Abstract: According to Morewood (2017), establishing a worldwide culture of resilience needs to be at the top of every school’s agenda as a means of addressing the alarming prevalence of mental health issues among young people. This study looked at the levels of resilience among adolescent students between the ages of 13-18 of forms one and two in Kisumu County, with a sample size of 414 students. This was a correlational research study that looked at the relationship between the different...
Abstract: With expanding internet access, television viewing, cinematic and movie releases, among other entertainment distributions, consumption of media in the 21st century is becoming widespread among the general public, especially young people. It may appear that greater media consumption means that users one way or another connect with favorite characters featured in them. This present study mainly focused on two forms of media engagement among users which are Parasocial Interaction (esp...
Abstract: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a significant global public health problem. Comprehending the mental risk outcomes is vital for developing intervention programs. Yet, little evidence exists on population-based prevalence and psychological risk outcomes among women in Kenya. The objective of the study was to measure the level of anxiety and trauma in women who stayed and those who left abusive intimate relationships. Additionally, the study aimed at comparing anxiety and trauma l...
Abstract: The key functions of psychosocial support needed to promote the emotional wellbeing of vulnerable youth are commonly overlooked. This study aimed to explore the perceived effects of psychosocial support on the emotional well-being of youth with absent parent(s).The objectives were; to establish the relationship between informational psychosocial support, emotional support, instrumental support, companion psychosocial support and emotional wellbeing among youths with absent parents ...
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to establish if there was a relationship between psychological distress and the parenting style among parents from Mathare informal settlement. Objectives were: to asses levels of psychological distresses among parents; to establish different parenting styles exercised by parents; and to examine whether there was a relationship between psychological distress and parenting style among parents. Mixed research method was adopted while simple random samplin...
Abstract: Caregiver burden is composed of multiple physical, psychological, social, and financial stressors associated with caregiving when dealing with children with cerebral palsy. The primary objectives of the study were to explore psychological distress experienced by the caregivers of children living with cerebral palsy, identify their coping mechanisms and the existing support systems. The study adopted a descriptive research design and convenience sampling was used to sample a total o...
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to understand alcohol consumption among employees among selected companies in Nairobi County. The objectives of the study were to determine the levels of alcohol consumption at the work place; to determine the gender difference in relation to alcohol consumption among employees in selected companies; and to assess the current measures taken to address alcohol and drug abuse problems in the selected companies in Nairobi County. Descriptive design was ad...
Abstract: The main objective of the study was to investigate the role of motivation on students and teachers looking further within corridors of Limkokwing University, Botswana. The study looked further on identifying factors that influenced performance of teachers and students in higher education as well as investigating motivation strategies that can be employed within the education sector to better academic performance. The study adopted a case study design using qualitative technique. Th...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between religious commitment, emotion regulation, social support and pre-operative anxiety among surgical inpatients. Two hundred and ten inpatients drawn from surgical wards of UNTH participated in this study. They comprised 93 males and 117 females who were aged 18-80 years. The state Anxiety scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger et al, 1970) was used to assess anxiety, while the Religious Commitment Inventory (Worthington...
ABSTRACT The study investigated abusive supervision, work tension and work overload as predictors of counter productive work behaviour (CWB). Three hundred and one (301) secondary school teachers participated, who were randomly drawn from Urban Girls Secondary School, Nsukka; Nsukka High School, Nsukka; St. Teresa’s College, Nsukka; Queen of the Rosary Secondary School, Nsukka; Community Secondary School Obukpa, Nsukka; Model Secondary School, Nsukka and Community Secondary School Isienu, ...
ABSTRACT The study investigated Organizational justice and work-family conflict as the predictors of workplace deviance among non-academic workers of University of Nigeria. Three hundred (male and female) non-academic workers of University of Nigeria participated in the study. Three instruments were used in the data collection, which includes organizational justice Scale (OJS), work-family conflict scale (WFC) scale and workplace deviant behaviour scale (WDB). Two hypotheses were tested. Re...
ABSTRACT The quantitative study on HIV client’s perception of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services was conducted in Muyumbu Health Center in Rwamagana District, Eastern Province, Rwanda. The research purpose was to identify the correlation between HIV client’s perception and VcT services. The objectives were to determine the profile of the respondents as age, gender , marital status, education level , and occupation; to determine the level of HIV client’s perception, to deter...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Depression is one of the major mental problems in the students' population and it is continuously increasing. The catecholamine hypothesis postulated that depression results from functional deficiency of noradrenaline in the brain. In this study, the relationship between depression and twenty four hours urinary noradrenaline was analysed among medical students ofKIU-Western Campus. METHOD: A cluster sampling approach was used to select University students in K.IU. A 21-lt...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between stress levels, health seeking behaviors and academic performance among students of Kampala International University (KIU) Kampala, Uganda. The study was guided by three stated objectives: To determine the relationship between stress levels and academic performance among students; To examine the difference between the levels of stress experienced among male and female students; To establish relationship between health...
ABSTRACT The study examined the role of materialism, work-family conflict and age in marital satisfaction. Three hundred and eighteen (150 married men and 168 married women) academic and non-academic staff of Meteorological Training Institute, Obosi, aged between 20 and 70 years with mean age of 45 participated in the study. Marital satisfaction was measured using Index of Marital Satisfaction Scale. Richins and Darwson’s Materialism Scale and Carlson, Kacmar and William Work- family Confli...