This study was to explore the possible impact of supervision on effective bank management with particular reference to United Bank of Africa (UBA) Plc station road, Enugu.
To guide the researcher, the following four (4) research questions were formulated as this: -
a. To what extent are human and non human resources adequate for efficient inspection in UBA Plc Enugu?
b. To what extent has the bank provision against computer fraud being achieved?
c. To what extent are central measures against bad debt in the bank been achieved?
d. To what extent are the workers assured of Feb security and satisfaction.
A structured questionnaire developed by the researcher was administered to a total of one hundred and two (102) male and female staff of United Bank Africa Plc. Enugu. They were selected using the population for reliable. Hence the data collected and analyzed using percentage, mean and risk order.
Banking act (1969) defined banking, as the business of receiving money from outside sources as deposit inspective of the payment of interest, and grant loans and acceptance of credits or the purchase and saves of securities for account of others or in assumption of guarantees and other warrantees for others or the effecting of transfer. And other transaction as the ministry make on the recommendation of the central bank by order published in the federal gazette design as banking business.
The Nigeria Banking system is made up of Central Bank, Development bank, People Bank, Commercial bank etc. The people banks and community bank recently developed or established by decree of the federal ministry government. Banking as a profession has been exist for many decades now but unfortunately, there was no generally accepted statory defective of a bank until 1969.
(1982) described bank as a person or company carrying out the business of receiving money and collecting draft from customers subject to the obligation of honouring cheque drawn upon them from time to time by customers to the extent of the amount written on the cheque or in the account.
The banks are closely monitored and requite by the government through the central bank of Nigeria. This is the ensure that they render service to their customers in a manner consistent. Safe bank is extracted with honour, reputable and hard working personnel. Function of bank management is decision making, the rational selection alternative course of action.
It is at the core or point of planning; A plan cannot be said to extent or exist unless a decision has been reached (Koontz 1984)
The personnel management of the bank establishes internal control procedure for the effective discharge of the major function in order to attain their corporate objectives. In closing this, special attention must be given to communication problem. The structure of the bank organization should have a line and staff structure, so that there will be flow of information from the top management to the lower level. The lower staff can give advice to the top level management whom might accept it or reject it. The free flow information will be a real basis for effective decision making.
Therefore, a need to establish a follow up department to know whether the action is going according to plan and polices, if not correction can be made before it is too late. It is in the light of the above factors that the management function of controlling becomes very desirable.
Title page ii
Approval Page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of Content vii
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Purpose of the Study 4
1.4 Scope of the Study 4
1.5 Signification of the Study 4
1.6 Research Question 5
1.7 Limitation of the Study 6
1.8 Definition of Terms 7
Review of Related Literature 9
2.1 Concept and Purpose of Supervisions 9
2.2 Organization and Management of Supervisions
in Banking Industry 15
2.3 Developing Effectiveness of Supervision 19
2.4 Duties of a Supervisor 24
2.5 Needs for Supervision in Banking Industry 25
2.6 Summary 26
3.1 Research Design 28
3.2 Scope of Study 29
3.3 Population of the Study 29
3.4 Sample and Sampling Procedure/ Technique 30
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection 31
3.6 Method of Data Analysis 31
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis 33
4.2 Presentation and Analysis 33
4.3 Summary of Result 39
Discussion, Recommendation & Conclusion 40
5.1 Discussion of Result/ Finding 40
5.2 Conclusions 42
5.3 Implications of the Result Finding 43
5.4 Recommendations 45
5.5 Suggestions for Further Research 46
Bibliography 47
Appendix 50
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