Despite enormous efforts over the course of several decades, sustainable development on the African continent remains incompletely realized. Top-down methodologies have largely failed and many sustainable development organizations now support small-scale direct approaches, which provide the tools and knowledge necessary for people to help themselves. The new approach to sustainable development of open source appropriate technology (OSAT) builds on these successes. OSAT is a development method...
The appropriate technology (AT) movement is being driven by inventors and innovators who are interested in designing technologies that are culturally, environmentally, and economically appropriate, and feasible to construct and use for people anywhere in the world. This paper examines how open sharing of designs, specifications, and technical information can enhance effectiveness, widespread use, and innovation of AT. This commons-based open design method has been highly successful for softwa...
Traditional engineering service learning (SL) projects can be classified as: 1) collaborations with a community group or non-profit organization to provide specific engineering around a community need, or 2) an internship-like experience with industry to address work requested by a client. The limitation of both traditional SL approaches is that they do not prepare students to implement unprescribed projects. In contrast, here students chose both the project and the partner for a self-directe...
Given the urgency of development problems world-wide, as well as the opportunities of open source appropriate technology (OSAT) to help expedite sustainable development goals, a better understanding of the barriers limiting the scaling of OSAT is needed. In this study, key organizations and researchers working in the field of appropriate technology (AT) were interviewed to identify barriers to OSAT. The data was analyzed via pattern coding and content analysis. Results reveal that among the m...
Much of the widespread poverty, environmental desecration, and waste of human life seen around the globe could be prevented by known (to humanity as a whole) technologies, many of which are simply not available to those that need it. This lack of access to critical information for sustainable development is directly responsible for a morally and ethically unacceptable level of human suffering and death. A solution to this general problem is the concept of open source appropriate technology or...
Although theoretically the patent system is meant to bolster innovation, the current United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is cumbersome and involves a significant time investment to locate inactive patents less than 20 years old. This article reports on the development of an open source database to find these public domain ideas. First, a search strategy is explained. Then the operation and use of free and open source software are detailed to meet the needs of open hardware innov...
Does a national research-focused organization need a technically competent leader? This study provides preliminary answers to that question using a natural experiment underway at the Department of Energy (DOE): a leader with significant high-level management experience superior to that of his predecessors, but no relevant technical experience was appointed to run the vast scientific research operation. The following hypothesis is proposed: A major risk of allowing technically-unqualified lead...
The purpose of this project is to know the impact of information technology on the Nigeria stock market and how it has helped in stock market development. The methodology used in this research work is the survey method. The survey method was adopted in data collection. The survey method obtained is for secondary data. Multiple regression is a statistical tool used for analysing the data obtained and also Simple tables, frequency and percentages were adopted in the presentation and analysis of...
Abstract This project is about the design and implementation of the online student resources portal. It aims to overcome the study challenges that first and second year Business Information System (BIS) students are currently facing. Overall, this system is going to ensure that students have complete access to very important study resources or aids like online quizzes, past exam papers and discussion forums. This system when correctly implemented will be of immense importance in as far as th...
The automatic means of assessment has proven to be the best solution to the process of selecting qualified prospective candidates among the growing population of candidates seeking admission into tertiary institutions and also evaluation of large population of students in the higher institutions in Nigeria. CBT (computer-based testing) is the automatic evaluation or assessment by which knowledge of students or candidates are measured or tested. It is in this regard that the Joint Admission a...
Ab overview of the Uber business model
ABSTRACT The study investigated the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Management of Students’ Academic Records in Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State. The study was guided by five research objectives and five research questions. Survey research design was used for the study. The study consists of a total population of 16,934 students and staff of F.U.T, Minna; a sample size of 376 was used based on the Krejice and Morgan table for determining sample...
ABSTRACT For many decades, nanotechnology has been developed with cooperation from researchers in several fields of studies including physics, chemistry, biology, material science, engineering, and computer science and it presents a wide range of problems and opportunities not just diverse issues, but issues of different kinds. In this project, we explore the nanotechnology development community in the area of Nano robotics and its functionality in both the science and medical world hoping is...
Abstract Information and communication technology (ICT) plays an important role in today’s society. The structural transformation in the economy, society and culture tend to work faster in this era of information. This study examines the ICT role, revolution and its impacts in the age of knowledge economy across Nigeria’s power sector, with Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company (KEDC) in particular. The study incorporated the use of questionnaires in such a way to assess the level...