The prevalence of non-performing loans in the microfinance sector is a major concern in reducing the profitability of MFIs in Zimbabwe, therefore, this study investigated the impact of non-performing loans on the profitability of MFIs in Zimbabwe. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the study population constituted MFIs in Zimbabwe in which the sample size was 170 MFIs using random sampling as a sampling technique. Closed-ended questionnaires were used as data collection instr...
ABSTRACT The concept of bank customer relation in Tanzania is based on contract. It has been repeatedly argued that the success of the organization specifically in banking depends greatly on the needs of the customers. In order to be able to achieve that, it is necessary to understand customer and their service to enhance performance and profitability level of bank. In this sense a banker is under the duty not to disclose to the third parties information about its customers accounts affairs...
ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between business strategy and performance of small and medium enterprises in Kaabong district. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) determining the extent of business strategy; ii) level of performance of small and medium enterprises and (iii) the relationship between business strategy and performance of small and medium enterprises in Kaabong district. This research employed descriptive correlational des...
ABSTRACT The study was to establish the level of cash management in the microfinance institutions in Hargeisa Somaliland. The objective included to establish the level of cash management in the microfinance institutions. To establish level of performance of the microfinance institutions and determine relationship between cash management and performance of the microfinance institutions in Hargeisa Somaliland. The study was based on descriptive correlation and a cross sectional survey designs...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the level of ebanking services usage and customers' satisfaction in the Rwandan Banking Industry in Bank Populaire of Rwanda Limited. The main objectives of the study were to assess the level of ebanking services usage by BPR customers; to determine BPR customers' view of their overall e-service quality with ATM and Mobile banking services and to analyze the customer satisfaction with the existing ebanking services in terms ofloyalty and retent...
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to identify the impact of nonperforming loans on commercial banks' performances, especially Banque Populaire du Rwanda Ltd. To identify the impact of NPL on the BPR "s income, to assess the criteria used by BPR to give loans to its customers. To identify challenges faced by BPR as a result of non-performing loans. To suggest and recommend on effective and efficient policies that BPR can use in reducing nonperforming loans. This research is condensed ...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the impact of micro-finance institutions on the performance of small and medium enterprises in the post conflict in the democratic republic of Congo (DRC) Bunia Town The findings shows that Poor people have little or no access to financial services that most of us take for granted, Lack of access to affordable loans on the consumer side is a major hurdle in providing loan services that benefits the, Reliable and affordable loan. services are the underpinning of m...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at exploring the relationship between internal control systems and Cash management using Family Diet Limited as a case study. A sound internal control system is important as it enables an organization to can-yon business in an orderly manner, safeguards the organization's assets and ensures completeness and accuracy in their records to achieve high perforn1ance. The study documented and evaluated the adequacy of internal controls and its perf01mance at Family Diet Li...
ABSTRACT The information technology is the modern and significant part in the banking sector, it is of great importance for the bank today to access the impact of information technology of its operational performance so as to justify if high cost invested on it is justifiable or not, analyze their problems and there propose solutions. The objective of this study, was to assess how the information systems has influenced bank performance and growth of the bank as well as adoption of inform...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Cove page .. . . ....... .... ... . .. ............... . ........ . . ........... .. ... . .. . ..... . .... . .. ... ... . Declaration .. ..... . . .. .. ... .. . ........ .. .. . ................ . .................. . ........ .. ... .. .... .i Approval. . ... . . . . .. .. . ....... . ... .. ... . .... .. . . ... ... . .. .. ..... . . .... . .... ......... . ......... . .... .ii Dedication ... . . ........ . . . ....... ...... .. . . .... .. . . .... . ...... ...
ABSTRACT Financial institutions play a vital role of crafting strategies designed to increase the saving propensity in a given country. The main objective of the study was to investigate on an approach Zimbabwe financial institutions can adopt to formalise rotation savings as a measure to enhance deposit mobilisation. The research was instigated as responses to a growing informal sector that habitat a robust saving product known as rotation savings. Rotation savings have the overall effect of...
ABSTRACT A banking sector with improved bank performance and greater probability of bank survival creates a fertile ground for effective financial intermediation and economic growth. The main point of enquiry of this research was to unveil factors influencing survival and performance of Zimbabwean commercial banks after the adoption of the multiple currency exchange rate system. The study sought to draw insights on the financial and marketing strategies that are being employed by commerc...
ABSTRACT Equity crowd funding provides a novel opportunity for small and medium enterprise to initiate business enterprise without having to rely on traditional funding mechanisms, such as banks and angel investing and in return get a stake of ownership. The use of a critical mass leveraged by internet based platforms make the raising of funds quick and less costly for entrepreneurs. In previous years, small to medium enterprises were funded through banks, angel investors and private equity/v...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to provide banks, economic planners and policy makers with knowledge on individual’s saving behaviour so as to assist them in framing appeals accordingly. To achieve this, the study sought to test the applicability of the life cycle hypothesis of saving to Zimbabwe. The life cycle hypothesis of saving is one of the well-known theories thatseek to explain individual’s saving behaviour. The study was motived by the lack of depositor confidence and the ...
ABSTRACT In this research a theoretical and an empirical framework that helps to analyze the impacts of financial leverage on firms with Zimbabwean firms under spotlight. Economists continue to debate the wisdom of adjusting capital structuresto certain specific optimal capital needed to influence investment decisions. Experts on the subject have marshaled theoretical and practical arguments, but did not reach a consensus leaving way for further study on the subject matter however this rese...