ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of health education on hygiene practices of food vendors in public secondary schools at Oshimili south local government area in Delta state. The purpose of the study is to assess the practice of food hygiene and effect of health education on hygiene practices of food vendors in the schools. The Quasi-experimental design (one group pretest & Post test) was used for the study. The total population of 54 food vendors in five public secondary schools at Osh...
ABSTRACT Test anxiety is conceived as the hyper-arousal condition that results in physiological, emotional and intellectual changes that prevent the effective use of the previously learned information while taking an examination. It is composed of “worry” which a cognitive anxiety related with performance and “emotionality” the arousal of autonomic nervous system in evaluative situations (Morris & Liebert 1970 in Ndirangu 2009). Examination performance is the grade point or scores ob...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the socioeconomic factors as determinants of the quality of Life of diabetic patients in NAUTH. Some research questions and hypotheses were set to guide the study. A cross sectional correlation research design was adopted for the study. A sample of 226 respondents was drawn from the target population of 520 diabetic patients in NAUTH using Taro Yamane formula. Purposive sampling technique was used to choose NAUTH as the only Teaching Hospital t...
ABSTRACT Reports show that most maternal deaths occur during the post natal period, yet this is when coverage and programmes of maternal and child health are at their lowest along the continuum of care in the local government, state, country and African region at large. Therefore it is important to investigate postnatal care practices carried out by mothers to reduce the trend. The aim of this is study was to assess postnatal care practices with respect to, perineal wound care, breast-feedin...
Abstract People Over Time, Have Devised Various Techniques For Communicating Their Thoughts, Needs And Desires To Others In Every Aspect Of Life. The Emergence Of Ict Has Affected All Aspects Of Human Life, Including Education At All Levels. Ict Knowledge, Accessibility And Use Are Linked With Higher Efficiency And Higher Productivity. Undergraduate Nursing Students And Their Teachers Occupy A Central Position In Both Educational And Health Care Systems Of Any Country. This Study Was Carried...
ABSTRACT Diabetes is a chronic life- long illness that affects the quality of life, requiring close monitoring and control. Diabetics have high risk for high economic burden (direct and indirect health costs) and catastrophic expenditure where healthcare costs are paid out of pocket. This study determined the economic burden and assessed the payment strategies and payment coping mechanisms of type 2 diabetic patients attending Out- Patient Department of Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Umuahia, ...
ABSTRACT Globally, a persistent negative attitude and social rejection of people with mental illness has prevailed throughout history in every social and religious culture. Having a mental health problem often stimulates with it a negative attitude, and such negative attitudes towards the mentally ill constitute great burden. This study aimed at assessing the attitude of nursing students towards the mentally ill before and after psychiatry training experience in Federal Neuro-psychiatric Hos...
Abstract This study was aimed at determining the extent to which University Matriculation Examinations (UME) - now Unified Tertiary Institutions Matriculation Examinations (UTME) score predicted students’ final grades in four departments (Nursing Sciences, Medical Radiography and Radiological Sciences, Medical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Rehabilitation Sciences) of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. A non experimental, retrospective corr...
ABSTRACT Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of worldwide preventable morbidity and mortality. Globally certain risk factors have been found to account for up to 90% of cardiovascular disease and a large percentage are preventable through the reduction of the modifiable risk factors. However it is reported that there are millions of people with undiagnosed cardiovascular disease risk factors who are not being managed to prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. A qualitative...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to comparatively assess patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurse caring behaviours in Jos University Teaching hospital (JUTH) and Plateau State Specialist Hospital (PSSH) Jos. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was employed to study 332 patients and nurses. No sampling was done as all the subjects who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Data were collected using a modified Caring Behavior Assessment questionnaire (CBA-Q...
ABSTRACT Nursing services are undergoing many changes due to technological changes, increased health demand and morbidities due to non-communicable disease, malnutrition and maternal health complication. This trend necessitates regular review of curriculum to address all emerging issues. The study evaluated CBET curriculum in improving nurse students’ knowledge and skill in Zanzibar Nursing Training Institution. It, specifically, sought to assess the level of knowledge among nurse stu...
ABSTRACT Background: Injecting drug use has created a major international public health problem where on average 6 million people are injecting drugs worldwide. This study aimed to explore the potential of bridging the HIV infection from injection drug users (IDUs) through sexual networks to the general population in Zanzibar. Seek to understand the interplay between injection drug use, sexual behavior and the epidemiological shift in the transmission of HIV infection between key population ...
ABSTRACT The study determined the socio demographic differences in multiple risk taking behaviour patterns among secondary school adolescents in Enugu urban. Six (6) objectives and five (5) hypotheses were set to guide the study. Relevant literatures were reviewed to enhance the theoretical background of the study. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 422 respondents, who met the inclusion criteria, was used for the study. A convenience sampling technique was ...
ABSTRACT Several authorities and researchers have carried out studies around academic performance of students. The reviewed works showed that academic performance of students have been an issue of concern to all stakeholders in the field of education. It was noted from the reviewed works that there are several interacting factors to academic performance which study habit is one of them. The purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between study habit and the academic performance of...