Project Management Technology Research Papers/Topics

Resource Mobilization for Health Care Projects in Hargeisa, Somalia

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was resource mobilization for health care projects in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The problem was poor performance of health care projects in Hargeisa Somaliland. The objectives of the study were: to determine the resource allocations from government revenue for the health care projects in Hargeisa Somaliland; to establish the public revenue-raising effo1is to improve health service delivery in Hargeisa Somali land and to examine the usage of health insurance as a mo...

Strategic Planning and Performance in United Bottling Company Mogadishu-Somalia

ABSTRACT In this study, the researcher studied the relationship between strategic planning and performance in UBC Somalia. The study was guided by the following objectives; To determine the planning process in UBC, To describe the consequence of poor planning In UBC, To determine the relationship between planning and business performance in UBC, To determIne if the employees participation in planning activities in UBC The study population was 50 & which all were selected with the use of valid...

Constituency Development Fund Utilization and Development Impact in Konoin Constituency, Kenya

ABSTRACT ~ The study examined the relationship between CDF utilization and development impact in Konoin Constituency and it was based on five objectives: (a)To determine the demographic level of respondents in terms gender, age, educational qualifications and work experience; (b)To determine the extent of Constituency Development Fund utilization in Konoin Constituency; (c)To determine the level of development impact of Constituency Development Fund in Konoin Constituency; (d) To establish if...

Management and Social Factors On Sustainability of Mutual Health Insurance in Musanze District 2008 - 2011

ABSTRACT Rwanda like other countries is facing the financial challenge for accessing health services. The Government has resorted to the promotion of mutual health organizations; however the sustainability of these deserves a particular attention. The general objective is to assess the sustainability of mutual health insurance in Musanze district. Specifically this study aims at identifying the roles played by the management and social factors on sustainability of mutual health insurance in M...

Child Protection and Livelihood of Somali Refugees in Nakivale Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate child protection and livelihood of Somali refugees in nakivale camp, western Uganda. Hence it’s examined by identifying the level of awareness of the concept of chfld protection of refugee’s camp in nakivale, investigating the current status of refugee’s livelihood conditions and need for community in generally, and identifying the challenges that may face refugees community in Nakivale. In gathering information the research study em...

Staff Quality and Workers Productivity in Selected Private Building Companies in Ali~Sabih District, Djiboutl

ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the relationship between staff quality and workers productivity in selected private building companies in Ali-sabih district, Djibouti the study wanted to establish the following: to determine the level of staff quality in selected private building companies, to determine the level of workers productivity in selected private building companies, to establish if there is a significant relationship between the levels of staff quality and workers produ...

Livestock Farming and Economic Development in Kismaayo District Jubbaland-Somalia

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish a relationship between livestock fanning and economic development in Kismaayo district Jubbaland- Somalia. The study objectives were; to (I) Identify the role of livestock on the economic development in Jubbaland-Somalia, (2) to investigate the challenges facing in livestock in Kismaayo District .Jubbaland-Somalia,(3) recommend the possible solutions of the problems facing in livestock in Jubbaland-Somalia A cross sectional survey was used in the course ...

Community Participation and Success of Development Projects in Borama, Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study investigated the community participation and success of development projects in, Somaliland. The study focused on three objectives namely; examining the level of community participation towards success of development projects, examining community perception towards the successful implementation of development projects and investigating the obstacles to successful participation and implementation of development projects. The study used both qualitative and quantitative resea...

Implementation Status of Vision 2020 Umurenge Program and Reduction of Extreme Poverty in Huye District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Poverty at the individual, household and community levels distorts and diminishes the capacity and capability to attain and live a life of well being. Its persistence presence and duration is a threat to national stability and global peace. Rwanda as a country has come to accept this fact and has adopted Vision 2020 Umurenge Program as a way of walking the people out of extreme poverty. The study was about the Implementation of Vision 2020 Umurenge program and reduction of extreme po...

Risk Management and Project Performance of Undp Projects in Somalia: A Case Study of Mogadishu to Cadale Road Construction Project

ABSTRACT This study sought risk management and performance of UNDP projects in Somalia: a case study of Mogadishu to cadale road construction projet.~t. The objectives were; To establish relationship between risk identification and project performance of Mogadishu to Cadale Road Construction project, To assess the relationship between risk monitoring and control and project performance of Mogadishu to Cadale Road Construction project, and. To assess the relationship between risk response and ...

Decentralization and Community Development Project (Dcdp) and Poverty Reduction in Nyagatare District/Rwanda

ABSTRACT This report is a result of an academic research entitled “The Contribution of Decentralization and Community Development Project (DCDP) on poverty reduction in Nyagatare District/ Rwanda (2005- 2010)”. The main purpose of this study was to analyze how DCDP project led to poverty reduction in Nyagatare District/Rwanda. The study was guided by three specific objectives: (i) to establish the activities done by DCDP in poverty reduction; ii) to assess the obstacles of DCDP for achiev...

Assessing The Contribution of Environmental Monitoring Policies in the Fight Against Global Warming in Tanzania: A Case Study Of Arusha Municipality

ABSTRACT This thesis presents the study in the assessing the contribution of environmental monitoring policies in the fight against global warming in Tanzania. The effect of global warming that leads into climate change are of concern both for environment and human life. Evidence observed in climate change includes the instrumental temperature record, rising of the sea levels, and deceased snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. To reduce the risk of large changes in future climate, many count...

Project Management Practices And Performance Of Nongovernmental Organizations Projects In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Achievement of a project means that a number of its perceived factors were attained. It is not guaranteed that project management practices will result to success of funded projects by Micro finance institutions. However, the success of projects largely depends on the way it is managed and controlled. The challenges met during the execution of project management practices has been during project planning, exceeding the set budget and going beyond its set schedule and poor quality. T...

Strategies Employed In Uptake Of Youth Enterprise Development Fund Loans In Embakasi South Constituency, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Although majority of the youths in Kenya know about the YEDF, they still lack essential details about the facilities on offer, especially how to access and property utilize the borrowed funds as there’s no data on loans uptake and performance of youth business enterprises. Against this backdrop, the study sought to determine the strategies employed in uptake of youth enterprise development fund loans in Embakasi South constituency. The study was underpinned by both social network ...

Risk Management Practices and Completion of Women Group Projects in Kitui County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Projects face hurdles ranging from cost overruns, inefficiency, delays, compromised quality and ineffectiveness in meeting set objectives. The main threat to a project are mainly the expected and unexpected risks. Diligent project management dictates that all risks involved are identified, managed, controlled, mitigated or avoided to ensure a project succeeds. Women groups are mainly composed on interest groups whose background in project and risk management knowledge, skills and ex...

61 - 75 Of 173 Results