ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that affect clinical training of nursing students in School of Nursing Afikpo in Ebonyi State and Department of Nursing Sciences, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus in Enugu State. Four research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The research design used was descriptive cross-sectional survey method. A face and content validated questionnaire with 34 items was used for the collection of data. Data derived from...
The overall aim of this study was to develop a model to facilitate male partner involvement in the reproductive health (RH) context in the Oshikoto Region of Namibia. This study was brought about by the fact that male partners do not fully participate in the RH context, because the health system lacks provision for or fails to recognise male involvement and underestimates the active role that male partners could play in the RH of their female partners. As a result some male partners might fee...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was twofold. Firstly to explore and describe the utilization of the Nursing Process by registered nurses in local level Primary health care practice in Namibia with regard to Primary health care delivery during their daily practices and secondly, to develop strategies that would support registered nurses in executing their role and function in this regard. These were prompted by the implementation of a Primary health care approach to health care delivery in...
ABSTRACT Appropriate feeding practices are of fundamental importance for the survival, growth, development, health and nutrition of infants and children but the transmission of HIV via breastmilk has led to various recommendations for the HIV positive mothers. This study was carried out to investigate predictors of infant feeding practices among HIV positive mothers enrolled in PMTCT services at a tertiary hospital in Enugu. A cross sectional descriptive design was used for the study. From a...
ABSTRACT Malaria in pregnancy is a very serious obstetric problem that has severe negative effects on maternal health and birth outcomes. Avoiding contact with mosquitoes, the vectors for Malaria, by use of insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) can prevent or reduce malaria load. A recent synthesis of data from national malaria control programmes has shown that levels of knowledge and utilization of ITNs by pregnant women in many sub-Saharan African countries remain far below national an...
ABSTRACT Globally, a persistent negative attitude and social rejection of people with mental illness has prevailed throughout history in every social and religious culture. Having a mental health problem often stimulates with it a negative attitude, and such negative attitudes towards the mentally ill constitute great burden. This study aimed at assessing the attitude of nursing students towards the mentally ill before and after psychiatry training experience in Federal Neuro-psychiatric H...
Abstract Chronic neurological conditions impose psychosocial problems on caregivers. The objective of this study was to survey and describe caregivers’ psychosocial experiences; beliefs and effects neurological illness have on the family and social life. A purposive sample of 160 parents enrolled using a standard questionnaire to obtain socio-demographic information, beliefs and psychosocial experiences. Data analysis demonstrated that mean stress reported by the caregivers was 69.7 and sta...
ABSTRACT Substance abuse is a maladaptive use of a drug, resulting in impairment of functioning or distress, as manifested by a failure to perform adequately at home, school or work. In Nigeria, a large number of the population mostly the youth buy drugs without any physician‟s prescription. The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of the youth on the substances they abused in Gawon Nama area of Sokoto, Sokoto state, Nigeria. An exploratory descriptive qualitative design was use...
Abstract Chronic neurological conditions impose psychosocial problems on caregivers. The objective of this study was to survey and describe caregivers’ psychosocial experiences; beliefs and effects neurological illness have on the family and social life. A purposive sample of 160 parents enrolled using a standard questionnaire to obtain socio-demographic information, beliefs and psychosocial experiences. Data analysis demonstrated that mean stress reported by the caregivers was 69.7 and sta...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the patient‘s perception about the causes of mental illness. The study was done at Zauro General Hospital Kebbi State Nigeria. An exploratory- descriptive design within the qualitative paradigm was used. In-depth one-on-one interview with thirteen (13) participants between the ages of 30-54 years old. All participants consented to participate and they were used purposively sampled. No form of coercion was used to attract or retain them. The ...
ABSTRACT Job satisfaction has been a recurring problem amongst nurses in Nigeria. As such, unfavorable working conditions are compounding problems of shortage and anticipated turnover among the Nigerian nursing workforce. Competent and skilled nurses are emigrating in search of better remunerations, better standards of living, gaining experiences, and upgrading qualifications. The resilient nurses practicing in Nigeria regardless of unfavourable conditions are exposed to work related stresses...
ABSTRACT Adherence to tuberculosis (TB) medication has a paramount significance to the management of patients with tuberculosis. Researchers have considerably developed an interest to explore various aspects that yielded information about TB medication adherence. Determinants of TB medication adherence are considered factors that could prevent or enable patients to either adhere or default to the treatment. This study, therefore, sought to explore the determinants among patients with TB at So...
ABSTRACT This study addressed the problem of stigma and discrimination (SAD) exhibited by nurses against patients living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). The study was conducted among nurses in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) in the Western Region of Ghana. It measured the prevalence of HIV and AIDS related stigma and discrimination (HARSAD) among the nurses, assessed their knowledge of HARSAD and examined the influence of their knowledge and personal characteristics on their perp...
ABSTRACT Men who had prostatectomy are confronted with several negative health issues, some of which include pain, fatigue, sexual and urinary dysfunctions among others. The purpose of the study was to explore the wellbeing of men post prostatectomy in the Ho municipality in the Volta region of Ghana. The Quality of Life Model Applied to Cancer by Betty Ferrell (1995) was the organizing framework for this study. A qualitative exploratory descriptive design was employed. A purposive sampling t...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore how nurses perceive continuity of patient care at the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, Winneba. The study looked at nursing documentation, communication and teamwork and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research at the University of Ghana. The study adopted a qualitative exploratory descriptive design and purposive sampling method was used to recruit participants. Data were collected by...