Economics Research Papers/Topics

Role Of Islamic Banks In Welfare Improvement: Case Study First Community Bank, Northern Kenya Wajir Branch

ABSTRACT The people ofWajir have a long time and still earning their living from livestock keeping like camels, cattle, goats, sheep and very few from peasantry agriculture where bananas, maize, mangoes, tomatoes are grown majorly for subsistence purpose. The minority of people in Wajir district are dealing in motor vehicles mechanics, taxi drivers. The majority women inclusive are petty traders with retail and wholesale business in Wajir district: The research focused on the role played by ...

Relationship Between Exports And Gdp Growth In Uganda: (A Case Study Of Periods Between 1992-2011).

ABSTRACT The study was conducted under the topic “Relationship between Exports of and GDP growth in Uganda: (A case study: Periods Between 1992-2011)” The research instruments used for data collection are time series tests, observation, sampling and data Analysis. The researcher made the following findings in accordance with the study objectives: Gross Domestic Product has been showing a general increase over years under study in Uganda (1992-2011). An increase in the GDP growth is due to...

The Impact Of Financial Services On The Performance Of Small And Medium Size Enterprises: Acase Study Of Wobulenzi Trading Centre Kampala

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to determine the impact of financial services on the performances of small and medium enterprises in Wobulenzi trading centre Uganda. A cross sectional, descriptive and analytical research design was used. A correlation analysis between the business performances against loans usage and financial acivices was calTied out to test the direction and strength of relationships between the study variables A regression analysis focusing on financial services ...

Effects Of Value Added Tax Reforms On Household Welfare And Collection Efficiency And The Determinants Of Its Compliance Gap In Kenya

ABSTRACT The study evaluated the Value Added Tax reform process in Kenya, and established its effect on welfare of households and collection efficiency of Value Added Tax. In addition, the study estimated the Value Added Tax gap in Kenya and evaluated its determinants. The study made use of the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System model to assess the effects of Value Added Tax reforms on household welfare, Value Added Tax efficiency was measured using the Collection-Efficiency model and Valu...

Foreign Direct Investment And Economic Growth In Uganda (2002-2011)

ABSTRACT The study is focused on Foreign Direct Investment and economic growth (measured by GDP) in Uganda (2002-2011), the study employed time series survey data since it examined data for a short time Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Foreign Direct Investment in Uganda (2002-2011, to establish the trend of Economic growth of Uganda ((2002-2011), and to investigate the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic growth in Uganda (2002-2011). The hypothesis of th...

Banking Services And Growth Of Informal Sector In Uganda: A Case Study Of Makin Dye Division Kampala

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was banking services and performance of the informal sector in Makindye division, Kampala. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) determining the extent of banking services; ii) level of performance of informal sector; iii) the effects of banking services on performance of informal sector in Makindye division, Kampala. This research employed descriptive correlational design to describe the relationship between credit financing ...

Impact Of Population Gro\Vth Rate On Unemployment Case Study Kansal~Ga Parish

ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out how population growth rate affects unemployment 111 kansanga parish, in Kampala-Uganda. At a population growth rate of three percent per annum, Kansanga has one of the highest growth rates in Kampala. The country depends predominantly on agricultu re as the backbone of its economy. The sector employs well over 81 percent of the country's 35 million people and contributes about 34 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But despite the importance ...

Impact Of Village Savings And Loans Association On People’s Welfare Case Study Lapul Subcounty, Pader District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Lapul sub county, pader district Northern Uganda under the topic “impact of village savings and loans association on the rural household welfare. The research considered a population of 80 people out of which a sample size of 70 respondents was equally selected from the total population to give them an equal opportunity to participate in the study. The study had three major objectives which were; to evaluate the contribution of VSLA on household’s educa...

The Impact Of Inventory Management On The Profitability Of An Organisation: A Case Study Of Bugisu Cooperative Union Mbale - Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL .......................................................................................................................................... iii Dedication .............................................................................................................................................. iv Ackno,.vledgen1ents .....

The Role Of Micro-Credit On Poverty Eradication: A Case Study Of Brac Sudan Limited In Bor County, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to assess the role of micro-credit on poverty eradication in Sudan using Brae Sudan limited in South Sudan. The study sought to; assess the activities offered by micro-credit facilities among the family households, establish the implications of the major detivatives which related to poverty eradications and micro-credit establishments and establish the relationship between Brae Sudan Ltd and poverty reduction strategies in Bor County, Southern Sudan....

Utilization Of Mobile Financial Services Among Small Scale Businesses In Kiambu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The Kenyan government has been implementing policies to expand financial access including promoting mobile enabled financial services to those excluded by formal banking sector. Despite the efforts, 65 percent of Kenyans have no access to a bank account due to limited bank branches in rural areas and information asymmetry about the sector. To facilitate financial inclusion and reach out to rural areas historically marginalized by convectional banking, mobile network operators have ma...

Effects Of Financing Decisions On Total Productivity Of Non-Financial Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT The importance of a firm’s productivity cannot be overemphasised as it not only results in the growth of firms but also contributes to the overall growth of an economy. More than half of the variation in economic growth across different countries is said to be explained by differences in total factor productivity arising from the firm level. One major challenge facing developing economies, including Kenya is extremely low productivity level at the firm. Studies have pointed to inno...

Community Empowerment And Child Marriage In Kilifi County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Child marriage is a familiar phenomenon in many countries in Africa and Asia. It is a harmful traditional vice, a human rights violation which not only denies young girls a choice on whom to marry, but also exposes them to psychological, social, health and economic risks. Globally, girls from impoverished households are more likely victims of child marriages. Further combined with traditional practices and beliefs, poverty gives education preference to boys in situations of economic ...

Competition And Profitability Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The banking sector in Kenya is characterized by intermediation inefficiency in the form of interest driven exceptional bank profitability.Competition among commercial banks should remedy this situation by driving bank profitability to the competitive norm. This study examined how competition is correcting this inefficiency byinvestigating competition and profitability of commercial banks in Kenya.Specifically, the study ascertained the level of competition among commercial banks; det...

Demand For Locally Produced Films By Residents Of Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the aggressive marketing of local films and the creation of policies aimed at boosting their consumption in Kenya, consumption is still low. Attempts to critically analyze this problem have focused on the qualitative content in films with little investigation of consumers’ tastes and preferences. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze factors that affect demand for locally produced films in Nairobi County, Kenya. Film being a hedonic and experience good, the stud...

136 - 150 Of 580 Results