Mathematics Research Papers/Topics


Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) has become increasingly popular in the last few decades due to its very rich mathematical structure and therefore forming the theoretical basis for use in a wide range of real-life applications such as in speech and image recognition, motion analysis in videos, bio-informatics among others. However, an effective optimization of the parameters of these Models for enhanced performance has remained computationally challenging and there is no generally agreed method th...


In this thesis, a number of solutions are proposed to enhancing and improving the security and confidentiality of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Data. Firstly, the Asmuth-Bloom, Blakley, Mignote and other Secret Sharing Schemes (SSS) are reviewed, adopted and modified in order to present a relatively improved secret sharing scheme. Conditions for the scheme is also presented as well as algorithms for implementation of the scheme presented by this research. Secondly, a hybrid of two ...


Unsteady heat and mass transfers are important transport phenomena that are found in many engineering and industrial applications. In such systems, the variations in the fluid flow result in variations in the heat flux for fluid-solid temperature difference. In this study, analytical and theoretical investigations of some non-linear problems arising from unsteady heat and mass transfer through porous media are considered. Analytical models are developed. These are non-linear mathematical mode...


There is high demand by content providers of multimedia services such as Pay-TV News, Pay-per-View (PPV) video and Video-on-Demand (VoD) to expand their customer based through advertisement. However, the threats of unauthorized access, reproduction and re-distribution of the high quality product by illegal users’ remains high thereby affecting the returns of the content providers/producers. In this regard, perceptual video cryptosystems have become a highly active research area; developing ...

Predicting Rainfall Pattern in Kakamega County using Time Series

Abstract Rainfall patterns play a critical role in shaping various aspects of our lives. Understanding the patterns, trends and predictability of rainfall is essential for effective planning and decision making in various aspects including agriculture, water resource management, disaster preparedness and social economic planning. In agricultural activities crops require specific amount of water at the right time for growth. By understanding the rainfall patterns, farmers can adapt their farm...

Units of Commutative Completely Primary Finite Rings of Characteristic pn

Abstract The characterization of the group of units of any commutative ring has not been done in general, and previous studies have restricted the classes of rings or groups under consideration. In this work, we determine the structures of the groups of units of commutative completely primary finite rings R of characteristic pn for some prime integer p and positive integer n.

Unit Groups of Some Classes of Power Four Radical Zero Commutative Completely Primary Finite Rings

Abstract Let R be a completely primary finite ring and J be its Jacobson radical. A class of such rings in which J4 = (0), J3 = (0) has been constructed. Moreover, the structures of their groups of units have been determined for all the characteristics of R. Mathematcs Subject Classification: Primary 13M05, 16P10, 16U60; Secondary 13E10, 16N20

Binomial Mixtures Based on Beta I Distribution and Its Generalizations with Application to a Two Stage Group Screening Design

Abstract/Overview When mixed, two distributions can form another distribution. Binomial distribution and beta distributions combine to form a binomial mixture with the latter being a prior distribution which is a continuous distribution. Skellam pioneered this study when he mixed binomial distribution with its parameter p taking beta distribution. The paper focused on construction of binomial mixtures, their properties, special cases and the application of the mixtures in a two stage grou...

Application of Three Parameter Generalized Beta I Distribution in Binomial Mixture

Abstract/Overview Two or more individual distributions can be mixed together to form a new distribution. According to Feller, this can be done using weights that sum up to unit. Also by considering a parameter which is a random variable taking another distribution then a new distribution ca be formed. The nature of the mixing distribution has effect on the new distribution formed. If the mixing distribution is continuous random variable, then the new mixture formed is also continuous. Ske...

An Application of Survival Analysis of Broilers in La Nyevu Poultry Farm in Kaloleni Sub- County

Abstract/Overview This research is about an application of survival analysis on broilers in laNyevu poultry farm in Kaloleni sub-county. Chapter one gives an insight into the introduction of the paper, chapter two discusses the methodology used, chapter three gives the results, chapter four discusses the findings briefly and chapter five gives the conclusions arrived at and some recommendations.

Optimal Allocation in Small Area Mean Estimation Using Stratified Sampling in the Presence of Non-Response

Abstract/Overview Sample survey provides reliable current statistics for large areas or sub-population (domains) with large sample sizes. There is a growing demand for reliable small area statistics, however, the sample sizes are too small to provide direct (or area specific) estimators with acceptable and reliable accuracy. This study gives theoretical description of the estimation of small area mean by use of stratified sampling with a linear cost function in the presence of non-respons...

Assets Valuation Using a Contingent Claim

Abstract/Overview In this paper we consider the price dynamics of a portfolio consisting of risk-free and risky assets. The paper discusses the pricing process of a contingent claim, the pricing equation and the risk-neutral valuation under the Martingale representation property. A partial differential equation with an unknown price function is formulated. The solution of this PDE gives a unique pricing formula

Conditions for Positivity of Operators in Non-unital C*-algebras

Abstract/Overview In this paper, we present results on the necessary and sufficient condi-tions for positivity of operators in non-unital C*- algebras

Comparison of the ratio estimate to the local linear polynomial estimate of finite population totals

Abstract/Overview In this paper, attempt to study effects of extreme observations on two estimators of finite population total theoretically and by simulation is made. We compare the ratio estimate with the local linear polynomial estimate of finite population total given different finite populations. Both classical and the non parametric estimator based on the local linear polynomial produce good results when the auxiliary and the study variables are highly correlated. It is however note...

Effects of outliers on estimation of finite population totals

Abstract/Overview In this paper, attempt to study effects of outliers on two estimators of finite population total theoretically and by simulation is made. We compare the ratio estimate with the local linear polynomial estimate of finite population total given different finite populations. Both classical and the non parametric estimator based on the local linear polynomial produce good results when the auxiliary and the study variables are highly correlated. It is however noted that in th...

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