Zoology Research Papers/Topics

Sexual differences in the diet of little Penguins Eudyptula minor

Abstract: Sexual differences in the diet of Little Penguins Eudyptula minor at four geographically isolated colonies in Victoria, Australia were investigated over 12 breeding seasons, between 1985 and 2005. The weighted relative occurrence of each prey species consumed was calculated and compared at a seasonal, annual as well as locational scale, and differences in prey size were examined. Penguin body masses differed significantly between sexes and locations, with males consistently being t...

Determinants and consequences of elephant spatial use in Southern Africa’s arid savannas

Abstract: Resources that can optimize survival are distributed unevenly across landscapes. I assumed that the distribution of these resources is reflected by landscape heterogeneity and that selection for areas with relatively high heterogeneity reflects on selection for resources. I therefore hypothesized that landscape heterogeneity determines variability in elephant home range location and size. I evaluated home range sizes for elephants living in the Etosha National Park (n = 6), Khaudum...

A comparative study of rodent and shrew diversity and abundance in and outside the N’washitshumbe enclosure site in the Kruger National Park

Abstract: Understanding the extent and cause of small mammal diversity and movement in an area is one of the major challenges in modern ecology. Rodents are a very successful group forming the largest Order of mammals, but monitoring trends in populations remains complicated, especially when populations are influenced by changes in vegetation structure, seasonal climate fluctuations and different management practices. This project aims to determine the biodiversity of rodent populations in t...

Genetic variation and population structure of southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina from Marion Island

Abstract: The southern elephant seal (SES), Mirounga leonina, was intensively harvested during the 18th and 19th centuries, though never reduced to the levels seen for the northern species (Mirounga angustirostris). Although a number of putative populations occurring within the species’ circumpolar distribution in the Southern Ocean have been genetically assessed, no data was previously available for the Marion Island population. This study integrates Marion Island into the broader databas...

Morphometric and molecular analysis of variation in the southern African hedgehog, Atelerix frontalis (Eulipotyphla : Erinaceidae)

Abstract: The near-threatened southern African hedgehog, Atelerix frontalis (A. Smith, 1831) is divided into two subspecies based on its disjunct distribution of two allopatric populations. This is despite reservations because its nature and extent of geographic variation remains virtually unknown. The present study, therefore, represents the first analysis of geographic variation within A. frontalis and is based on a multidisciplinary approach involving traditional and two-dimensional geome...

Carbon sequestration on the subtropical dunes of South Africa: a comparison between native regenerating ecosystems and exotic plantations

Abstract: Rehabilitation and revegetation of mined coastal sand dunes on the east coast of South Africa makes sense. It recovers ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. The outcome of rehabilitation, which covers a third of the mined area, is a secondary coastal dune forest similar to the forests in the region. The aim of revegetation, on the other hand, is to establish Casuarina equisetifolia J.R.Forst.&G.Forst. plantations on the remaining two thirds of the mined area, for the sma...

Species composition and larval instar population structure of Scarabaeids in forestry in the Natal Midlands

Abstract: White grub is the common name of most scarabaeid larvae and some are considered ! as grubs of economic importance to agricultural crops. Expansion of forestry into previous croplands has resulted in some pests of previous agricultural crops becoming important in forestry. Field trials planted over three seasons, determined the mortality factors influencing the establishment of commercial eucalypt and black wattle plantations in the Natal Midlands. White grubs had the highest pest s...

An evaluation of southern Africa's elephant sub-populations as a metapopulation

Abstract: Elephant management traditionally centers on reducing ecological impact and human-elephant conflict by controlling numbers. However, such an approach only deals with symptoms, and ignores the causes of the problem. Planning for cases when a species is a nuisance in some areas, but threatened in others, could benefit from the application of metapopulation theory. The theory offers a framework that is elegant, and have ecological as well as political appeal. Applying classic metapopu...

The habitat and feeding ecology of the klipspringer Oreotragus Oreotragus (Zimmermann, 1973) in two areas of the Cape Province

Abstract: The study investigates the habitat preferences and ecological adaptations of the klipspringer in the Namaqualand and the southern Cape mountains. Klipspringer social organisation was found· to consist of a monogamously mated pair defending a territory which varies in size according to rainfall. The pair bond is very strong and role differentiation occurs, with the male spending more time than the female in anti-predator vigilance. Anatomical and physiological adaptations include a...

An analysis of numerical trends in African elephant populations

Abstract: The elephant debate deals largely with population size, how elephant numbers change over time, how they may affect vegetation, and how their populations should be managed. Trends in elephant numbers frequently motivate management decisions, and past efforts to alleviate elephant impact aimed at controlling population size. However, methodological and statistical constraints may influence interpretation of trends and lead to incorrect management decisions. Furthermore, inferences ab...

61 - 75 Of 103 Results