Physician Assistant Studies Research Papers/Topics

Investigating the Annual and Semi-Annual Variations of Geomagnetic Field Components in the Northern Hemisphere

Abstract A study of the ever present ring current on the geomagnetic field strength is used to determine the annual and semi-annual geomagnetic activity variation and validate Russell-McPherron hypothesis. The D, H and Z geomagnetic field component mean monthly and yearly field strength in ten (10) geomagnetic observatories at different geomagnetic longitude were employed. Six parameters representing annual (Ddiff, Hdiff and Zdiff) and monthly (ddiff, hdiff and zdiff) residuals of the geomagn...

Exposure to Occupational Health Hazards Among Clinical and Non Clinical Staff at The 37 Military Hospital

ABSTRACT The specific objective of the study was to evaluate exposure to occupational health hazards among clinical and non-clinical staffs at the 37 military hospital. The study design was cross sectional. A sample size of fifty (50) respondents was selected for the study. The main instrument for the study was a questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that, infection through fluids (92.0%), infection through the skin (82.0%), exposure to viruses (80.0%), infection through droplets ...