ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between social class and voting behavior in the people of Mukono Municipality, Mukono district. Specifically it was guided by four objectives, (1) to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants, (2) to determine the level of influence of social class, (3), to determine the level of voting behavior, and (4) to establish whether there is a significant relationship between social class and voting behavior. The study used descript...
ABSTRACT The study reviewed the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda, and was guided by three research questions: what legal procedures are adopted in vetting refugees who enter Uganda? What rights as guaranteed by the international instruments do the refugees enjoy while in Uganda? What roles have the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Government played in facilitating the realization of refugees’ rights in Uganda? Using a triangulation study design, and a Researche...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the Relationship between leadership and organisational performance in select NGOs in Bosaso puntland Somalia.This study was based on five objectives that were; 1) To determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age qualification and experience. 2) To determine the level of effective leadership. 3) To determine the level of organizational performance . 4) To determine whether there is significant difference between effective lea...
ABSTRACT Tourism is the act of travelling from one destination to another by both foreigners and locals. One pays a visit to preserved game parks and other historical sites in a country at their own expense as part of relaxation, enjoyment and fulfilment of a dream or for business purposes. As a result they contribute to the government revenue. In Tanzania, tourism accounts for 25 percent of total export revenue and is increasing at the rate of 8 percent per year. The main objective of this s...
ABSTRACT This study investigated donor funding and financial sustainability of community service projects of Anglican Church of Kenya All Saints’ Cathedral Diocese. Chapter one is comprised of the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research objectives and questions, scope of the study, significance of the study and operational definitions of key terms. Chapter two includes concepts, ideas, opinions from experts! authors; theoretical perspective and rela...
ABSTRACT The study on Gender Training and Gender Equality in the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) focused on analyzing how gender awareness influences gender equality in UNMIS, how gender planning aspects influence gender equality in UNMIS, how gender analysis aspects influence gender equality in UNMIS and on analyzing factors that affect/influence gender training methods and content in UN MIS. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. It also employed both quantitative and ...
ABSTRACT: The major challenge facing the Rwandan economy is the issue of low levels of economic growth and economic development and this problem is most felt in rural areas. Rwanda still experiences health problems, low levels of per capita incomes, high levels of illiteracy, high levels of poverty, low levels of education, high levels of infant and maternal mortality rates, lack of basic needs, low levels of life expectancy, under developed social and economic infrastructure, poor standard...
ABSTRACT This study was initiated with the purpose to establish the role of staff training on the efficiency of employees in Mogadishu Local Government offices. The local governments had been marred with several cases of employee inefficiency in terms of timeliness of service quality and responsiveness to the need of the public. The study was guided by three objectives 1) to investigate the staff training practices at selected local governments of Mogadishu, Somalia 2) to determine the leve...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration Approval Dedication iv Acknowledgement Table of contents Abstract ListoftableS CHAPTERONE I INTRODUCTiON I l.lBackgrOUfldOftheS~Y I 1.1.1 Historical PersPective 1 1.1.2 meotetical perspective 4 1.1 .3Conceptuai pespect~’~ 5 1.1 .4Contextual perspective 6 1.2 Statement of the Problem 7 1.3 Purpose ofthe Stud)’ 8 1.4 Research ObjectiveS 1.5 Research Questions 8 l.6HypothesiS 8 1.7 Scope 9 1.7.1 Geographical Scope 1.7.2 Theoretical Scope 1.7.3 Content Scope 1.7....
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between governance and Capacity building in Public sectors in Hargeysa Somaliland. The study was guided by four objectives as follow; to determine the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, educational level and level of experiences, to determine the level of governance in Somaliland, to determine the level of capacity building in public sectors in Hargeysa Somaliland and finally to determine if there is a significan...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the contribution of Public Private Partnership to Secondary education enrolment in Luuka District, Uganda. The study findings contributed to the existing body of knowledge through helping education sector policy makers and academicians to technically advise government on Public Private Partnership in Secondary Education policy framework in Uganda if it’s to meet the aims and goals of the policy. In order to produce the study findings, the thesis examin...
ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the extract to which leadership skills and efficiency of local government service delivery in Bosaso district — Puntland — Somalia. specifically the study wanted to establish the effect of (i) profile of the respondent (ii) level of leadership (iii) level of service delivery (iv) whether there is a significant difference in the level of leadership skills and level of service delivery (v) whether there is a significant relationship in the leve...
ABSTRACT The study examined conflicts and their effects on employees’ performance in organizations, using a Case of Kampala International University (KIU) Main Campus. The study is aimed at establishing the various types of conflicts, their main causes, potential areas (of conflicts), and the effects conflicts have on employees’ performance. Three methods of data collection were used (to study 100 respondents), namely, the self administered questionnaire, formal and informal interviews....
Abstract This thesis is a result of an academic research entitled “Universal Primary Education and School Enrolment in Buyenzi Commune (District), Burundi”. The study was guided by the four research questions: (i) What is the demographic characteristic of respondents as to: gender, age, Educational level, Qualifications Other Than Academic Discipline and Number of years teaching experience? (ii) What is the level of Universal Primary Education? (iii) What is the level of School Enrolmen...
ABSTRACT The Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP) aims to reduce poverty at the community level through providing employment opportunities for poor people with productive capacities, and direct assistance such as cash transfers to the poorest and most vulnerable households. The study was to determine the demographic information of respondents, to determine the areas that vision 2020 emphasized for attaining its objectives in economic development of population, to evaluate the contribution o...