TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei DECLARATIONii APPROVAL PAGEiii DEDICATIONiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSv TABLE OF CONTENTSvi CHAPTER ONE1 INTRODUCTION1 Background of the Study1 1.2Statement of the Problem2 1.3Objectives of the Study3 1.4Research Questions3 1.5Significance Of The Study4 1.6Research Methodology5 1.7Scope and Limitations of the Study7 CHAPTER TWO8 LITERATURE REVIEW8 2.0INTRODUCTION8 2.1 THEORETICAL FRAME WORK8 2.2THE CONCEPT OF CREDIT9 2.3 CREDIT MANAGEMENT11 2.4 GOVERNME...
.INTRODUCTION:The essence of embarking on this research is to examine and determine the competence of advertising in influencing the volume of sales with respect to products of Ama Breweries Plc. Ninth Mile Corner, Enugu which is the case study of this research work.In the light of conducting this study many efficient methods and solutions would be derived which will show how advertising assist a lot in sales promotion.In carrying out and fully completing this study, various techniques and st...
MODEL PAPERS A professional degree is very important in current scenario so that you all may find good job prospects in your respective fields, for that you have to pass your exams with good marks. As many students are working professionals so they hardly get some time to study or many students find difficult to cover the entire textbook. Many students don’t have time to go to their learning centre to attend classes due to various reasons. Keeping in mind all these things our experie...
GET SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS PAPERS OF VARIOUS COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY An assignment is a part of your curriculum, you need to solve and submit. It is also called Internal Assessment. You need to submit assignments with good quality answer to score more. From SMU team we provide to students the best of Sikkim Manipal university assignments and also of other universities if demanded by students. We provide solved Assignments various colleges/universities for all courses (BCA, MCA, BBA, MBA...
ABSTRACTAlthough organizations often eschew the phrase “people are our greatest asset”, few executives have any idea of what raw talents they have that can be tapped more productively and profitably. Manpower planning strategies is a potent strategy to any organization which plans, procures and retains best human capital. As the challenge shifts from managing capital and technology to managing people, so this requires a fundamental shift in the way we consider resources. People sho...
INTRODUCTION In every country of the world, the banking sector plays a crucial role in increasing their economic activity. The failure of banks to fulfill the role which they play stems from the several risks which they are exposed to; some of these risks are not properly managed despite efforts put into them. One of such risks which are becoming a cankerworm eating deep into the fabrics of the banking sector is fraud. Esoghene (2010) has it that frauds are more pronounced and a serious i...
INTRODUCTIONThe availability of white collar jobs is on a continuous decline, courtesy of national and global economic recession. The worse is felt move in Nigeria where the unemployment rates is over 40%. This will likely exacerbate unless urgent steps in the right direction are taken. Apart from dwindling fortunes of the Nigerian economy, other factors have been adduced as among causes of the high unemployment index. These include, low competence of many school leavers and graduates makin...
.Theoretical issues It is generally agreed that economic development implies sustained increases in income per capita coupled with positive structural changes (political, cultural and social etc) within an economy over a long period of time. It follows that economic growth may not result in economic development. For development to occur, there must be visible positive changes to income ...
Portfolio Management Portfolio is a collection of asset investments. A rational investor should not commit all his funds into once asset, rather he should commit them into several assets, which will altogether form his investment portfolio. An investor may invest his money in assets or group of assets which could be stocks, shares, bonds, fixed deposits, business venture, real estate, motor vehicle or insurance policy. Each of these asset is a form of investment upon which the invest...
ABSTRACT Production management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of the production function. It combines and transforms various resources used in the production subsystem of the organization into value added product in a controlled manner as per the policies of the organization. It is ironic that Nigeria is the sixth largest exporter of oil and at the same time host the third largest number of poor people after China and India. Statistics show th...
ABSTRACT It is ironic that Nigeria is the sixth largest exporter of oil and at the same time host the third largest number of poor people after China and India. Statistics show that the incidence of poverty using the rate of US $1 per day increased from 28.1 percent in 1980 to 46.3 percent in 1985 and declined to 42.7 percent in 1992 but increased again to 65.6 percent in 1996. The incidence increased to 69.2 percent in 1997. The 2004 report by the National Planning Commission indicates tha...
ABSTRACT Shelter, it is said, ranks second in the hierarchy of human needs, being most important after food. Nigeria, most populous country in Africa, and eighth most populous in the world (2009 estimate by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs – Population Division) faces a serious housing challenge. Available statistics show that 87% of the total household population in Nigeria lives in rented apartments. In Lagos, in particular, 60% of residents are tenants and ho...
ABSTRACT This term paper is written to help show the contributions of the Nigeria capital market and it’s contribution to the economy. It is a term paper that brings out the whole system of Nigeria capital market, it’s problem and contribution to the economy it also provide the recommendations that are supposed to be made to the capital market as a whole so as to effect it’s growth and efficiency. Its also talk about the review of related literature, the second tier securities market, t...
ABSTRACT This term paper is all about the role of small-scale industries in the economic development of Nigeria. Chapter one is on introduction. It discuss about the general background of the study, statement of problem, scope of the study, significance of the study, definition of important terms. The second chapter is on Literature Review. It deals with the origin of the subject matter, schools of thought within the subject area, the school of thought relevant to the problem of the study, d...
ABSTRACT A sound recruitment programme logically follows a well drawn-up manpower plan. In fact, the quality of the present manpower plan as indeed of every present decision of the organization depends upon the quality of recruitment policies and practices. This paper examines recruitment and selection process. It identifies a typical source by separating recruitment into internal and external and discussed the advantages of each method. The analytical tools used in this study were regression...