ABSTRACT In the work, samples of Garri obtained from Ogbete market were evaluated for microbial contamination. Four sample of Garri from different sources of supple were collected from Ogbete main market Enugu Okwo, Nkalagu, Emene, and Abakaliki respectively. The sample were extracted using equal volume of sterile distilled water and serially diluted appropriately and the cultured for the growth of microben. The growth were further suspected to biochemical tests, characterization for c...
ABSTRACT The Anatomy of this project write-up encompasses the ordinary look of enzymes as organic molecules, rather it sheds more light into the comprehensive view and determination of the catalytic and specific activity enzymes particularly- DIASTASE, MALTASE and ZYMASE can exploit in industrial application, also critically important is the selective ways of providing fundamental data which allows the society-particularly small-scale brewers to understand and exploit the chemistry of ferment...
ABSTRACT Onion is associated with micro-organisms which are capable of causing spoilage. Onions with rot were examined microscopically. A solution of it was made and the serial dilution of 1:10-1 to 1:1-5 were made from 10ml of the onions sample. From the dilution, 1ml of each diluent was plated on nutrient and saboor and dextrose agree to permit the grouth of the common bacterial and fungi, from the roffen onions. Duplicate plates were performed for each dilution. The plates was sivi...
ABSTRACT This research work was on maize (Zea may) abject in sorghum vulgare) beer brewing the sorghum was malted and milled. Malting was achieved by sleeping the grains in water at 280c for 48 germination of the grain was allowed for 72 hrs and kilmed in air oven at 550c for 48 hrs. maize as an adjuct was in corporate into the malted milted sorghum during mashing was done by the use of work. The work was then boiled with hope to sterilized concentrate as to extract solvable material for t...
ABSTRACT The isolation and identification of bacteria associated with 150ml sepsis studies were carried out to 250 patient at National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu. (250) Two hundred and fifty patients with 150ml sepstis was grouped in to in patients and out patients. The sample collected are wound pus and wound exudates which were collected from patients with diabetic ulcer, surgery wounds, sickle cell ulcers, gun shot wound, using sterile stent striates to aspirate the wound exudates ...
ABSTRACT The microbial changes which took place during the steeping and storage of pan (ogi) was studied. The steeped water had an initial PH of 6.8 which latter reduced to 4.9 at the end of steeping. The bacterial number for the steeped water ranged from 4.7x104 to 3.2 x 107 cfu/ml while the fungal number ranged from 1.5 x103 to 5.7 x 106 cfu/ml. In the stored pap, pap I had higher count which range from 7.2x104 to 6.0x107 cfu/g while 6.0x107 to 1.6x1011. The fungal count for pap ...
ABSTRACT This project work is carried at the isolation and characterization of pathogenic bacteria from hawked suya meat, were bought in full from the sellers and was collected in raps of aluminum foil. It was then taken to the laboratory for analysis the samples were homogenized and serial dilution of the sample was made out using 5 ml sterile pipette and test tubes. The dilution were then cultured on different media, macconkey agar, nutrient agar and blood agar end later incubated at...
ABSTRACT A total of fifty faecal samples were collected form pupils in airport primary school Emene Enugu were used for the study. The duration of the investigation was between February August 2005. These samples were cultured and their causative organisms determined using macconkey agar, deocycholate citrate agar and an alkaline peptone water which was preparect according to manufacturers instructio. The species of organisms isolated include; escherichia coil 8 (29 %) Klebsiella 5 (18%)...
ABSTRACT This project work which is all about the fungal infestation of bakery product BREAD, explain the kind or type of fungal organisms that are responsible for the spoilage on contamination of bread. The infestation of fungal organism on bread depends on the kind and number of the agent present and upon the environment about them. this statement makes it clear that micro organism infest foods having suitable environment condition for their microbial activity. This project work is cente...
ABSTRACT The incidence of the infestation of plasmodium species (P.Falciparum, P. Vivax, P.Ovale, and P. alaria) which causes human malaria in Enugu metropolis was conducted at Parklane Hospital using their patients. Thick and thin, smear of blood were made and examined after proper staining. The staining method which proved effective were the Giemsa and Liesman staining method. It was observed that P.Falciparum was most prevalent of the fair species while P.Ovale has occuarence. T...
ABSTRACT A study was carried to ascertain the potency of some techniques used in diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Two hundred and five samples (203) were collected from the patients from the university of Nigerian teaching hospital and was analysed using Elisa kit, which has the ability to detect antibodies and antigens in the patients serum, the Western blots were used as the confirmatory test, to the Elisa test, In case where there is false positive of Elisa test, it is s...
ABSTRACT Samples of water from the different hostels in campus II and other source of water production namely Ajali-owa water, from bore hole 9th mile and spring water from GRA water board were water collecterd and analysed using total plate count and multiple tube fermentaton techniques coliform. The results shows no coliforms in production water from Ajali-owa and in GRA spring water reservaiour and no coliform in 9th mile bore hole water, 14 organism and 149 cfu/ml plate counts were obt...
ABSTRACT In comparing the antimicrobial strength of three most common antibiotics, which includes: streptomycin chloranphenicol and gentarccin. Samples of urine and high vaginal swab (H.V.S) were collected from park lane Enugu. The organisms isolated were pure culture of staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Sensitivity test was carried out with the use of sensitivity disk containing various minimum inhibitory concentration of the different antibiotics. The result obtained shave...
ABSTRACT The study on anaemia in pregnancy is aimed at determining packed cell volume (PCV), Haemoglobin (Hb) level and Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of pregnant women, as well as the selferity, significance of maternal, age, educational level, occupation and gestational age to the occurrence of anaemia in pregnancy managed, diagnosed and admitted at the university of Nigeria teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu. The result showed that most of the patient had moderate to secure anaemia an...
ABSTRACT The survey of urinary sehistomiass in Ishele in Amagunze, Nkanu East local Government was carried out using two methods of diagnosis i.e combination of questionnaire on clinical signs and symptoms, and laboratory microscopy using primary school children in the area as test samples. A total of fifty samples were randomly collected reveals the prevalence of urinary Sdristomisis is 62 %. The risk factor attributed was found to cotain the sried of the type Bulinus (physopsis) globusus a...