Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation Of Quality Of Service And Quality Of Experience On Hardware And Virtual Software Router

ABSTRACT The growth in demand of multimedia applications such as file transfer, audio, video and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) traffics have introduced the high need of good Quality of Services (QoS) through network devices like routers which led to the effect on Quality of Experience (QoE) to end-users. The QoS and QoE of the video streaming, file application and VoIP calls services on the low-cost Virtual Software Router (VSR) such as Vyatta and high-cost Hardware Router (HR) such as...

Evaluating And Proposing Mechanisms To Secure Relational Databases Against Security Vulnerabilities. A Case Of Postgresql And Microsoft Sql Server

ABSTRACT This study sought to evaluate and propose mechanisms to secure relational databases against security vulnerabilities. The study was influenced by the fact that recently, there have been many data breach incidences reported across the world. These haveresulted from vulnerabilities found in database management systems. When these vulnerabilities are exploited, the outcome is the data breach incidences that lead to loss of customer trust for businesses and imparement of national securi...

Using Data Mining Techniques To Predict Obstetric Fistula In Tanzania: A Case Of CCBRT

ABSTRACT Data mining practicesin medical sciences have brought about improved performance in analysis of large and complex datasets.Data mining facilitatesevidence-based medical hypotheses. Nowadays, health diseases, especially obstetric fistula, are drastically increasing. According to CCBRT report, approximately 3,000 women suffer from obstetric fistula annually. Since efforts to eradicate obstetric fistula have been inadequate,the researcher was motivated to employ MLA in BIO informatics ...

Access Coverage For Remote Connectivity Framework (ACRCF): Facilitating Scholarship Awarding In Namibia

ABSTRACT The corporate world was faced with the challenge of community development. As a result, Namibian companies have been offering scholarships to assist students as best as they can. It was however an insurmountable task to assist the populace without clarity of information or background knowledge. Consequently, the selection of students for scholarships was arguably questionable. Some students awarded scholarships were from rural areas and others from urban areas. However, notice had t...

Assistive Technology For Students With Dyslexia At Eros Girls School

ABSTRACT Assistive Technology for Children with Learning Disabilities (ATCLD) was developed in response to the language and arithmetic challenges faced by learners with dyslexia of Eros Girls School (EGS). This development followed from requirement elicitation and is intended for grades 5 - 7. Having discussed the above, Assistive Technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customised, that is used to increase, ...

A Comparison Of The Performance Of Namibia-Specific Conservation And Conventional Tillage Technologies As Used For Pearl Millet Production In Northern Namibia

ABSTRACT Studies were conducted over a period of three years (2011 to 2013) at the Ogongo Campus of the University of Namibia (UNAM), to compare the differences between tractors and animaldrawn implements both using conventional and Namibia Specific Conservation Tillage (NSCT) technologies. Two conventional tillage (CV) treatments (i.e. tractor-drawn disc harrow (TDH) and animal-drawn mouldboard plough (AMP) were compared to two NSCT treatments (tractor-drawn ripper furrower (TRF) and animal...

The use of mobile technologies for Web 2.0 based service delivery to graduate students in Ghanaian Universities: The case of the University for Development Studies (UDS), Ghana.

Abstract This study attempted to find out how mobile technologies could be used to implement Web 2.0 based service delivery to graduate students based in the Graduate School of the University for Development Studies (UDS) Library. A 23 item questionnaire was administered to a sample of 155 participants who were selected by means of simple random sampling. A total of 119 questionnaires were retrieved and found to be adequate for analysis and interpretation. The collected data was analyzed and...

Sharing Open Source Software Application Services, Challenges And Opportunities For The Namibian Sme Sector

Abstract Information and Communications Technology is improving at a very high pace. Software applications can be delivered in various forms, the internet growth has made it possible to have software delivered over the internet. One of the most interesting models created by the web is called Application Service Provider (ASP) model. ASP model offers completely a new way of selling and distributing software and software services. ASP services are expected to become an important alternative fo...

Development Of Radio Frequency Identification Architecture For The Adoption By Utility Companies: A Case Study Of Nairobi City Water And Sewerage Company

ABSTRACT Accurate meter readings, timely and correct bills have become an important aspect of water metering systems. Additionally, anomalies such as leakage and bursts in water pipelines have significant consequences to the environment and lead to financial constraints to the water companies. Since monitoring leakages and bursts in the water distribution networks, capturing accurate and dependable measurements for billing, troubleshooting and analysis is a challenging task, the need to deve...

Deployment Of A Sustainable, Production-Grade VoIP System Based On Open Source Software Component In An Educational Institution: The Case Of The University Of Namibia

Abstract Governments and their agencies are often challenged by high cost and flexible telephonic and data services. Emerging technologies, such as those of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) that allow convergent systems where voice and data networks can utilise the same network to provide both services, can be used to improve such services. However, these convergent networks are based on the classical (best-effort) characteristics that come with some weaknesses in respect of quality of se...

Distributed Database System For Road Safety Information Management

ABSTRACT  Implementing Distributed Database Management System is often difficult due to the disruption of highly coordinated, interdependent processes (e.g.) information exchange, communications, relationships) of providing care in Road Safety. Thus, this system creates and maintains all offender data electronically. The system captures accident victim data, vehicle registration, driving license, and offenders, at its source at the time of entry using a graphical user interface having ...

Conduent Pension Administration System User Satisfaction; A Case Study of SIGMA Pensions Limited,Abuja

ABSTRACT User satisfaction is one of the key research area of Information Technology (IT) particularly, Information System (IS). It is recognized by many researchers as a significant factor in determining IS success. In view of it competitive advantage, most business organizations nowadays focus on IS as a means of minimizing cost and maximizing profit. Unfortunately, many are not getting the expected outcomes as agreed in the IS requirements, not because of wrong choice of products and vend...

Assessment And Evaluation Of Factors Affecting Teledensity, Growth In Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Liberalization of Telecommunication Industry was established in 2001 by the Olusegun Obasanjo administration and since then, it is a common knowledge that Nigeria’s Tele-density have improved. However, it is the researcher’s intention to put this level of improvement in quantifiable terms vis-a-viz certain factors and distribution pattern. This study span for ten years [2001-2011] and four leading telecommunication firms were selected to represent the entire Telecommunication In...

Assessment And Evaluation Of Factors Affecting Teledensity Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Liberalization of Telecommunication Industry was established in 2001 by the Olusegun Obasanjo administration and since then, it is a common knowledge that Nigeria’s Tele-density have improved. However, it is the researcher’s intention to put this level of improvement in quantifiable terms vis-a-viz certain factors and distribution pattern. This study span for ten years [2001-2011] and four leading telecommunication firms were selected to represent the entire Telecommunication In...

An Improved Algorithm For Plagiarism Detection Using N-Gram And String Matching

ABSTRACT To Plagiarise is to include another person’s work, idea, method or results without due acknowledgement. In this work, we developed an innovative algorithm to detect external plagiarism in documents, using a combination of Word-n-gram and string matching technique. The suspicious document was split into sentences and further split into word n-gram and each n-gram was used to perform a pattern match on a standard PAN-09 corpora. We discovered that the best plagiarism detection occur...

286 - 300 Of 397 Results