ABSTRACT The study was located in Enugu State of South Eastern Nigeria and the focus of the study was to examine the knowledge of infant nutritional needs. The study population was drawn from five local government areas of the state, namely, Nsukka, Enugu North, Udenu, Isi-Uzo, and Igboeze South. The population of Enugu State in the 2006 census exercise was three million, two hundred and fifty-seven thousand, two hundred and ninety-eight (3,257298) persons (FGN, Official Gazette, 2007). The ...
ABSTRACT ‘he research was on carried on the impact of poverty on family relationship in Ntoroko town council. ‘he objectives of the study were: to establish the causes of poverty on family relationship in Ntoroko ~wn council. To assess the impacts of poverty on family relationship and to find out the possible trategies that can be used to reduce poverty on family relationship. ~ total number of 50 respondents were used in the study comprising of parents, youth, local council fficials and ...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out in Kampala-Makindye Division; Ggaba Mission, central Uganda to assess issues of cohabitation and its impact on religion, Causes, impacts and strategies for managing cohabitation were discussed. The researcher used questionnaire, interview format and observation methods to find out the information. Stratified sampling and purposive sampling techniques were employed; also the researcher used descriptive and exploratory design to get the findings. The causes...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to establish the extent to which background factors have perpetuated the cases of lost to follow-up in the Tuberculosis treatment despite the government of Uganda intervention to providing universal free treatment and care for patients in all public health facilities. Patients’ lack of motivation to complete treatment and rehabilitation remains a challenge. The study was conducted as a across sectional investigation through the review and analysis of regist...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER ONE 8 PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Errorl Bookmark not defined. I .Olntroduction 8 1.1 Background ofthe study s 1.2 Problem statement 11 1.3 Objectives ofthe study 11 1.3.] Main ob/ective sf/he study 11 1.3.2 Spec~fic objectives of/he study 11 1.4 Research questions 12 1.5 Scope ofthe study 12 1.5.1 Geographical scope 12 1.5.2 Context scope 12 1.5.3 Time scope 12 1.6 Significance ofthe study 12 CHAPTER TWO 14 LITERATURE REV...
ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of youth unemployment on crime in Bosaso city, Somalia. It was guided by three objectives that is to say; analyzing the causes of youth unemployment. examining the nature of crime committed by youths and examining how youth’s unemployment leads to crime in Bosaso Somalia. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design that allows analysis of both quantitative and qualitative. The study was carried out on the youths living in Bosaso where a sample of...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..............................................
ABSTRACT This study was set to find out the influence of influence of sex education on premarital sex among adolescents in selected private secondary schools in Makindye East. It was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) sex education programmes; ii) premarital sex knowledge; iii)) the relationship between sexual education programmes and premarital sex knowledge among adolescents. The study comprised of a population of 200 adolescents. The study employed a descriptive correl...
ABSTRACT The study examined gender inequalities in the health sector, case study of Kumi hospital Ongino Sub County, Kumi district. The specific objectives were to fmd out gender inequality manifestations, to investigate the causes of gender inequalities, to assess the effects of gender inequalities among health workers of Kumi hospital and to establish the available mechanisms to promote gender equality among health workers ofKumi hospital, Kumi district. The study involved 30 female and 36...
ABSTRACT This reseaich was based on the impact of employee welfare on organizational performance of industries in Juba city and the case study was at Petroleum industry The reseaichei was inteiested in this topic because the welfaie of employees in industues has not been put in to consideration which has made many if the organization in Juba not to performance to their maximum in providing social seivices to the people The major methods used by the researcher to collect data included resea...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION. APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OFTABLES ABBREVIATION CHAPTER ONE i BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1 .0 Introduction 1 1.1 Back ground of the study 1.2 Statement of the problem 4 1.3. Purpose of the study 5 1.4 General objectives 5 1.5. Research questions 5 1.6 The scope of the study s 1.7. Significance of the study 6 1.8. Limitations and way forward 6 CHAPTER TWO 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.0. Introduction 7 2.1. The income generating activ...
ABSTRACT The study is concerned with evaluation of slum house upgrading programmes. The variables under the study were activities under slum house upgrading programme, levels of community participation and level of community accessibility to the upgraded slum houses. The supportive respondents consisted of governmental and nongovernmental organizations, who were involved in attempting to help solve the problem of informal settlement. Lack of land was a major contributing factor to mushroomi...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted u/thin Kashari sub—county Mbarai-a districtwhich ii’a.v found being underdeveloped as/ar as 50cm—economic development was concerned in the stutdy the purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of youth participation in sOcio—econOnhic development of the conununity in Kashari sub—county lvibarara di.ctrict. Under this purpo.ve of the study. the study was guarded by three major objectives these included, the roles of youths in socm—econom...
Table of contents DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................... ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................ vi DEDICATION ....................................................................................................
ABSTRACT The research is aimed at investigating the factors contributing to the street children problem. Case study of Men, municipality Mem Central district, Eastern Province, Kenya. The major variables of the study are poverty, child neglect and peer pressure. This study was aimed at investigating the factors contributing to the street children phenomenon. It was carried out in Mciii municipality Meru central district of eastern province of Kenya. The variables examined were poverty, child ...