Geography Research Papers/Topics

An Investigation Into The Effectiveness Of Teacher Turnover In The Subject Of Geography: A Case Study Of Kutama Day High School

TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………………..i Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………………ii Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………….…iii Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………………iv Table of contents………………�...

Rooting Strategies Of Savanna Shrubs In The Kalahari Basin: Implications For The Coexistence Of Woody And Herbaceous Plants And Shrub Encroachment In The African Savannas

Abstract The savanna biomes are characterised by a coexistence of two antagonist – woody plants and herbaceous plants in defiance of competition theories. Scientific efforts to understand this unique coexistence are still largely inconclusive; various theories have been proposed, but no unanimous theoretical framework exists to date. Among these theories, the root niche-partitioning model offers the most popular, yet the most controversially debated viewpoint. It argues that this coexistenc...

An Assessment Of Spatio-Temporal Impact Of Two-Wheeled Public Transport Operations In Metropolitan Lagos

ABSTRACT It has been asserted that unconventional modes of public transport in the third world cities flourish because of increasing

A Study On Handicrafts As A Pro-Poor Tourism Development Strategy In Four Craft Villages In Ashanti Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines handicraft production and the effects of local and global spatio-temporal changes on craft production and craft-based livelihoods in the Ashanti region of Ghana. It also investigates the coping and survival mechanisms craftspeople have adopted to overcome production difficulties and poverty. The study is philosophically grounded in cultural geography (cultural globalisation). Using the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, Value Chain analysis. Participatory Wealth ...

Informal Food Vending In Okuryangava, Windhoek: Entrepreneurial Knowledge Enhancement Strategies And Aspirations Of The Self-Employed

Abstract This empirical study in application-oriented Human Geography examined conditions of entrepreneurial knowledge and skill enhancement strategies practiced by informal food vendors in Windhoek’s Okuryangava suburb, which are apparently required for the achievement of individual aspirations such as socio-economic resilience. Against the analysis framework of the ‘Street Vendors Success and Knowledge Gap’, the research focused on two components, namely the Social and the Human Capit...

Land Reform In Namibia Spatial Analysis And Land Degradation In The Otjozondjupa Region

ABSTRACT In Namibia, the land question remains high on the agenda of Government, which is implementing a land reform programme since 1995. The reform attempts the correction of inherited imbalances in the access to land in order to alleviate poverty and dependency. The research was guided by the theoretical framework known as 'decoloniality'; and configured around the concept of land tenure structure, considered as a central element of any agrarian system. The subject has been widely investig...

An Assessment Of Built-Up Expansion In Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

ABSTRACT This research project is an assessment of built-up expansion in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto from 2007 to 2015. Data for this research project was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary source of data include field observation, interview and satellite imageries. While secondary data include relevant published materials such as textbooks, journal articles, dissertations, reports, and the internet. The method used is satellite image processing, image clas...

Seasonal Variation Of Tsetse Fly Species Abundance And Prevalence Of Trypanosomes In The Maasai Steppe, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tsetse flies, the vectors of trypanosomiasis, represent a threat to public health and economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite these concerns, information on temporal and spatial dynamics of tsetse and trypanosomes remain limited and may be a reason that control strategies are less effective. The current study assessed the temporal variation of the relative abundance of tsetse fly species and trypanosome prevalence in relation to climate in the Maasai Steppe of Tanzania in 2014-2015. ...

An Investigation Into Informal Cross-Border Trading At The Rundu-Calais Urban Bridgehead

ABSTRACT This study was conducted at Sarusungu Border Post, a socio-economic conduit at Rundu-Calais Bridgehead in Kavango East Region. The research investigated Informal Cross Border trade patterns, pro-poor benefits and hindrances of Informal Cross Border Trade (ICBT). The investigation used a qualitative approach in form of semi-structured interviews and field observation. The study had a sample of 55 participants consisting of informal traders, money exchangers, border officials and key ...

Development Of Mining Settlements In Namibia: An Investigation Into Prospects For Rosh Pinah, Klein Aub And Tsumeb

ABSTRACT The dissertation examined the development and potential prospects of three diverse mining settlements in Namibia - Rosh Pinah, Klein Aub, and Tsumeb. It is a case study in settlement, geography aiming to investigate problem areas and their potential the solution towards sustaining people-centred urban stability, growth and development, linked to the assistance of private-public local and regional development planning in an environment of global mining competition. The integrative li...

The Effect of Bush Clearing on Soil Restoration in North Central Namibia: Cheetah Conservation Funds And Erichsfelde

ABSTRACT  Changes in vegetation or land use that affects soil respiration are a major concern for global climate change. Bush clearing in north-central Namibia has been used as a solution to problems of bush encroachment. However, the effect of bush clearing on soil processes, such as the carbon cycle and soil CO2 efflux has not yet been quantified in Namibia. The main aim of this study was to determine and compare the amount of soil respiration between the cleared and uncleared sites at dif...

Impact Of Tourism On The Landscape And Vegetation Along Tourist Roads In Etosha National Park, Namibia

ABSTRACT Management of tourism-based protected areas often presents challenges in balancing biodiversity conservation and tourism development. Thus, understanding the interaction of related socio-ecological systems is essential for conservation. This study assessed how tourist roads, being part of tourism infrastructural development, impacts on the conservation efforts in the Etosha National Park, one of Namibia’s hotspot for biodiversity conservation and visitor attractions. For empirical...

An Evaluation Of Human Development Through Renewable Energy Provision In An Offgrid Tsumkwe Settlement Area Of Otjozondjupa Region In Namibia

ABSTRACT Provision of electricity in rural areas enhances the achievement of economic and social development objectives. A photovoltaic mini-grid in the Tsumkwe Settlement Area of Namibia was established to enhance human and community development in the sparsely populated rural areas of Namibia to alleviate poverty. The impact that the mini-grid has had on the target beneficiaries has not been fully quantified and qualified. This study evaluated, and documents such impacts, thus facilitating...

Understanding The Spatial Dynamics Of Informal Settlements A Spatial Analysis Case Study Of Oohambo Dha Nehale In The City Of Windhoek

ABSTRACT Informal settlements expansion and development continues to be a problem for the government and urban planners. Understanding spatial dynamics of informal settlements may therefore be a key for future success in their effective management. This research explores the possibilities offered by the advancement in GeoInformation science and spatial analysis to improve the understanding of informal settlement spatial dynamics. A geographical information system (GIS) was used to analyse th...

Flood Risk Perceptions And Coping Strategies Of Residents In The Kabbe Constituency Of The Zambezi Region (Namibia)

ABSTRACT This empirical study was conducted in the Kabbe Constituency of the Zambezi Region which is inundated by recurrent floods of varying magnitudes each year. The flood risk perceptions and coping strategies used by the indigenous residents have not been given much academic attention. Although the flood mitigation approaches applied in the Kabbe Constituency seemingly ameliorate the disastrous impacts, they have proved inadequate. This study used 150 unstructured interviews and field st...

106 - 120 Of 248 Results