It is a fact that there are some factors that are responsible for the poor performance of the manufacturing industry in Nigeria. The manufacturing industry play a vital role in the Nigerian economy and also in the lines of the people.
The manufacturing industry is like an organization that is motivated by a number of tractors to utilize input like raw-materials, land and man-power in the production of physical or tangible products for their consumer satisfaction. The primary objective of carryout this study, is to critically examine the factors responsible for the poor performance of manufacturing industry in Nigeria. The various functions, achievements, etc. contributes to individuals as well as the sectors of the economy.
This study would examine the evolution of manufacturing industries from inception to date, to lay more emphasis on the importance and gains of the manufacturing industries in the rural area and take a look at the problems and suggestions to solve these problems.
This project is also needed, in order to see how the manufacturing industry can be of assistance t the rural sectors and to the country of large.
It is likewise needed to serve as a prerequisite for the establishment of more manufacture industries. This study can be used to study the extent of program of the federal government and the manufacturing industries have made in their efforts to see equal distribution of manufacture industries in Nigeria.
Since the attainment of independence by west Africa countries, successive governments have taken serious interest in industrialization. Industrialization can be defined on the conversion of an agrarian and commercial society to a more comprehensive machinery oriented. Social – economic system. This concept cannot be treated, without remembering the industrial revolution of the Western Europe of the 15th and 16th century. The new Encyclopedia 4th edition (1975) described the industrial revolution as a term usually applied to the socio-economic changes that marked transition from a stable agricultural and commercial society to a name machinery oriented system.
Agriculture which has been the major occupation of more than 80% working population of Nigeria, began to suffer a diminishing role, claiming a lots of population in manpower. Another related lesion form the history of planned industrialization of the socialist countries especially soviet Union whose economy was transformed from a very short period predominating of agricultures, change rapidly to an industrialized society.
A further element in the appeal for industrialization is based on the fact that the economic quart for increase in a wide scope of industrialization both import-substitution and export substitution. The unequal distribution of gains from trade between developed and developing countries is a related justification for the policy of industrialization.
All there explains the reason why government should encourage industrialization, which is generally regarded as the way to rapid economic development, higher living – standards for people. All manufacturing industries are encourage to promote the rapid. Growth of resources and effective utilization of existing resources available. Such countries like Japan, U.S.A are all industrialized. Countries but depend on West African Countries for it” Agricultural products which is most needed.
Arising form the fact above, after the second world war, the colonial government began to introduce a number of legislation, which was aimed at stimulating the establishment of modern industries. They began to tashon out industrialization which seems to be the key to economic independence and the vital tool to eliminate poverty and unemployment. Other incentives of industrialization include capital depreciation import duties, custom duties, draw back regulation and the establishment of industrial estates in the countries.
Government also gave guarantee for the repatriation of products and dividends. In addition a number of development board were set up to finance development with the approach to expanding the market strategy for market dominance which was under – increasing threat from new firms coming into the country. It could be seen from the history given above, that industrialization is a key to economic independence. The pressing need for industrialization in West Africa is also brought out by relatively small – use many things which could be much and quickly close through mechanical process.
In summary, at could be vividly seen that the manufacturing industries in Nigeria and West African resources and so on. This study intends to examine problems and proffer solutions and recommendations.
Title page ii
Approval iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of content viii
Chapter one
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problems 4
1.3 Objective of the study 4
1.4 Scope of the study 5
1.5 Research questions 5
1.6 Formulation of hypothesis 6
1.7 Significant of the study 7
1.8 Definition of terms 8
Chapter Two
2.0 Review of Related literature: 10
2.1 Brief history of the study 10
2.2 Concept of industrialization 12
2.3 Origin of manufacturing industry 23
2.4 Objectives of manufacturing industry 27
2.5 The role of manufacturing industry in the economic development of Nigeria 29
2.6 Classification of industry 31
2.7 Location of industrial estate in Nigeria 32
2.8 Source of funds for manufacturing industries 33
2.9 Support giver to the manufacturing industry by ministry of industry 35
2.10 Management problems of manufacturing industry in Nigeria 38.
2.11 Prospect of manufacturing company 41
Chapter Three
3.0 Research design and methodology 44
3.1 Research design 44
3.2 Area of study 44
3.3 Population for the study 45
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure 45
3.5 Instrument for data collection 45
3.6 Reliability of instrument 46
3.7 Method of administration of instrument 46
3.8 Method of data analysis 46
Chapter Four
4.0 Data presentation and results 47
4.1 Introduction 47
4.2 Presentation of data in accordance
with the research question. 47
4.3 Analysis of data 58
4.4 Discussion of results 61
Chapter Five
Summary of findings, conclusions
and Recommendations 63
5.1 Discussion of Results 63
5.2 Conclusion 64
5.3 Recommendations 65
Reference 67
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