Geography Research Papers/Topics

Teachers’ perceptions on the use of models in the teaching and learning of geography in gweru urban high schools.

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish teachers’ perceptions on the use of Geographical models in the teaching and learning of Geography in Gweru urban high schools. The study adopted the descriptive survey design which enabled the researcher to collect data through the use of personally distributed questionnaires, personal interviews and observation. The design helped the researcher to elicit valuable knowledge about opinions, attitudes and views on the use of models in teaching Geography...

An Assessment Of Government Effort On The Provision Of Portable Water Supply In Bida Local Government Area Of Niger State

ABSTRACT In this study attempt was made to asses government effort in the provision of portable water water supply in Bida local government area. The study investigates the extent and condition of water supply as well as source of portable water in the study area. However, in the course of the study, questionnaire was developed and used to generate data. The data obtain from the administration of questionnaire was presented and analyzed using both descriptive and influential statistics. The s...

The Socio-Economic Impact Of Zobe Dam On It’s Neighbouring Environment

ABSTRACT This research work examines the socio-economic impact of Zobe Dam on its neighboring environment. Specific objectives includes how the construction of the dam has brought about changes in farming techniques, their standard of living and its potential contribution to the overall development of the area. The problem hinges on how the construction of dam has triggered changes in farming techniques in the area. The proposed hypothesis (Ho) that: there is no relationship between Zobe Dam ...

An Assessment Of Built-Up Expansion In Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

ABSTRACT This research project is an assessment of built-up expansion in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto from 2007 to 2015. Data for this research project was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary source of data include field observation, interview and satellite imageries. While secondary data include relevant published materials such as textbooks, journal articles, dissertations, reports, and the internet. The method used is satellite image processing, image clas...

Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Collection And Disposal For Lokoja, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Waste accumulation in developing world cities has become common sights in recent times. Management of solid waste has been one of the challenges facing urban areas in the world owing to an aggregation of human settlements and increased consumption thereof that has the potential to produce a large amount of solid waste. The situation is further compounded with the failure of some cities in setting up an effective waste collection system. The aim of this study is to develop an effect...

Heavy Metal Concentrations Around Some Selected Major Dumpsite (GOSA AND MPAPE) in The FCT, NIGERIA

ABSTRACT This research determined heavy metal concentrations around some selected major dumpsites (Gosa and Mpape) in the FCT, Nigeria. Soil sample were collected at top soil (0-15cm) and sub soil {15-30cm) with a stainless soil augar and transferred into well labeled polyethene bags and taken to the laboratory for analysis. The concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cd, Zn, Fe, and Mn were de termined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer, PH was determined with a use of Micro PH 2000 Of a Hanna PH-...

Farmers Indigenous Knowledge of Land Degradation And Conservation Measures in The Nigeria Sahel

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in order to get an insight of the local people's account on land degradation and its management strategies in six local government areas of northern Katsina state. The study used qualitative research methodologies (Participatory Rural Appraisal, Focus Group Discussion and Questionnaire) and quantitative methods (field measurement and descriptive statistical analysis). It has been found that the local farmers classified soil in four broad classes and identifi...

Rainfall And Temperature Anomalies At Sokoto 1991-2010

ABSTRACT This study examines the rainfall and temperature anomalies at Sokoto for the period 1991-2010. The data on monthly rainfall and temperature of Sokoto were collected from the Nigerian Metrological Agency (NIMET) Sultan Abubakar III International Airport. Sokoto respectively. Simple linear regression and coefficient (r) simple correlation analysis was used to fit the trend in annual rainfall amount, mean monthly temperature (minimum and maximum) for the period of the study. Data analy...

Characteristics Of The Ageing Population In Dogon Dutse Community Of Jos North Local Government Area Of Plateau State

ABSTRACT It is no longer stories that the population is globally aging. The growing number of the ageing persons has posed a great challenge on families and policy makers to provide for their health and daily needs. The study examines the characteristics of ageing population in Dogon Dutse Community of Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau State. Random sampling technique was used to collect data from 50 respondents using questionnaires and were managed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 20. ...

The effect of some weather parameters on flight operations

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1 .1. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYAviation probably more than any other mode of transportation is tremendouslyaffected by weather. Every phase of flight operation that is from the take off to thelanding and also  when aircraft is in-flight hasthe potential  to be influenced byweather (Kulesa, e2013). Aircraft   travels   through   the   atmosphere.   The   atmosphere   varies   vertically   andhorizontally   in   pressure,   temperature,   densit...

The effects of modernization of ancient Kano city gates

This study examined the effects of modernization of ancient Kano city gates. Three local governments namely Kano Municipal, Nassarawa and Tarauni were used for this study, covering 150 respondents that were purposively sampled with 50 from each of the 3 local governments. Also, field surveys were carried out at all the 15 gates, discussions were held with the gatekeepers, the curator of Kano State museum and other observations were made from the data collected. Results obtained revealed that ...

The Role of Transport in Quality Healthcare Delivery

ABSTRACT This project seeks to link the role of transport to quality healthcare delivery. The main objective of the study was to assess the role of transport in quality healthcare delivery. A variety of primary and secondary data were employed to gather data to respond to the study research questions. The primary data for the study were collected from the respondents through questionnaire administration and oral interview conducted by the researcher. Descriptive statistics was adopted to anal...

Development and Implementation of a Disaster Management Centre

CHAPTER ONE1.0INTRODUCTION "Disaster management" can be defined as the range of activities designed tomaintain control over disaster and emergency situations and to provide a framework forhelping at-risk persons to avoid or recover from the impact of the disaster. Disastermanagement deals with situations that occur prior to, during, and after the disaster.Globally, there has been lots of disaster on land, air and sea, though these disasters maybe natural or man-made, it has however led to the...

Site Suitability for the Installation of Additional Continuously Operating Reference Station

Abstract The advent of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in space technology has tremendously improved the methods of positioning and navigation. Countries are now adopting the continuous observation and measurements using a network of GNSS receivers called Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) as the standard. Hence, the study explore the CORS network in South West Nigeria and carry out site suitability analysis of the potential locations considered suitable for the insta...


This study assesses the quality of domestic ground water sources close to petrol filling stations with a view to determining the level of vulnerability. It Map out filling stations and domestic water sources within their proximity with the aid of GIS, determining their level of proximity to domestic water sources, carrying out physiochemical analysis of the water samples within the proximity of filling station within the study area to check the level of contamination. Primary and secondary ...

16 - 30 Of 38 Results