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Project Policy Proposal For National Policy On Culture And Future Development Of Creative Media & Media Art In Nigeria.

Nigeria is a country with over 200 million population, over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups. Its present National Policy On Culture was enacted into law in 1988; and since then it has not been reviewed in view of the socio-economic and digital revolution in the art, culture, media-art and creative industry in Nigeria. There was neither internet nor mobile phones in Nigeria with its current communications superhighway when the policy came into effect. The future developmen...

Trade Liberalization and the Nigerian Automotive Industry (2000 2011)

ABSTRACT  This paper examined the impact of the new wave of trade openness on the Nigerian automotive industries. We observed that states who adopt trade liberalization policy are required to first of articulate and put in place a sound trade management framework that will serve as both external trade defense mechanism and internal stimulator for industrial global competitiveness, without which their economies will remain a dumping ground for more proactive and industrialized countries. Asid...

Donor Procurement Requirements and Supply Chain Management in Selected NGOs in Bangui, Central African Republic

ABSTRACT The study was confined on Donor Procurement Requirements and Supply Chain Management in Selected NGOs in Bangui, Central African Republic. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the social demographic characteristics of respondents in terms of; Gender, Age, Educational qualification, Marital status; To determine the level of Donor Procurement Requirements; To determine the level of Supply Chain Management in Selected NGOs; To establish if there is a significan...

Rural Poverty and the Challenges of Local Government in National Development in Nigeria; A Study of Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State.

Abstract Poverty has to do with living below whatever is defined as a minimum standard of living based on per capital income or consumption of individuals or household in a country. The local government system is set up, to help curtail the prevalence of poverty at the local level in order to engender national development in Nigeria. Despite all the efforts made by both past and present regimes to reduce poverty at the rural area and to bring government closer to rural people proves abortive....

Challenges Faced by United Nations Agencies in Delivering Emergency Response Services in South Central Somalia

ABSTRACT The impact of growing insecurity on the humanitarian situation is severe and the delivery of aid to the 3~2 million Somalis in need has been seriously reduced as NGO workers, UN agencies have become prime targets, This calls for investigations on the challenges faced by the United Nations Agencies delivering emergency response projects in war affected areas in order to come up with policies that can be employed to positively address the situation. The main Purpose of the study was to...

A Review of the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study reviewed the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda, and was guided by three research questions: what legal procedures are adopted in vetting refugees who enter Uganda? What rights as guaranteed by the international instruments do the refugees enjoy while in Uganda? What roles have the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Government played in facilitating the realization of refugees’ rights in Uganda? Using a triangulation study design, and a Researche...

Logistical Support and the Performance of Customer Service Staff A Case Study of Kampala Water and Sewerage Service Area

ABSTRACT  The study examined logistical support and the performance of customer service staff of Kampala water and sewerage service area. While the National Water and Sewerage Service (NWSC) standard for customer care is effective response to customer complaints within 30hours, there seemed to be a difficulty in meeting this standard due to constraints in logistical support. The study focused on what customer service staff felt about the logistics support that was provided for their work. Th...

Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Mogadishu- Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study assessed the effect of supply chain management on organisational performance of manufacturing companies in Mogadishu Somalia. It was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) to examine the effect of strategic supplier partnership on organisational performance of manufacturing companies in Mogadishu Somalia, (ii) to establish the effect of supply chain information management on organisational performance of manufacturing companies in Mogadishu Somalia, and (ii...

Performance Appraisal and Employee Job Performance in Garowe Local Government, Puntland Somalia.

ABSTRACT Employee Job performance is the major issue in an organization due to high level of inefficiencies in the discharge of their duties by the general public due to poor infrastructure, inadequate logistics and equipment, poor remuneration and insufficient reward system have always led to the low level of public confidence and respect in the local government. The study therefore aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the performance appraisal on employee Job performance in Garowe local ...

A Review of the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study reviewed the Legal Framework of Refugees in Uganda, and was guided by three research questions: what legal procedures are adopted in vetting refugees who enter Uganda? What rights as guaranteed by the international instruments do the refugees enjoy while in Uganda? What roles have the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Government played in facilitating the realization of refugees’ rights in Uganda? Using a triangulation study design, and a Researche...

Save SSA Research 187 PAGES (34510 WORDS) Law Thesis
Challenges Faced by United Nations Agencies in Delivering Emergency Response Services in South Central Somalia

ABSTRACT The impact of growing insecurity on the humanitarian situation is severe and the delivery of aid to the 3.2 million Somalis in need has been seriously reduced as NGO workers, UN agencies have become prime targets, This calls for investigations on the challenges faced by the United Nations Agencies delivering emergency response projects in war affected areas in order to come up with policies that can be employed to positively address the situation. The main Purpose of the study was to...

Procurement Planning and Accountability in The United Nations Entebbe Support Base Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between procurement planning and accountability of United Nations Logistics Base in Entebbe. Uganda. The study was guided by three objectives: determine procurement planning. extent of accountability of United Nations Entebbe Support Base, and whether there was a significant relationship between procurement planning and accountability of United Nations Entebbe Support Base. Uganda. The study comprised of a population of 190 respondents who included...

The Conflict between the Refugees and the Host Communities. A Case Study of Nakivale Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study examined the conflict between the refugees and the host communities situated in Nakivale Refugee Camp — Uganda. this was guided by the following objectives;- to examine the origin of conflict between the refugees and the Uganda host communities, to examine the nature of conflicts between the refugees and the Uganda host communities and to assess the social, economic and political impact of the conflict on both the Uganda refugees and the host communities around Nakivale...

Impact Of Procurement Procedures On The Operation Of Kenya Commercial Banks A Case Study Of Garissa Branch

ABSTRACT The process of procurement usually begins when the procurer starts to search the market for bidders. After identifying the suppliers, a request for bids, proposals, quotes, and information can be ~ade. However, direct contact with bidders can also· be made instead of advertising the above requests. After selecting the suitable bidders, a quality check is essential in order to confirm the suitability of the goods in question. The next step would be negotiation of the terms, conditio...

Tile Efficacy of the Law and Policy on the Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment: Case Study of Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.APPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF CASES vABBREVIATIONSABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTS ixCHAPTER ONE 11.0 General Introduction 11.1 Introduction1.2 Background 31.3 General Economy 61.4 Statement ofthe Problem 61.5 Scope ofthe Problem 71.6 Significance ofthe Study 71.7 Objectives ofthe Study 71.9 Methodology 81.10 Literature Review 8CHAPTER TWO 122.0 Analysis ofthe Regulatory and Institutional Frame Work for Foreign Investment 2.1 Introduction 12ix2.2. The FDI R...

61 - 75 Of 244 Results