Project Management Technology Research Papers/Topics

Logistical Support and the Performance of Customer Service Staff A Case Study of Kampala Water and Sewerage Service Area

ABSTRACT  The study examined logistical support and the performance of customer service staff of Kampala water and sewerage service area. While the National Water and Sewerage Service (NWSC) standard for customer care is effective response to customer complaints within 30hours, there seemed to be a difficulty in meeting this standard due to constraints in logistical support. The study focused on what customer service staff felt about the logistics support that was provided for their work. Th...

Community Participation and Sustainability of Education Projects in Hargiesa Districts, Somaliland

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between community participation and sustainability of projects among education projects in Hargeisa districts, Somaliland. The specific objectives of this study was set to achieve were:, 1- To find out the level of community participation among education projects in Hargeisa districts, 2- To discover the level of Sustainability among education projects in Hargeisa districts, 3- To ascertain if there is a significant differen...

The Impacts of Private Sector on Economic Development of Somalia A Case Study of Private Sectors in Wadajir District

ABSTRACT  The research aimed at assessing the impacts of private sector on economic development of Somalia, Wadajir district, Banadir region as a case study. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used .The qualitative techniques was presented by use of tables and converted to percentages according to the themes, the data collection method used include questionnaires, Documentary view and the data was descriptive in nature. The objective of the study was to examine the major effec...

Turkish Aid and Infrastructural Development in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of Turkish aid projects on the Infrastructural development of Mogadishu, Somalia. The study objectives were to examine the nature of Turkish aid in Somalia, to assess the performance of Turkish aid on infrastructural development in Mogadishu Somalia and to evaluate the benefit of Turkish aid projects in Mogadishu Somalia. The study was conducted using Mogadishu city employees and Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA)...

Contribution of Local Media in Peace Building in Mogadüshu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study is to describe the contribution of local media in Mogadishu, with a view of suggesting practical recommendations to enhance peace building. In addition, it will also test the null hypotheses of no significant relationship between contributions of local media in peace building. The study adopted a descriptive co-relational, expost facto and a cross-sectional survey research design. The descriptive co-relational design was used to establish the relationship b...

The Role of Community Integration in the Management of Development Projects in Rwanda Case Study of Common Development Fund Kigali City Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out to evaluate the role of community integration in the management of development projects in Kigali city, Rwanda. The main aim of the research was therefore to find out benefits of community participation in rural development initiatives. The study was guided by the following objectives: To assess the benefits accruing from community integration the management of development projects, to examine the factors that enhances community integration in the manageme...

Community Participation in Project Preparation and Management in Mogadishu

ABSTRACT  Over the last two decades Somalia and many other African countries have undergone several economic restructuring through the assistance of the International Monitory Fund, World Bank and other international bodies. Most of these assistance have come in the form of aids, projects and financial assistance, all aimed at reducing the poverty among its people. Most of development projects in Somalia that are designed and implemented by the United Nations agencies and local NGOs were not...

An Evaluation of Oxfams Community Protection Committee Gender Equality Programme in Uvira District, South Kivu Dr-Congo

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to evaluate Oxfam’s Community Protection Committee gender equality programme in Uvira district DR-Congo. The following objectives guided the study: i) to examine the effects of the gender equality activities implemented by CPC programme in Uvira district, DRC; ii) to examine the successes of the CPC programme in ensuring gender equality in Uvira district DRC; and iii) to explore the challenges of implementing the CPC programme in Uvira district. This...

The District Agricultural Sector Investment Project (Dasip) and Food Security In Magu District, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Magu District in Mwanza Region (March 2012). The study aimed at assessing the contribution of district agricultural sector investment project on food security. The specific objectives were to identify the demographic characteristics of the respondents, to examine the pattern of district agricultural sector investment project, to assess the level of food security in Magu district and to examine the relationship between District Agricultural sector investm...

Effects of Procurement Procedures On Accountability in The Public Institutions of Rwanda: A Case Study of National University of Rwanda (Nur)

ABSTRACT The main objective of our research on procurement procedures applicability in public Institutions case of National University of Rwnda was to analyze the public procurement system within the aforesaid University by highlighting management of the public funds, characterized by accountability, transparency, equity and economy. We resort to various techniques and methods of research such as the questionnaire, the interviews, documentation and analysis of the files. On the basis of procu...

Business Development Service Centers and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in The Northern Province of Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study was set out to investigate how Business Development Service Centers contributed to the development of SMEs in the Northern Province of Rwanda. It was in form of descriptive research design. The study population comprised of 214 people includes Business development service centers staffs, officials from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Small and medium enterprises’ managers from which a sample of 187 respondents was chosen; using Purposive, simple random and str...

Ethical Practice and The Success of National Agricultural Advisory Services (Naads) Project in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing relationship between Ethical conducts and the success of NAADs Project in Mogadishu Somalia. The objectives of the study were to assess the effect of Ethical conducts on the success of NAADS Projects in Somalia, to assess level of stakeholder involvement in NAADS project in Somalia and to suggest strategies of improving Ethical conducts and the success of NAADs Project in Somalia. The study used a cross section survey which was carried out with the aim...

Limits of Rational Planning and Systematic Management of Development Projects in Busia District: A Case Study of Businywa Child Development Centres

ABSTRACT This research was directed to “limits of rational planning and systematic management of development projects: A case study of Businywa Child Development Centre ‘~ The objectives of the study were to find out the limits of rational planning and systematic management of development projects, identify the effects thereof, and establish the possible solutions. The methodology used in the study was a descriptive survey design where data was collected and analyzed both quantitatively a...

Motivation and Employee Performance in Selected Non Governmental Organisations in Erigavo Somalia

ABSTRACT This study carried out an investigation on motivation and employees’ performance in Nongovernmental organizations in Erigavo Somalia with specific interest on two Nongovernmental organizations namely Somaliland youth development and voluntary organization, Danish refugee council. The objectives of the study were to determine the level of motivation, to determine the level of employee performance, and to establish the relationship between the level of motivation and employees’ per...

Family Planning and Maternal Health in Wakiso Sub County, Wakiso District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between family planning and maternal health in Wakiso sub-county, Wakiso district. This study was guided by four specific objectives namely; to determine the demographic characteristics of respondent in terms of gender age, marital status and education qualification, ii) to determine the level of family planning, iii) to determine the level of maternal health, iv) to establish whether there is a significant relationship between family pl...

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