Zoology Research Papers/Topics

Phytochemical Composition And Insecticidal Activities Of Some Botanicals On Three Stored Product Pests

ABSTRACT Ten out of the seven two plants marketed in Lagos State for medicinal and agricultural uses were selected for a study into their insecticidal activity. The ten selected plants Uvaria chamae, Jatropha curcas, Lophira alata, Ageratum conyzoides, Hyptis suaveolens, Alstonia boonei, Plumbago zeylanica, Tephrosia vogelii, Anacardium occidentale and Momordica charantia, were screened in the laboratory for bioactivity against three test insects namely Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), Sitophil...

Bioactivity Of Extracts Of Some Nigerian Plants On Insect Pests Of Stored Grains

Abstract Responses to structured questionnaires administered to farmers and housewives in southwestern part of Nigeria revealed that 39 plant species were in use for various purposes in the expressed belief that they possessed bioactive properties.

Studies Of The Biology Of The Species Of Tilapia In The Volta Lake

INTRODUCTION The damming of the Volta River in Ghana has stimulated an interest in the fisheries potential of the new lake.

The Systematics Of Indo-Pacific Saurida And Trachinocephalus (Pisces: Synodontidae) And The Biology Of Four Local Species.

GENERAL INTRODUCTION The family Synodontidae is a group of fish characterized by lizard-like head, spineless fins and a small adipose fin and are almost circumtropical in distribution.

Identification Of A Subpopulation Of Immune Nigerian Adult Volunteers By Antibodies To The Circumsporozoite Protein Of Plasmodium Falciparum

Abstract. Collections of human sera from malaria-endemic areas would be valuable for identifying and characterizing antigens as malaria vaccine candidates if the contributing serum donors’ ability to resist infection were fully characterized. We prepared such a serum collection from 26 apparently immune Nigerian adults who failed to develop patent parasitemia for at least 20 weeks following a documented increase in antibodies to the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) from Plasmodium falciparum....

Physico-Chemical Parameters, Plankton, Macrozoobenthos And Fish Fauna Of Ibuya River, Sepeteri, South-Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT Ibuya River runs across the Old Oyo National Park, a wildlife and recreational park. There is paucity of information on the limnology of the river which will provide information on the ecological status relevant for sustainable management. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the physico-chemical parameters, diversity and abundance of plankton, macrozoobenthos and fish fauna of Ibuya River. Surface water (72), plankton (72) and macrozoobenthic (72) samples were collec...

Effects of soil properties on arthropod biodiversity in dumpsites in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria

Abstract: The impact of soil properties, temperature and relative humidity on arthropod species composition, abundance and diversity was investigated in Apete and Aba-eku dumpsites and in a control site in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Ten 250g size pitfalls one third filled with 5% formalin were placed in each point in order to trap and preserve the arthropods. The arthropods trapped in each pitfall were preserved in separate specimen bottle containing 70% ethanol before identification. A tota...

Optimization of the T-cell proliferation assay in fascioliasis using a non-radioactive method, the Alamar Blue Assay

Abstract T-cell proliferation studies are traditionally carried out with radioactive reagents or fluorescent reagents that require measurement with advanced technology instrumentation. We attempted to calibrate the optimal conditions suitable for the use of a non-radioactive assay for the measurement of a T-cell proliferation assay in bovine fascioliasis, but applicable to the study of other infectious diseases in our developing 'country setting, Crude antigen extract was prepared from 15 adu...

Earthworm Diversity And Abundance In Selected Dumpsites In Ibadan, And Toxicity Of Contaminated Water On Associated Fauna

ABSTRACT Huge quantities of wastes which are indiscriminately disposed into uncontrolled dumpsites and flowing waters around residential areas are generated from Ibadan, metropolis. These may adversely affect soil, surface- and ground-water qualities and the fauna. Limited information exists on toxic effects that wastes from these nondesignated sites have on associated fauna. Earthworms are one of the dominant fauna in soils and are pollution bioindicators. Therefore this study was designed t...

Anopheles gambiae Complex: Molecular Forms and-Occurrence of The KDR Gene.in Rural Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT. An investigation focusing on themolecular forms-of Anopheles gambiae complex and occurrence of the .knockdown resistanceIkdr gene) was carried out from June to July 2001 and August to September 2002 at Igbo-Ora, NigeriJusirig aspirator and DNA analyses; Of the 127 An. gambiae s. I. analysed.fhere were 66 (51:9%):.:tv1and61 (48.03%) S forms, both recorded in An. gambiae s.s. andAnopheles arabiensis. The forms were virtually sympatric throughout the study. Two of the An. gambiae s.s.e...

"The Benthi~Ecology o~ FaJise Bay, w.ith Notes on the Analysis o~ Shallow-water So~t SUbstrata

This work continues the marine tradition o~ the Department o~ Zoology but attempts to open-up a new ~ield by tack].ing for· the first time the ecology of the shaJllow sea bed. False Bay is accessible and provides a large arem that is virtually unaffe.cted by rivers or the works of man. Its' situation happ:ens to be particularly _interesting. It is the nearest part of the flat, submarine shelf called the Agulhas Bank, where there are valuable fishing grounds: and it lies at the boi.mdary of t...

Correlation of Chemical Compositions of Cassava Varieties to Their Resistance to Prosiephanus truncatus Horn (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)

ABSTRACT. The preference of cassava as a major host by Prostephonus truncotus Horn is a major c onstraint to ample production of cassava, tvumibot esculenta Crantz and storage. This study analyzed the nutritional and secondary metabolite compositions in 15 cassava varieties, evaluated levels of damage and reproduction by P. truncatus, and assessed their resistance to attack. One hundred grams 01 dried cassava chips in 250'ml Kilner jars were infested with 10 adult larger grain borerof 0-10 da...

A Tax~Omic And Lf.Pidological Study. Of ''Lhe .South African Heterosoma Ta With Special R.Eference To The Value Of Scale Characters • In Identification Amd Classification

During the course of some years of research into growth-rate and age of South African fishes of commercial importance, amongst wbich are included various species of Heterosomata, 1 the scales of sucb species received a great deal of attention.· In a very short time the characteristics of the sea les thus . examined became so familiar, that it was found poseible to identify any particular species solely from its scales. In a great many instances scale-samples, labelled with the local common n...

211 - 225 Of 364 Results