The main objective of this project is to improve the MPESA authentication process through the incorporation of a voice biometric functionality that enables the remote control of the individual MPESA accounts by MPESA subscribers with higher efficiency, accuracy and a higher level of authentication. The voice biometric is a state of the art technology that factors in authentication with better usability with the aim of combating fraud, self-service empowerment and cost savings through proper u...
The main objective of this study was to identify factors promoting the adoption of M-health and determine usability challenges in the existing M-health applications in Kenya. Specifically the study aimed at establishing the factors promoting adoption of M-health, determining the usability challenges in M-health applications in Kenya. Consequently an Mhealth prototype application was developed to address the usability challenges. The M-health prototype application dubbed “Uzazi Poa” App. w...
Location-Based Services (LBSs) are rapidly expanding in both number and variety. LBSs are services provided via mobile applications with the help of network connectivity and the ability to detect the location of the user. LBSs offer a wide range of services; navigation tools to help you reach your destination (e.g., MapQuest); local search to help you find nearby businesses or events (e.g., Yelp); friend finders and social networking (e.g. Loopt and Google Buzz); applications that allow you t...
INTRODUCTION is a Nigerian electronic commerce form that provides services in a wide range around the country and across the country (Latchem, 2017). It is a licensed recognized online platform by the federal government which has impacted the general society and the business arena. Piloted research on the application and practice of information technology system in the organization in assisting strategies of the business shows that Jumia Nigeria associates its business proficiencies...
INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the project, five students formed a team with the purpose of investigation on the use of an information system to support the e-commerce business strategy. According to Belbin (2012), when a team is performing at its best, there is usually a clear task assigned to each member of the team. Belbin (2014) reports that despite clear roles and responsibilities, teams often fall short of its full potential because most times team members are not flexible enough whic...
Abstract The need for communication in the world has become increasingly daunting and so has the technology to enhance it. The primary reason for communication has been pegged largely to demand for factual data. This project’s sole aim is to redirect the boundless information in education available both in human minds and on the internet into a single space, available for queries, implementation and further discourse. The project is the development of a Question and Answer site tailored spe...
Abstract Communication by a common language is an effective tool to foster oneness and efficient productivity in a diverse community such as Ghana which has over 50 languages. Matched with this is the ever growing rate of the cell phone patronage in Ghana, with over 65% of the populace being owners of a mobile device, as well as the gradual increment in smart phones ownership, allowing Ghanaians to tap into various resources provided by the internet. Resources may include but are not limited ...
ABSTRACT Roughly half of the universities in Ghana still require applicants to send their applications in via post or in person. This places a huge burden on the applicants as many factors come into play, the biggest one being distance. Unnecessary costs are incurred by both the applicants and the schools. Another problem with the current application system in Ghana arises from the fact that universities ask for quite a lot of information from their applicants. In the case where applicants a...
Abstract Research shows that queuing is a problem in Ghana especially in hospitals and public-sector offices. Due to long queues, most Ghanaians are demotivated to take part in health benefitting activities such as vaccinations. Again, some Ghanaians pay bribes to public sector officials to avoid long queues and multiple visits to public sector offices for a service. This is one of many factors that accounts for the high bribery and corruption rate in Ghana. In this regard, this project sough...
Abstract Reviews are essential in the growth of many businesses. Through reviews, firms can figure out how their customers feel about the value they provide. Information Technology has intricately become a part of the daily lives of human beings. In leveraging the ever-growing technology industry, this application seeks to provide a platform that allows consumers to share their views on goods and services they have experienced. Businesses, on the other hand, get to access valuable consumer in...
Abstract In nations worldwide, roads play a major part in the livelihood of individuals. They aid in the transport of both people and goods from one location to another. In developed countries, most roads are tarred making travel easier and quicker. In developing countries, this is not the case. Quite an amount of road work and development is still needed in these regions. These roads normally have different grades of road quality and have different effects on the individuals that use them. W...
ABSTRACT According to the Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS6) conducted between October 2012 and October 2013, 69.6% of adults in the country are literate .Initially, being literate meant to be able to read and write, but today it is not only about reading and writing but being able to fully utilize these skills to solve problems. Literacy should focus on how the learner can apply whatever they learn in their daily life activities. The busy schedule of Adesua Ye students does not allow them...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY With the world moving towards a more health conscious lifestyle, people have become increasingly aware of the health implications of eating the right food as well as exercising. This has provided numerous opportunities for fitness gurus to establish fitness centres and offer their services as well as their guidance and expertise. Gym Ike Fitness Centre is located at Adenta Frafraha in the Greater Accra Region and has been operating for the last ten years. During the needs as...
Abstract Due to the expected changes in the business industry, businesses are placing greater emphasis on innovation. Most businesses are taking advantage of technology to achieve innovation. As such, a number of business tools have been developed to help business owners manage their businesses. However, these tools are not utilised by several well-educated small business owners because they claim to prefer their current methods. This is because they believe that paper or a simple Excel sheet...
Abstract Ashesi University College is faced with the challenge of effectively scheduling courses at the beginning of the semester so that there are no class clashes for both lecturers and students. In an attempt to solve the Course Timetabling Problem at Ashesi University College, five algorithms: Genetic Algorithm, Constraint Programing, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search algorithm, which are known for their use in solving University Course Timetabling problems ...