Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Personality, Age And Marital Status On Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Among Nonacademic Staff Of Federal University Oye-Ekiti

ABSTRACT The research aimed to determine the influence of dispositional factors and some demographic factors on organizational citizenship behaviour among non-academic staffs ,The study examined personality traits ,age and marital status as variables to know their influence on organizational citizenship behaviour among non-academic staff of Federal university OyeEkiti, one hundred and fifty questionnaire was administered to the non -academic staff, the study hypothesized that personality tra...

Depression As Predictor Of Job Performance Among Employees Of Federal University Oye Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The employees of the Federal University Oye Ekiti are individuals who provide labor to the organization. The aim of the study was to predict the influence of depression on job performance among University employees of the Federal University Oye Ekiti. The study is a cross sectional study and was conducted in Federal University Oye Ekiti involving 206 pa1ticipants that included. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from the participants. Respondents were surveye...

Age And Test Anxiety As Correlates Of Academic Performance Among University Students

ABSTRACT Academic performance among university students is an intricate issue, which requires immediate attention because. it is declining continually at an alarming rate. Accordingly, the study examined Age and Test anxiety as correlate of Academic performance among University students using the expost facto design. Two hundred (200) undergraduates of Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) were sampled using convenience sampling method. Self-report instruments comprising of Test Anxiety Inven...

The Adaptation Of Paranormal Beliefs Scale In Nigeria

   ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to adapt the Revised Parauormal Belief Scale (RPBS) using local sample. It is observed that previous researches carried out in Nigeria are done using RPBS (Tobacyk, 1988), without adapting to the Nigeriau context. Accordingly, it is importaut to adapt the RPBS to local context by obtaining its factor strncture, reliability aud validity. Adopting the survey design, 400 participants were recrnited using the convenient sampling method from the population ...

Job Tenure, Perceived Leadership Style And Organisational Justice As Predictors Of Organisational Citizenship Behaviours Among Service-Oriented Employees In Lagos State

   Abstract The current study investigated the factors that predict organisational citizenship behaviours (OCB) among employees in selected service-oriented organizations. The cross sectional research design was employed in this study. A total of three hundred and fifty-nine (359) employees between the ages of 19 and 59 years old participated in this study. Forty-two percent (42%) of the participants were male; fifty-six percent (56%) were female while the remaining two percent (2%) did n...

Influence Of Gender And Locality On Alcohol Abuse Among Secondary School Students In Ekiti State.

ABSTRACT Issue of alcohol use among secondary school students is becoming a thing of concern to the world at large. The present study investigated the influence of gender and locality on alcohol abuse among secondary school students in Ekiti state. The study adopted ex-post facto research design. A total of 200 undergraduates were accidentally sampled in the study. These participants were administered with severe alcohol dependence questionnaire (SADQ) together with demographic information. ...

Influence of Self Esteem and Depression on Sucidal Ideation Among Adolescents in Oye Ekiti

ABSTRACT Adolescence stage is a very sensitive period that requires proper handling and adequate monitoring by Parents and those who are concerned like Teachers. Counselors and othe1: Caregivers. A person with high Self esteem is not likely to engage in suicide acts compared to one with a low Self esteem. Likewise for a person with lw Depression is not likely to engage in suicide act compared to one with high Depression. The study investigated influence of Self esteem and Depression on suic...

Spiritual Beliefs And Self-Esteem As Predictors Of Attachment Among Married Adults In Oyo State

ABSTRACT Attachment is a special emotional relationship that involves an exchange of comfort, care and pleasure. However, in Nigeria, low level of attachment has led to many separations of many marriages. This study aims a( exploring spiritual beliefs and self-esteem as predictors of attachment among 300 married adults in Oya State. Using Ex-post facto survey research design • whereby Data were collected through the use of Belief and Value scale by Michael King et al, Morris Rosenberg...

Attitude Of Parents Towards Their Special Needs Children: The Roles Of Caregivers' Burden And Feelings Of Gratitude

Abstract The study examined the role of care-givers' burden and feelings of gratitude in attitude of parents who have special needs children. One hundred and ninety six (196) participants were selected using the purposive sampling method among parents whose special needs children are being cared for by some non-governmental organizations in Abuja and Ibadan, Nigeria. Participants were administered the Parental Attitude towards Mental Retardation Scale, the Gratitude Questionnaire, and the Bu...

Influence Of Gender And Personality Traits On Criminal Tendencies Among Adolescents Inmates In Ekiti State Prisons

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of gender and personality traits among inmates in Ekiti State prisons. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design. A total of 120 inmates were conveniently and purposefully sampled in the study. These participants were administered with Big-Five Personality Questionnaire and Brief Criminal Attitudes Scale together with demographic information. One was tested using multiple regression and was rejected. Three hypotheses were tested in ...

Safety Practices And Accident Proneness Of Artisans In Enugu State: The Moderating Effects Of Attribution Style

Abstract This research examined safety practices and accident proneness: the moderating effects of attribution style among artisans in Enugu state. Using a cross-sectional survey design, a total of 216 in Enugu within the age range of 18 to 60 years participated in the study. They were welders, mechanics, tailors and labourers in Enugu city. Instruments used to collect date were Accident proneness Scale (APS) by Van As (2001), the Attribution style scale by Anderson (1999) and Safety practi...

Effect Of Gender Ano Physical Activity On Vlsual And Auditory Reaction Time Among 'Undergraduate Students Of Federal University Oye Ekti.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to determine the effect of gender and physical activities on visual and auditory reaction time among undergraduates in Federal University Oye Ekiti. While carrying out the research. there were physical activities was involved which means the research was carried out through a field experiment. ·The study adopted a with-in subject design because the same set of participant were used to test for hath visual and auditory reaction time. The researcher made use ...

Work Engagement And Work-Life Balance As Predictors Of Productive Work Behaviour Among Commercial Bank Employees

Abstract This study examined the contributions of work engagement and work-life balance in productive work behaviour among 250 commercial bank employees. The participants composed of 148 (59.2%) males and 102 (40.8%) females who completed self-report measures of work engagement and work-life balance. Productive work behaviour was based on the FBN productivity scorecards of the participants. Ex post facto design was adopted. The data was analysed with hierarchical multiple regression. Two hyp...

The Influence Of Pornorgraphy Use, Family Attachment And Alcohol Consumption On Sexual Aggressive Behaviour Among Late Male Adolescents In Federal University Oye-Ekiti,

ABSTRACT Issues of alcohol use, pornography use and poor family relationship among students is becoming a thing of concern to all departments in Federal University Oye -Ekiti. The present study investigated the influence of pornography use, family attachment and alcohol consumption on sexual aggressive behavior among late male adolescents in Federal University Oye -Ekiti. • The study adopted a survey research design. A self-report questionnaire was completed by a total number of 200 st...

The Influence Of Individual And Institutional Factors On Counselors ' Intention To Seek Counselling Supervision Services In Nairobi County, Kenya

Despite the awareness of the benefits of counselling supervision such as reducing counsellor’s burnout, enhancing professional development, increasing competence, and efficiency in counselling, the forces that steer counselors into seeking and adopting counselling supervision have not been largely explored. Failure or reluctance to seek counselling supervision may be caused by many factors, some of which could be individual and institutional factors among others. Consequently, the stud...

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