Radiology Research Papers/Topics

Occult metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma masquerading as a soft tissue sarcoma of the gluteal region

ABSTRACT This is a case of an occult follicular thyroid carcinoma in a 61 year old civil servant presenting with bony metastasis to the left iliac bone twenty years after an initial subtotal thyroidectomy. There was a soft tissue mass with associated cup shaped lytic detruction of the iliac bone and on ultrasound scan the mass was found to be of mixed echogenicity and areas of sonolucencies which were due to necroses. At autopsy, the thyroid gland appeared macroscopically within normal limits...

A case of adrenal myelolipoma mimicking' pheocromocytoma

ABSTRACT A 34 year-old hypertensive para 2 + 0 (I alive) woman. was found to have right suprarenal mass during routine ante-natal investigation. The suprarenal mass. which was initially diagnosed as phaeochromocytorna was excised and was found .at histology to be myelolipoma! The radiological investigations and appearances (compared with phaeochromocytoma where necessary) have been discussed. The complications. differential diagnoses and treatment were also mentioned.

Entrance Surface Dose from Pediatric Diagnostic X-ray Examinations in a Developing World Setting: Are We 'ALARA Principle' Compliant?

Background: Radiation protection in paediatric radiology requires special attention than in adult because children are mare sensitive to radiation and at higher risk. This risk is explained by the longer life expectancy in children which allows for harmful effects of radiation to manifest and their developing organs and tissues being more sensitive to radiation. Hence, the need for determination of appropriate radiation dose for paediatric patients. Aims: To estimate entrance skin dose (ESD)...

Radiologists join to implement pediatric imaging training, education and outreach in Nigeria

Children younger than 14 years account for 44% of the Nigerian population of mole than 170 million people. There are fewer than 500 board certified general radiologists to provide quality imaging services to the 75 million children making the radiologic contrbution to their care suboptimal.

Baseline chest radiographic features among antiretroviral therapy naive human immuno-deficiency virus positive children in a pediatric care program

ABSTRACT Background: Pulmonary diseases are commonly seen in children with HIV infection, and their etioiogy is often' unclear. The-radioloqical appearances of these conditions are often non-specific. Conventional radiographs play an important role in the management of chest conditions especially in resource poor settings. Objective: This retrospective study was carried out to determine the chest radiographic pattern in children with HIV infection. Materials and Methods: The baseline chest X-...

Imaging of congenital diaphragmatic hernias

Abstract Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are complex and life-threatening lesions that are not just anatomic defects of the diaphragm, but represent a complex set of physiologic derangements of the lung, the pulmonary vasculature, and related structures. Imaging plays an increasingly important role in the care of these infants. Prenatal sonography and MRI have allowed early and accurate identification of the defect and associated anomalies. These tools have also been the key to defining the...

Radiographers’ Experiences of Stress and Methods of Coping: a Content Analytic Phenomenologic Study

Abstract Stress has the potential to discourage radiographers from practice and to cause brain drain in the profession. The aim of this study was to consider stress, from a holistic perspective, of the radiographers’ experiences. Qualitative research methods were employed. Using random sampling, 10 radiographers, two from each of the five states of southeastern Nigeria were interviewed. The interview questions aimed to explore the experience of radiographers with a focus on the causes of ...

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