an estimated population of 10,400 through a proportional, strati...
ABSTRACT Reports show that most maternal deaths occur during the post natal period, yet this is when coverage and programmes of maternal and child health are at their lowest along the continuum of care in the local government, state, country and African region at large. Therefore it is important to investigate postnatal care practices carried out by mothers to reduce the trend. The aim of this is study was to assess postnatal care practices with respect to, perineal wound care, breast-feedin...
ABSTRACT Teaching and learning activities are interesting when audio visual aids are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom teaching situation. A well planned and imaginative use of audiovisual aids in lessons should do much to banish apathy, and give students something practical to see and do, and at the same time helping to train them to think things out themselves. This study was carried out to investigate the availability and utilization of audio visual aids among the nurse educ...
ABSTRACT Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a neurological assessment tool that gives a reliable, objective way of recording the level of conscious state of a person. Assessment of consciousness level is considered a primary action of health care practitioners, including nurses, who care for the patients with neurological or neurosurgical problems. Growing evidence suggests that problem is encountered when completing some aspect of the GCS with the potential for performing an incorrect assessment. ...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to determine prevalence and patterns of Psychoactive Substance use among Senior Secondary School Students in Dala Local Government Area (LGA), Kano State Nigeria. The study adopted a cross sectional descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling procedure was used to select two Secondary Schools out of the ten Government Senior Secondary School in Dala LGA, of Kano State. Both Schools have a combined population of 2293 students made up 1202 boys and 1096 gi...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess knowledge, practice and factors influencing birth preparedness and complication readiness among couples in selected rural communities in Oji River. The objectives of the study were to determine knowledge of birth preparedness and complication readiness among couples in the communities studied, couple’s practice of birth preparedness and complication readiness, identify factors that hinder couples practices of birth preparedness and complication...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the knowledge and practice of screening tests for breast and cervical cancers among women in Uyo. Four specific objectives and corresponding research questions and hypotheses were used in the study. A descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted for the study. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 420 women aged 18 to 50 years from a population of 5,860. The data collected were analyzed using the International Business Machi...
ABSTRACT The study examined the toilet facilities of the public primary schools in Enugu Urban. The objectives of the study were to determine the availability of toilet facilities, types, sanitary conditions and utilization practices in the primary schools. The target population of study was teachers and pupils (primary 4 to 6) of public primary schools in Enugu urban. Sample size were 658 (379 pupils and 279 teachers) Instrument used for data collection were self developed questionnaire and ...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of patient teaching among nurses working in selected tertiary health institutions in Enugu. The objectives of the study were to determine the nurses’ knowledge of patient teaching, attitude towards patient teaching and practice of patient teaching. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used for the study in two tertiary health institutions in Enugu. Simple random sampling technique was used to s...
ABSTRACT Avoidable maternal mortality remains a huge burden more especially in sub-Sahara Africa. Expectant mothers are faced with life threatening complication which a birth preparedness and complication readiness plan helps to actively avoid. When a woman is adequately prepared for normal childbirth and possible complications, she is more likely to access the skilled and prompt care she needs to protect her overall health and possibly save her life and that of her baby. The study assessed ...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the knowledge of breast cancer and early detection measures of reverend sisters in Anambra State. Eight objectives and eight research questions were raised to guide the study. Cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used. A sample size of 324 respondents was drawn from an estimated population of 794 sisters of the various congregations living in communities located in Anambra State through stratified, proportionate and convenient sampling techniques. Data w...