ABSTRACT If a company has a good product, well branded and priced, required and proper promotion done but could not get to the users as and when required, the company has succeeded in achieving nothing. Therefore, the objective of this study is to ascertain whether the company has sufficient number of functional distributors, dependable source of raw materials and good distribution network. Chapter one contained a general discussion on distribution. It went further to find out if the compa...
ABSTRACT This study focused on effective pricing strategies for purchasing of New products a case study of Royalux by Hardis and Dromades. The objectives of the study are as follows. -To determine the methods used by Hardis and Dromades in setting prices for their new product – Royalux. -To determine how prices of Royalux affect its demand, position and market shares. -To find out how customers respond to different prices of different quality of products. The scope of the stud...
ABSTRACT This research work is centered on the Problems and Prospects of Purchasing in Small-Scale Business in Nigeria. The study was aimed at identifying and examining the problems militating against the effective operations of small-scale business. Also the study was focused on analyzing and assessing the purchasing activities of small-scale business, with a special reference on Aqua Rapha (God’s Healing Water) Company. The data for the study were collected using questionn...
ABSTRACT Administration in purchasing of hotel business is the project work, A case study of hotel C of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, administration in purchasing of hotel business is an important aspect of administration, its domain is to ensure the available of service. So to identify those problem encountered in ensuring that good services are appropriately at the right place and at the time in right quality and right condition, the researcher AGBOIBO COSMAS .I. of the department ...
ABSTRACT This study focused on application of purchasing concept and its implications on organizational objective service industry (a case study of Imo Transportation Company (ITC). To carry out he research work some of the find out the problem faced by the from in purchasing their service. -it ascertain the possibility of applying the purchasing concept and its implications on organizational objective service purchasing. -To recommend efficient and effective ways of purchasing Imo Trans...
ABSTRACT This research project intends to explore the Ethnical and social responsibilities of the Purchasing Practice in Industries in Nigeria. I deemed it necessary since this research topic is unique to industries in Nigeria, an environmental practical research was carried on, in a brewery industry using Golden Guinea Breweries Plc Umuahia as a case study which was used to generalize the project objectives. This research work cannot be said to be exhaustive due to changing nature of our...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY 1.1INTRODUCTIONS This chapter gives the overall background of the entire study of my research. It also entails the objectives of th
Background: In most organizations within the country (Ghana), materials management has been relegated to the background without any proper control. This means that companies are investing heavily in materials than is necessary. Problem: How can materials management minimize the cost of supplies in Cocoa Processing Company of Ghana? Purpose: The aim of this research is to illustrate how the application of materials management concept can minimize the cost of supplies in Cocoa Processing Compan...
ABSTRACTThe study examined the impact of inventory management on service delivery in public health facilities. The objectives of the study were to examine the inventory management techniques, to assess the ways through which inventory management influences service, and to establish the challenges faced in implementing inventory management techniques employed at Kidera health Centre III. The methodology involved the use of a cross sectional research designs which employed the use of both qua...
INTRODUCTIONThis project work for “supply market” of Ukpon Esan otherwise known as “Igbu cloth”. This work is being carried out at a place known and called Ogwa in Esan west local government Area in EDO state. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE APPROVAL PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTACTS CHAPTER ONE Introduction Historical back ground Statement of the problem Need for the study Purpose of the study Scope and limitation of the study CHAPTER TWO Literature revi...
ABSTRACT This research work on negotiation as a cost reduction tools on materials purchases a case study of Asaba Tex Nig. Ltd. The scope of this research work covers every activity which has to do with negotiation problems, background to the subject matter, rationale for the study and the limitations of the study. The research reviews the related literature about the topic under discussion by gathering from distinguished authors and scholars, facts and opinions the finding of this study thr...
A RESEARCH WORK PRESENTED TO THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENT RESEARCH PROPOSAL TITLE PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction 1.1Background of the study 1.2Statement of problem 1.3Objective of the study 1.4Significance of study 1.5Research hypothesis 1.6Limitation of the study 1.7Definition of terms. CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature review 2.1Purchasing (What is Entails) 2.2Types of ...
ABSTRACT The research stresses on the impact of IT in materials management. The efficient management of materials with IT partly accounts for high productivity. The report is divided into five sections. The first section deals with the background of the study in which the researcher elaborated on the basis and significance of the impact of IT in materials management as a core responsibility to the objectives of the organization. The main objective is to determine the extent to which informat...
INTRODUCTIONLeadership is an important aspect of managing: the ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective leader.It has been observed that whenever there is an organization a need for administration must exist.Leadership is therefore very essential in an organization. This is why leadership is emphasized in transport organization. The success of an organization depends largely upon the way and manner in which the leader or manager operates within the organization.The...
INTRODUCTION Material Management, as practiced in business today, can be defined as “a confederacy of traditional material activities bound by a common idea. The idea of an integrated management approach to planning, comersion flow and distribution of products materials form the raw materials state to the finished state. (Iornum, 2007). The above definition implies that material management is generally concerned with the flow of materials from the source of supply through the production lin...