Economics Research Papers/Topics

Strengthening a Vibrant Domestic Investment Market for Economic Growth in Kenya

Abstract: A thriving private sector is central to achieving the objectives of Kenya’s Vision 2030. In fact, the success of Vision 2030 is largely premised on the role of the private sector in achieving the countries growth objectives and, thereby, creating greater wealth and employment opportunities. In general, the private sector in Kenya is vibrant and in good health. Kenya is a promising place to do business, with growing markets and good opportunities. Importantly, there is a widesprea...

Assessing The Efficacy and Sustainability of External Borrowing for Kenya’s Economic Development: 2003 – 2017

Abstract: This study has established that Kenya has been borrowing money unilaterally, multinational, and from global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This has been the case because after gaining independence the country has always envisioned a future where the earning and purchasing power parity of the population is reasonable enough to maintain a high velocity of money and a near full employment status. Part of the vision also includes deve...

Examining the Effects of Politics on Trade in Regional Blocs’ Economic Integration: A Case of the East African Community and the European Union.

Abstract: This study focused on the examining the effects of politics trade in East African Community (EAC) trade and economic integration, with the European Union (EU) examined as setting the pace and can be used as a model in helping other regions to achieve a robust Regional Economic Integration. Regional Economic Integration has enabled countries to focus on issues that are relevant to their state development in many African countries, as well as encourage trade between neighbors. The fo...


Abstract: Household savingis a crucial determinant of the supply of funds for investment. However, saving trend in Ethiopia particularly in the study area is very low and little is known empirically about its determinants. This study, therefore, was aimed at investigating the determinants of the saving behavior of households in Dire Dawa city, Eastern Ethiopia. Data were collected from four Kebeles and 122 sample households taken from the selected kebeles by using interview schedule. Discrip...

An examination of the Impact of Covid-19 on the Informal Sector in Gaborone, Botswana

Abstract: The study aimed at examining the impact of Covid-19 on the informal sector in Gaborone, Botswana. The problem is that the informal sector has been badly affected by the pandemic. A quantitative research approach was employed, and a quantitative descriptive research design provided a road map that was used to fulfil this research. Convenience sampling was used to gather a sample of 60 participants from the informal sector businesses which employ less than five people and has been op...

Viability and Economic Contribution of Shared Ride Taxis: A Case Study of Francistown Metropolis

Abstract: The scope of the study was to ascertain the viability of the cruise taxi business in Francistown metropolis. The business is dominated by black entrepreneurs supported by local authority to ply the metropolitan routes. A semi-structured questionnaire was introduced and issued to commuters who were randomly selected on their way to pick a taxi at their terminus. Collected data were analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 26. A Cruise taxi driver’s level of education influenced tim...

Financial Cost-benefit Analysis of Maize Storage Techniques: A Case Study of Njoro Sub-County

Abstract: This study analyzes the cost benefit implication of maize storage techniques used by farmers and traders, and further identifies challenges in the uptake of new and improved technology and innovations. Using a case study area in Njoro sub-County from Kenya, we identified and evaluated the economic feasibility of the various technologies that farmers and traders used to store their maize against being attacked by insects and rodents. Analysis showed that most feasible storage innova...

Socio-economic Burden of Malaria: The case of Jabi-tehnan Distric

Abstract: This thesis explores the economic burden of malaria incidence by controlling household practices regarding malaria prevention in Jabi-tehnan District. It uses household survey data collected by the Social Sciences and Impact Assessment Unit of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology(icipe). This study aimed at assessing and examining factors contributing to malaria and the impact of the incidenceby using both descrptive statistics and econometrics aproach. In the ...

Financial Cost Benefit Analysis of Maize Storage Techniques: A Case Study of Njoro Sub-County

Abstract: This study analyzes the cost benefit implication of maize storage techniques used by farmers and traders, and further identifies challenges in the uptake of new and improved technology and innovations. Using a case study area in Njoro sub-County from Kenya, we identified and evaluated the economic feasibility of the various technologies that farmers and traders used to store their maize against being attacked by insects and rodents. Analysis showed that most feasible storage innova...

Analysis of County Government Expenditure and County Economic Growth in Kenya

The modern devolution development across the globe has been in part driven by assertions of a supposed ‘economic dividend’linked with the devolved expenditure. There is however, little empirical evidence to validate these assertions in Kenya. Most empirical studies across different countries have used different methods of analysis, different time periods and diverse techniques of measuring variable which have generated mixed conclusions and others are inconclusive. More so, in Kenya ...

Effect of government expenditure on economic growth in East Africa A disaggregated model

The goal of this research was to investigate empirically how government expenditure contributes to economic growth in East Africa. Most existing studies on the association between government expenditure and economic growth show conflicting results and mainlyfocus on developed economies. Hence this study focused on both the functional and composition of public spending of the East African countries over the period from 1980 to 2010, with a particular focus on sectoral expenditures: Education, ...

Institutional Reforms and Economic Growth Performance in Nigeria.

Abstract.  This study makes an empirical case that the level of sensitivity of economic growth to political and economic institutional reforms in Nigeria matters for sustained and sustainable economic performance both in the short, medium and long term. We first document the empirical evidence that successive regimes in Nigeria were indifferent to the impact of institutional reforms on economic growth. Several regimes both military and civilian pursued time bound and ambitious economic goals...

The Impact of Imports on Total Factor Productivity in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Despite the gains from capital and labour productivity, there is still a problem of low total factor productivity (TFP) in Nigeria. This study, therefore, examined the impact of imports on total factor productivity as an alternative to the conventional sources of productivity gains for the country. The study covered the period 1980-2011. Building on the theoretical Cobb-Douglas production function, we developed and estimated an empirical model which incorporated Foreign Direct Inve...

Leasing Competence and Performance of Selected SMEs in Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT  Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up approximately 90 per cent of Uganda's private sector and contribute two-thirds of national income. In Uganda, leasing has bridged the current financing gap experienced by SMEs, and efforts have been made to improve the leasing competences of SME Managers yet many more SMEs close shop annually. This empirical study sought to establish the relationship between leasing competence, lease structure and perceived performance of SMEs. The ...

The Impact of Inflation on Private Consumption Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page……………………………………………………………………………… i Approval page………………………………………………………….......................... ii Certification…………………………………………………………………………… iii Dedication…………………………………………………………................................ iv Acknowledgement……………………………�...

31 - 45 Of 580 Results