Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

A Size Metric-Based Effort Estimation Method For Service Oriented Architecture Systems

ABSTRACT Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is one of the recent software development paradigms that enable alignment of business processes into integrated services within and outside organizations regardless of the heterogeneity of technologies used. Determining the scope, effort and cost of SOA systems is important to facilitate the planning and eventually successful implementation of software projects. A number of methods have been proposed to estimate effort of building SOA projects. Des...

A Model Of The Relationships Between Availability Mechanisms And Outage Sources In Cloud Computing

ABSTRACT The use of cloud computing has been growing exponentially since its inception. Availability of the cloud, however, has been a problem for users and Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) alike; outages have been on the rise. This problem could be attributed to the fact that engineers building Availability Mechanisms (AMs) and those studying outage causes do not work collectively. The general objective of the study was to develop and evaluate an availability mechanism model for service outage...

The Steinitz Exchange Theorem And Its Applications

Abstract It seems that during the last decades, no research was done which is related to the Steinitz exchange theorem. However, the generalised Steinitz exchange theorem has been investigated in books and articles . The generalized Steinitz exchange theorem is not a theorem of linear algebra but for reaching generalization of the Steinitz exchange theorem which has applications for example in field theory, in the theory of abelian groups and in module theory. The objective of this study was...

Development of a Computer-Assisted School Information System for Namibian Schools

Abstract Information Technology (IT) is taking on greater significance and importance for bringing a lot of benefits to educational institutions such as schools. The benefits IT brings include enhancing productivity, improving efficiency, providing better service and knowledge sharing, increasing competitiveness, reducing costs, just to name a few. This has also led to a rapid development of school information systems. The aim of this research work was to analyse schools administration proce...

Research And Development Of A Mobile Voice Over In Application Which Is Hosted By Open Source Software Running On Inexpensive Backend Servers

ABSTRACT Voice over IP has been driven by the convergence of voice and data on a single transport medium. This means cheaper service usage fees for the user if the offering is costed properly. But for a service provider there is still an increase in expenditure, solely related to spending on infrastructure such as call servers, phones and gateways. This study is aimed at analysing a different strategy of deploying VoIP, by starting at a lower base, meaning hosting the VoIP application on ine...

Online Hotel Booking System

ABSTRACT  The study Online Hotel Reservation System is the design of an electronically driven system that will enable travelers to book hotel from anywhere in the world at their convenience. This is prompted by the fact that the cost of booking a hotel accommodation is becoming increasingly high with low information of where one can get a good hotel. The main objective in this study is to design a website that is user friendly, has a secured payment system and can provide information to...

Designing And Implementing A Scalable, Secure Network Using Expert Systems.

Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... iv DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................

E-Government Interoperability: A Cooperative Architecture Model To Facilitate Information Sharing In Namibia

ABSTRACT Governments face continued pressure to increase their performance with the aim to improve efficiency and service delivery to their stakeholders, customers and citizens. To improve efficiency and performance, Governments adopt e-Government models and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions as enablers and vehicles for transforming public administration. As part of the transformational process, Public Services need to transform themselves into an integrated entity that...

Capacity For Public-Private Sectors To Implement E-Governance (Cp-Psie): Enhancing Information And Service Delivery In Namibia

ABSTRACT e-Governance is being used by many governments around the world to improve information and service delivery to their citizens. This is achieved mainly through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions. As a result, the capacity for Public and Private Sectors to implement e-Governance plays a pivotal role in making e-Governance a success. Through the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods, this study took an in-depth look at the current levels o...

Saccos Credit Rating Prediction In Tanzania By Using Machine Learning Approach: A Case Of Kkkt Arusha Road Saccos Ltd..

ABSTRACT Financial institutions play a vital role to enhance the socio-economic development of any country. Despite being a key player in socio-economic development, large group of people is still isolated in accessing formal financial services. Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) are type of Microfinance Financial Institutions (MFIs) that came to solve the problem of isolating many people in attaining financial services. Loan default is a big challenge that causes weak performan...

Cyber Security Risk Management And Threat Control Model (Csrm-Tcm): A Study Carried Out To Enhance The Protection Of Information In The Namibian Public Service

ABSTRACT The persistent threats of the cyber environment drives organizations to adopt risk management as a crucial practice of minimizing dangers to their information assets. However, focusing on technology alone to address these risks is no longer sufficie nt. IT governance which enables senior managers to align and integrate technology with business strategies through clear policy development and good practice of IT control is essential. The Namibian Public Service (NPS) currently lacks po...

Effectiveness Of Moodle Learning Management System For Fostering Teaching And Learning Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The importance of teaching and learning mathematics should be given special priority for the development of the country. Continuing to teach mathematics in the traditional way makes the learning inactive and the students dislike the subject. With this in mind, the secondary schools need to integrate ICT and pedagogy to improve teaching and learning of mathematics. Hence, this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Learning Management System (LMS) for fostering teaching and learn...

Using Data Mining Techniques To Predict Obstetric Fistula In Tanzania: A Case Of CCBRT

ABSTRACT Data mining practicesin medical sciences have brought about improved performance in analysis of large and complex datasets.Data mining facilitatesevidence-based medical hypotheses. Nowadays, health diseases, especially obstetric fistula, are drastically increasing. According to CCBRT report, approximately 3,000 women suffer from obstetric fistula annually. Since efforts to eradicate obstetric fistula have been inadequate,the researcher was motivated to employ MLA in BIO informatics ...

Access Coverage For Remote Connectivity Framework (ACRCF): Facilitating Scholarship Awarding In Namibia

ABSTRACT The corporate world was faced with the challenge of community development. As a result, Namibian companies have been offering scholarships to assist students as best as they can. It was however an insurmountable task to assist the populace without clarity of information or background knowledge. Consequently, the selection of students for scholarships was arguably questionable. Some students awarded scholarships were from rural areas and others from urban areas. However, notice had t...

Sharing Open Source Software Application Services, Challenges And Opportunities For The Namibian Sme Sector

Abstract Information and Communications Technology is improving at a very high pace. Software applications can be delivered in various forms, the internet growth has made it possible to have software delivered over the internet. One of the most interesting models created by the web is called Application Service Provider (ASP) model. ASP model offers completely a new way of selling and distributing software and software services. ASP services are expected to become an important alternative fo...

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