ABSTRACT The stability of every economy is measured by developments in the general price level of the economy. This depends on a number of factors among which are the exchange rates of a country’s currency and that of its major trading partners. This research seeks to establish the impact of the ZAR/USD exchange rates on inflation in Zimbabwe post dollarisation. Other objectives to this research are to determine how exchange rate movements influence import prices and hence inflation. The ...
Abstract The study seeks to investigate the compatibility of the generalisations of the investment life cycle model in Zimbabwe. In that it contrasts the economic condition of Zimbabwe with chosen benchmarks of efficient economies which are USA and RAS. A comparative study of descriptive statistics is employed in carrying out this study with ratio analysis on selected macro-economic variables including inflation and economic output measures. Data will be collected from documents published by...
ABSTRACT The notion that chronic budget deficits impose costs on the stock market performance through depriving the private investors of the much-needed foreign currency and rising short and long-term interest rates, has been generally recognized by experts in finance and the popular financial media. In Zimbabwe over the years, the local stock market has not been providing capital up to sustainable levels that promote business, economic growth, development, improve standards of living and mos...
ABSTRACT The research investigated the impact of green banking strategies on customer satisfaction, using a case of commercial banks in Zimbabwe. The research objectives were to: assess the impact of internet banking on commercial bank customer satisfaction, determine the impact of mobile banking on commercial bank customer satisfaction, evaluate the impact of telephone banking on commercial bank customer satisfaction and determine the impact of ATM banking on commercial bank customer satisfa...
ABSTRACT This research focuses on the factors that influence the adoption and implementation of enterprise risk management practices by banks in Zimbabwe. In the recent years a lot of bank failures have been recorded and this is as a result of failure to monitor or acknowledge the risks that an institution is exposed to in the dynamic environment. Therefore the research intends to identify the internal and external factors that are making banks consider the adoption of a holistic approach to ...
ABSTRACT ZB Bank Digital Channels is a system that uses the internet as the delivery channel to conduct banking activity, for example, transferring funds, paying bills, viewing savings account balances, applying for loans and ordering ATM cards. This system targets the clients and various departments in the bank (Corporate banking, Retail banking, Treasury and Investment banking) and production of reports for all the levels of management. The purpose of this project was to come up with an eff...
ABSTRACT The research was primarily aimed at assessing if it is feasible for National Social Security Authority (NSSA) to extend contributory social security scheme to the informal sector. The research was motivated after realizing that the informal sector in Zimbabwe is increasing at the expense of formal sector which is leading to the contribution base of NSSA to decrease since only formally employed workers are the ones who are obliged to contribute. This leads to a funding gap where contr...
ABSTRACT Financial derivatives are used for hedging and transferring of risks in the financial system, government planning and regulatory systems. Derivatives have been used as a tool to identify risks and develop strategies to address the risks in Agriculture. The study’s main aim is to investigate the applicability of weather derivatives on tobacco farming in Zimbabwe and examines its role in production. Thus by studying the issue within the context of Zimbabwe weather patterns and their ...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the determinants of bank spreads in Zimbabwe’s commercial banking sector in the multiple currency period (2009 to 2012). The study employed panel data techniques to analyze the impact of bank specific, industry specific and macroeconomic factors on bank spreads. Other objectives of the study involved the study of the contribution of foreign and local banks to widening bank spreads and to establish the relationship between the spread and its components the depos...
ABSTRACT Banking regulations and supervision is an essential aspect of modern financial systems, seeking crucially to monitor risk-taking by banks so as to protect depositors and the economy as a whole against systemic risk and bank failure. The research involves an investigation on the effects on the activities of commercial banks in Zimbabwe during the dollarization period of (2009-2013). All research findings were obtained from 16 commercial banks and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. The rese...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate socialization factors influencing financial behaviors among university students in Zimbabwe. In this harsh economy evidenced in Zimbabwe where students’ no longer receive grants and loans, college life seems to be difficult for the university students and the situation requires one to be able to manage their finances well and to be financially literate. Theoretical and empirical literatures were both reviewed on socialization agents so a...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the determinants of bank interest rate spreads in Zimbabwe’s commercial banking sector during the multiple currency period from 2009 to 2012. The study was based on the hypothesis that bank interest rate spreads are determined by banks specific factors and macro economic factors. Several theories including the Loanble funds, Liquidity preference, Loan pricing, Signaling arguments and Credit market theories were propounded to explain the determinants of interest...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate socialization factors influencing financial behaviors among university students in Zimbabwe. In this harsh economy evidenced in Zimbabwe where students’ no longer receive grants and loans, college life seems to be difficult for the university students and the situation requires one to be able to manage their finances well and to be financially literate. Theoretical and empirical literatures were both reviewed on socialization agents so a...
ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to analyse the determinants of cost of capital among companies listed on the Zimbabwe stock exchange. The major objective of the research was to come up with those factors which have an influence on the cost of capital and to what extend. Valuation methods, models of cost of capital and determinants of cost of capital also complemented the research. Related studies done in the past support that there are various factors which influence cost of capital su...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate on how financial institutions integrate risk indicators into their corporate performance management. The major objective of the study was to find out how financial institutions go about in identifying risk indicators for the various risks they are exposed to, who is responsible for the process of measuring and monitoring risks and how they report risk profiles and performance at the same time. The other objectives were to identify the various...