ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between ownership structure and firm performance in companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The study analysed the various types and forms of ownership structure and how the influence the performance of the listed companies. Deferent forms of performance measures and determinants were also explored. The study made use of secondary data collected on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange for a period of four years (2010-2013) and the data was...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of corporate downsizing as a cost reduction strategy, a case of Zimbabwe commercial banks. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of downsizing as a cost reduction strategy, to determine factors to be considered when implementing downsizing, to assess the effect of implementing downsizing strategy on performance and to establish the measures to be adopted to ensure effective implementation of downsiz...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of interest rates on loan repayment in MFIs situated in Gweru. In this harsh economy evidenced in Zimbabwe where NPL continues to be the talk of the day as some clients fails to service their debts due to various factors . Theoretical and empirical literatures were both reviewed on loan repayment so as to make derivations and give the basis for a strong analysis. Studies carried out in other countries were integrated in the empi...
ABSTRACT The twin effect of persistent liquidity challenges and a very low deposit base for most banks has constrained the traditional sources of finance for businesses making alternative financing sources an imperative for business continuity. Private equity is a growing alternative asset class among the developed markets and since the global financial crisis of 2008 private equity investments have shifted their focus to include emerging and frontier markets in different geographical markets...
ABSTRACT The study is an evaluation of capital adequacy ratios as indicators of bank performance with major focus on determining effectiveness of these capital adequacy ratios in indicating performance of banks. Twelve commercial banks formed the research population with secondary dataset obtained from end of year financial statements and annual reports for the period 2009 to 2012 based on judgemental technique. An explanatory research design was used in conjunction with an econometric panel ...
Abstract This study analysed the determinants of banking crises in the SADC region for the period 1985-2011. The probability of a banking crisis was estimated using a multinomial logit model on real GDP growth level, terms of trade, the ratio of private domestic credit to GDP and the ratio of M2 to foreign exchange reserves. The model was estimated for the pooled, non-systemic and systemic crises economies in order to determine if the impact of the determinants differs between systemic and ...
ABSTRACT Rural and Community Banks form part of the regulated financial sector by the Bank of Ghana. They serve as the largest providers of formal financial services to people living in rural areas. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of these Banks in the development of Micro Enterprises, such as bakery, craft, pito brewing, batik tie and dye production, weaving, blacksmithing, soap making, Shea butter and groundnut oil extraction, etc., in the East Mamprusi District of the No...
ABSTRACT The backbone of every economy is the informal sector however most employment opportunities in Ghana are largely hinged on the private sector . Hence, the contribution the sector makes to Ghana's economic development through job creation cannot be underestimated. The role of small and medium scale enterprises for economic growth was undertaken to find out how SME sub-sector in Zebilla has performed and its impact on the economic growth of the country. Specifically this study intended...
ABSTRACT Cash-less policy is a situation where the volume of the physical cash been used in the economy is reduced rather than total elimination of such. This had been in practice in most advanced countries. However only on Jan1, 2012, the pilot scheme of the policy was introduced as one of the financial services by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in Lagos as a pilot state, been the economic nerve of the country. This policy takes the form of where no one uses cash for major purchases but...
ABSTRACT The study is on the topic “Evaluation of Revenue mobilization strategies of metropolitan, municipal and district Assemblies in Ghana. The case of Accra Metropolitan Assembly”. The study set out to discover other revenue sources that are not being explored by the Assembly, what strategies are adopted for revenue collection and accounting standards. Finally, the study considered the contribution of internally generated fund. The sample was made up of Core Management staff of the Di...
ABSTRACT The study is on the topic “Evaluation of Revenue mobilization strategies of metropolitan, municipal and district Assemblies in Ghana. The case of Accra Metropolitan Assembly”. The study set out to discover other revenue sources that are not being explored by the Assembly, what strategies are adopted for revenue collection and accounting standards. Finally, the study considered the contribution of internally generated fund. The sample was made up o...
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of some macroeconomic variables on stock market price in Ghana. The study employed yearly data spanning the period of January 1990 to December 2016. Unit root test was performed using Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test (ADF) and Philips-Perron test (PP), Cointegration was also applied. The macroeconomic variables considered were Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Exchange Rate (EXR), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Money Supply (M2) and Infl...