ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I hardly know where to start saying thanks to all those who helped me with this thesis. First of all, my profound and heartfelt gratitude goes to my supervisors, Prof. P.E. Bondzi-Simpson and Mr. Edward Marfo-Yiadom. Their valuable contribution, innovation, talent and creative flair are very evident and much appreciated and so is Honourable Sam Quarm for his financial assistance. The greatest thanks of all go to my mom and dad who made it all worthwhile, 'who have supported m...
ABSTRACT The National Health Insurance Scheme is bedevilled with lots of problems. One of such problems is payment of persistent and ever-increasing healthcare claims. This phenomenon, if not properly controlled, may have the futuristic propensity to hamper the smooth running of Takoradi Mutual Health Insurance scheme (TMHIS) in particular and health insurance schemes in the country in general. The main aim of this study was to assess stakeholders’ perception on healthcare claims fraud cont...
ABSTRACT The study aimed generally to determine the scope of financial literacy and personal financing by people in the Cape Coast Metropolis. Under subscription of questionnaires led to 436 respondents from the cluster sampling method being used in the analysis. This allowed the determination of the various components and factors of financial literacy and personal finance. Factor analysis determined which indicators from various scenarios respo...
ABSTRACT The study analysis shareholders’ economic value added (EVA) as a performance measure of selected listed Banks in Ghana to provide evidence about its ability as a measure compared to conventional accounting ratios: return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA) and earning per share (EPS). To achieve this, EVA of listed banks on the Ghana Stock Exchange was compared with traditional accounting ratio...
ABSTRACT Canonical finance theory holds that capital should move to the assets with the greater risk premium. Does foreign direct investment (FDI) move to countries with a higher country risk premia? We address this question in this study. We proxied country risk premium as the difference between the equity risk premium of an Africa country and the equity risk premium of US, sovereign bond spread and we measured foreign direct investment as the foreign inflows scaled by gross domesti...
ABSTRACT The chief thrust of this work is to examine the stimulus banks novelties has on fiscal performance in Ghana profitable banks listed. This research selected these banks registered on the interchange market to avoid issues of subjective outcomes which may lead to skeptical issues later on. Specifically, the study sought to: look at, the influence bank innovations have on net interest margin in Ghana commercial banks, scrutinize the stimulus banks n...
ABSTRACT There is overwhelming evidence in empirical literature that in the presence of market imperfections, investments of financially constraint firms become sensitive to the availability of internal finance. There are also contradictory evidences regarding the pattern of the observed investment cash flow sensitivity. However, most of the empirical work on the responsiveness of firms’ investment to cash flow was done using data from developed markets. This study examines not jus...
The development of the Integrated Financial Management Information system was a move by the Kenyan government in 1998 through the Ministry of National Treasury to implement Public Financial Management ( PFM) reforms. This system was to be later deployed in other ministries five years later in 2003. Just like any other system out there, the implementation of IFMIS was not without its challenges and thus prompting a re-engineering program in 2011 that was aimed at making the system reliable and...
This dissertation uses the event study methodology to examine the short-run cumulative abnormal returns to UK based mergers and acquisitions between the years 2008-2014. By examining this short-run cumulative abnormal returns, the response of the UK stock market to the announcement of mergers/acquisitions post-financial crisis was deduced. To measure the stock market response accurately, a random sample of 128 companies engaging in consolidation transactions between 2008-2014 is broken down i...