Environmental and Natural Resources Economics Research Papers/Topics

Drivers of Carbon Emissions in Kenya: The Perspective of Technology

The empirical studies have portrayed from a different perspective that technology, foreign direct investment (FDI), and economic growth have diverse outcomes on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. African economies specifically Kenya are currently threatened with more CO2 emissions for which proper strategies need to be adopted to reduce and mitigate this situation. To address this issue, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) technique was utilized, differentiating between the long-term and s...

Domestic Demand or Trade Led Growth Hypothesis For Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Countries? A Search For A New Development Paradigm.

Abstract: There have been weaker growth rates, globally, being coupled with an increase in trade protectionist policies, fall in commodity prices, and high economic uncertainty in developed nations. Developing countries face weak external positions due to overreliance on trade to improve growth. In this context, this study uses the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ADRL) approach to evaluate the applicability of the trade led and domestic demand led growth (DDLG) hypothesis using a sample of ...