Accurate meter readings, timely and correct bills have become an important aspect of water metering systems. Additionally, anomalies such as leakage and bursts in water pipelines have significant consequences to the environment and lead to financial constraints to the water companies. Since monitoring leakages and bursts in the water distribution networks, capturing accurate and dependable measurements for billing, troubleshooting and analysis is a challenging task, the need to develop a reli...
ABSTRACT In an academic setting, it is important for students to be well informed about their academic status and progress regularly. All first year students are provided with school catalogs which hold information about their majors and the courses required by them to pass for them to obtain their particular degrees. Students are given these catalogs only once and many of them tend to misplace them after a few semesters. Hence, they lose information on the requirements they need to obtain a...
Mobile banking technology has been widely adopted amongst all the commercial banks in Kenya. Currently Kenyan banks lose millions of shillings by means of online theft through mobile banking and other platforms. This study therefore intended to address the issues associated with mobile banking and was directed by the following objectives: to understand the mobile banking architecture, to establish the technological risks arising for commercial banks in Kenya as a result of mobile banking, to ...
Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Nairobi city residents encounter a myriad of problems on the roads every day, thanks to the increasing population in the city and also due to the influx of motor vehicles in the city using a const...
Knowledge management is a field with a lot of potential that can benefit individuals as well as different types of organizations. Despite this fact, most organizations in Kenya have focused on knowledge storage, but have not adopted sharing of the stored knowledge. This study examined the adoption of mobile technology for knowledge management in Mahashakti Kenya Limited, Athi River. The study was guided by the following objectives: To assess the extent of adoption of mobile technology fo...
ABSTRACT Customer service is the most important aspect of every business that builds its processes on the basis of customers going through the queue before receiving any service from the organization. These businesses become ineffective and inefficient if the queues are not moving well or the queues are not fluid. This research was inspired by the customer service of MTN Sokoto branch. System Dynamics was used in order to solve the overcrowd problem of the organization. System Dynamics is a ...
ABSTRACT In our present society today, it is clearly seen that garbage cans are being placed in open environments because it needs to be accessed by the public. It can be observed that those garbage cans usually get filled up and overflow and litter the environment. Patil (2015) claims that this uncontrolled littering can lead to a gradual encroachment of diseases that can be very harmful to the human health. Littered trash can also produce bad and offensive smell around the surroundings. To...
The main goal of healthcare sector worldwide is to provide quality and efficient health services to citizens. As the threat landscape on healthcare continues to escalate, many hospitals still lag behind in terms of protecting its critical infrastructure and electronic protected health information (ePHI).This research provided solution by designing a web application that will help the healthcare determine its Cybersecurity Readiness Index (CRI). The research targeted 55 respondents from 1...
The use of and reliance on information systems for business has been on the rise especially in recent years. This has had a serious impact on the security of business information. Previous studies have identified two areas that must be considered when creating a secure information system: technology and human compliance to policies. Many researchers have stated that technology vulnerabilities are a key source of weakness and data loss in many information systems in organizations. Additio...
Security problems have become a major concern in most urban settlements across the globe. The use of technology can be incorporated into the security systems to enhance operational measures that have been deployed. The aim of this study was to examine the challenges stakeholders face in crime reporting and develop a mobile-based system that would support intelligence collection and real-time reporting. The study employed design science to develop the proposed system. Primary data was col...
Smart phones are powerful minicomputers characterized by high performance, large memory capacity and enhanced applications that enable various ways of communication. They are widely used for other purposes besides making phone calls, for instance browsing the internet, reading and responding to emails, road navigation, editing documents, video conferencing, playing music, taking videos and photo, to mention but a few. The problem at hand is that forensic investigators often encounter diff...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing adoption of secure cryptographic QR application by focusing on alcohol vendors who engage in the business of selling alcoholic beverages in Nairobi and its environs. This research was based on four specific objectives which were: to study the influence of cryptographic embedded QR code characteristics on the adoption of secure QR technology; influence of merchant attitudes; government factors on adoption of secure QR; a...
The purpose of this research was to develop a low cost system for identifying logon anomalies based on the time a user provides login credentials and also the physical location of the workstation on the LAN. The specific objectives of the project were (i) to evaluate how logon anomalies based on physical locations have been addressed in the literature (ii) to develop specifications, design and implement a solution to address the problem of determining the physical location of a logon eve...
Information technology evolution and the spread of internet connectivity have enabled globalization which allows communication and transaction of businesses across different countries. To ensure information infrastructure protection, understanding how the organizational, individual and technical aspects all together affect the outcome in information security is important. Having the necessary skill required to be able know how to react or what action to take in the event of a security in...
With the growth of the Internet and the increase in number of online devices, IPv4 address space approaches exhaustion. This has led to the deployment of IPv6. However, IPv6 has not been widely adopted, particularly in Kenya. According to Akamai (2016) IPv6 has an adoption rate of 0.02% in Kenya despite recent studies showing that adoption is increasing in some parts of the world. Some of the shortcomings of the current methods of measuring IPv6 adoption are: (a) There is limited informa...