ABSTRACT It has been argued that the success and effectiveness of an organization are not determined solely by the abilities and competencies of the employees and management alone, the environment also has found effect on company operations. Based on these facts therefore, this research work was undertaken to analyse the impact of environmental factor on purchasing business strategies in an Organization using ABC Transport Company as the case study. In carrying out this work, 50 (fifty) copi...
ABSTRACT Several organization and institutions may have undertaken research in order to examine the problems and solutions of importance of negotiation in contract pricing and management. In fact, many of the research program in the universities and polytechnic have usually been sponsored by industries and companies therefore had to meet commercial and academic objectives. This project has attempted to identify what the impact for efficient negotiation is all about and the problems and s...
ABSTRACT The researcher choose to study this topic the effectiveness of purchasing information system in textile in dusting, a case study of textile mill limited onitsha in Anambra staff to enable the researcher evaluate information problems that helps mangers to manage the company appropriately, lack of timely information, inaccurate information system are in existence in the company. In order to enable the researcher accomplish this study questionnaire oral interview and direct observa...
ABSTRACT The researcher is determined to see and threw more high on the effectiveness of Purchasing Planning and Control in a Manufacturing Organization with ANAMMCO in Enugu as a case study. For orderly presentation the researcher undertake a background study of the company which enable the researcher touch some major problems encountered by the company purchasing planning and control. The researcher also undertook a study of the population size and area undertook a study of the populati...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to do knew the effectiveness of public relations in service industries. A case study of the Enugu state university of science and technology (ESUT) Enugu. To guide this study three hypotheses were formulated. A review of related literature was done to expose the research to what has already been done to ensure solid conclusion for the study. A structural questionnaires was developed and administered by the researcher to respondents comprising ...
ABSTRACT This research work was undertaken to know the effectiveness of product innovation as an effective strategy of achieving competitive adventage in the purchasing environment in a case study of unilever Nigeria plc Aba. In carrying out this work, primary and secondary source of data collection method were adopted the survey method was used. The data was carefully analyzed and interpreted. Bases on the summary, conclusion were made, the findings revealed the effectiveness of product of ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this work is to find out the effect of purchasing segmentation as a tool for achieving organizations sales objectives. The benefit ranges from its support in profit generalization, increasing sales and net profit. This research work comprises five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction of the study, background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, research question, significance of the study, limitation of the study, scope of the study an...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effect pricing strategies on the purchasing of toilet soaps in Enugu State. With special emphasis on toilet soaps made by Unilever Nigeria Plc. The objectives of the study among others is: -To determine whether the pricing system of toilet soaps organization attract customers. -To find out the problems associated with the pricing system of Unilever Plc Organization. The researcher formulated four hypothesis and tested them using c...
PROPOSAL One of the most critical urban development issues facing Nigeria is the financing of urban infrastructure and delivery of urban services. The study arises because of impact of urban infrastructure and services on economic development of community development especially Nigeria. The major challenge facing Nigeria today is how to restore urban infrastructure and services which have over the years of military regime decayed and collapsed. To this end, first, to make cities good...
ABSTRACT Purchasing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific purchasing situation facing the company. (Koller P 2003). This study focused on purchasing research as a tool for public procurement in the service industry, a case study of AIICO insurance company operation in Enugu metropolis. In order to carryout the study, the following objectives amongst others were states; -To ascertain the proportion of purcha...
ABSTRACT Purchasing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific purchasing situation facing the company. (Koller P 2003). This study focused on purchasing research as a tool for profitability in the service industry, a case study of AIICO insurance company operation in Enugu metropolis. In order to carryout the study, the following objectives amongst others were states; -To ascertain the proportion of purchasing bodget a...
ABSTRACT This study in an investigation on the role of purchasing in quality determination (PQD ) in a manufacturing industries. A total number of two hundred questionnaires were administrered, while four hypothesis were formulated and tested. Finding shows that there is a significant relationship between the level of awareness of PQD and the level of acceptance of PQD . Findings also confirms that it is not only organizations with existing managerial or operational difficulties th...
ABSTRACT Purchasing of hotel services is the project work, A case study of mac – davos hotel, purchasing of hotel services is an important aspect of purchasing, its domain is to ensure the available of service. So to identify those problem encountered in ensuring that good services are appropriately at the right place and at the time in right quality and right condition, the researcher AGBOIBO COSMAS .I. of the department of purchasing, school of business studies, dealt with the pur...
ABSTRACTS Banks are profit oriented organization. the profit can not be made without the customers. Or it as a result of the services provide by these banks? It is as a result of this research work to find out of banks and financial services can be marketable. Is customer satisfaction what these banks attain to achieve. This research work has five chapters. Chapter one contains a discussion of how the banks and financial services can be marketable. It went further to state problem to be stu...
ABSTRACT This study focused on application of PURCHASING CONCEPT ON THE BUSINESS PERFORAMNCE OF HOTEL IN OWERRI METROPOLIS (A CASE STUDY OF CORDIAL HOTEL OWERRI) To carry out he research work some of the find out the problem faced by the from in purchasing their service. - it ascertain the possibility of applying the purchasing concept in service purchasing. -To recommend efficient and effective ways of purchasing Hotel service. -Four hypothesis were formulated data were sourced using...