Chapter 1: Thermodynamics
1.1 Physical Chemistry
1.2 Thermodynamics
1.3 Temperature
1.4 The Mole
1.5 Ideal Gases
1.6 Differential Calculus
1.7 Equations of State
1.8 Integral Calculus
Chapter 2: The First Law of Thermodynamics
2.1 Classical Mechanics
2.2 P-V Work
2.3 Heat
2.4 The First Law of Thermodynamics
2.5 Enthalpy
2.6 Heat Capacities
2.7 The Joule and Joule–Thomson Experiments
2.8 Perfect Gases and the First Law
2.9 Calculation of First-Law Quantities
2.10 State Functions and Line Integrals
2.11 The Molecular Nature of Internal Energy
Chapter 3: The Second Law of Thermodynamics
3.1 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
3.2 Heat Engines
3.3 Entropy
3.4 Calculation of Entropy Changes
3.5 Entropy, Reversibility, and Irreversibility
3.6 The Thermodynamic Temperature Scale
3.7 What Is Entropy?
3.8 Entropy, Time, and Cosmology
Chapter 4: Material Equilibrium
4.1 Material Equilibrium
4.2 Entropy and Equilibrium
4.3 The Gibbs and Helmholtz Energies
4.4 Thermodynamic Relations for a System in Equilibrium
4.5 Calculation of Changes in State Functions
4.6 Chemical Potentials and Material Equilibrium
4.7 Phase Equilibrium
4.8 Reaction Equilibrium
4.9 Entropy and Life
Chapter 5: Standard Thermodynamic Functions of Reaction
5.1 Standard States of Pure Substances
5.2 Standard Enthalpy of Reaction
5.3 Standard Enthalpy of Formation
5.4 Determination of Standard Enthalpies of Formation and Reaction
5.5 Temperature Dependence of Reaction Heats
5.6 Use of a Spreadsheet to Obtain a Polynomial Fit
5.7 Conventional Entropies and the Third Law
5.8 Standard Gibbs Energy of Reaction
5.9 Thermodynamics Tables
5.10 Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties
5.11 The Unattainability of Absolute Zero
Chapter 6: Reaction Equilibrium in Ideal Gas Mixtures
6.1 Chemical Potentials in an Ideal Gas Mixture
6.2 Ideal-Gas Reaction Equilibrium
6.3 Temperature Dependence of the Equilibrium Constant
6.4 Ideal-Gas Equilibrium Calculations
6.5 Simultaneous Equilibria
6.6 Shifts in Ideal-Gas Reaction Equilibria
Chapter 7: One-Component Phase Equilibrium and Surfaces
7.1 The Phase Rule
7.2 One-Component Phase Equilibrium
7.3 The Clapeyron Equation
7.4 Solid–Solid Phase Transitions
7.5 Higher-Order Phase Transitions
7.6 Surfaces and Nanoparticles
7.7 The Interphase Region
7.8 Curved Interfaces
7.9 Colloids
Chapter 8: Real Gases
8.1 Compression Factors
8.2 Real-Gas Equations of State
8.3 Condensation
8.4 Critical Data and Equations of State
8.5 Calculation of Liquid–Vapor Equilibria
8.6 The Critical State
8.7 The Law of Corresponding States
8.8 Differences Between RealGas and Ideal-Gas Thermodynamic Properties
8.9 Taylor Series
Chapter 9: Solutions
9.1 Solution Composition
9.2 Partial Molar Quantities
9.3 Mixing Quantities
9.4 Determination of Partial Molar Quantities
9.5 Ideal Solutions
9.6 Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Solutions
9.7 Ideally Dilute Solutions
9.8 Thermodynamic Properties of Ideally Dilute Solutions
Chapter 10: Non-ideal Solutions
10.1 Activities and Activity Coefficients
10.2 Excess Functions
10.3 Determination of Activities and Activity Coefficients
10.4 Activity Coefficients on the Molality and Molar Concentration Scales
10.5 Solutions of Electrolytes
10.6 Determination of Electrolyte Activity Coefficients
10.7 The Debye–Hückel Theory of Electrolyte Solutions
10.8 Ionic Association
10.9 Standard-State Thermodynamic Properties of Solution Components
10.10 Nonideal Gas Mixtures
Chapter 11: Reaction Equillibrium in Nonideal Systems
11.1 The Equilibrium Constant
11.2 Reaction Equilibrium in Nonelectrolyte Solutions
11.3 Reaction Equilibrium in Electrolyte Solutions
11.4 Reaction Equilibria Involving Pure Solids or Pure Liquids
11.5 Reaction Equilibrium in Nonideal Gas Mixtures
11.6 Computer Programs for Equilibrium Calculations
11.7 Temperature and Pressure Dependences of the Equilibrium Constant
11.8 Summary of Standard States
11.9 Gibbs Energy Change for a Reaction
11.10 Coupled Reactions
Chapter 12: Multi-component Phase Equilibrium
12.1 Colligative Properties
12.2 Vapor-Pressure Lowering
12.3 Freezing-Point Depression and Boiling-Point Elevation
12.4 Osmotic Pressure
12.5 Two-Component Phase Diagrams
12.6 Two-Component Liquid–Vapor Equilibrium
12.7 Two-Component Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium
12.8 Two-Component Solid–Liquid Equilibrium
12.9 Structure of Phase Diagrams
12.10 Solubility
12.11 Computer Calculation of Phase Diagrams
12.12 Three-Component Systems
Chapter 13: Electrochemical Systems
13.1 Electrostatics
13.2 Electrochemical Systems
13.3 Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Systems
13.4 Galvanic Cells
13.5 Types of Reversible Electrodes
13.6 Thermodynamics of Galvanic Cells
13.7 Standard Electrode Potentials
13.8 Liquid-Junction Potentials
13.9 Applications of EMF Measurements
13.10 Batteries
13.11 Ion-Selective Membrane Electrodes
13.12 Membrane Equilibrium
13.13 The Electrical Double Layer
13.14 Dipole Moments and Polarization
13.15 Bio electrochemistry
Chapter 14: Kinetic Theory of Gases
14.1 Kinetic–Molecular Theory of Gases
14.2 Pressure of an Ideal Gas
14.3 Temperature
14.4 Distribution of Molecular Speeds in an Ideal Gas
14.5 Applications of the Maxwell Distribution
14.6 Collisions with a Wall and Effusion
14.7 Molecular Collisions and Mean Free Path
14.8 The Barometric Formula
14.9 The Boltzmann Distribution Law
14.10 Heat Capacities of Ideal Polyatomic Gases
Chapter 15: Transport Processes
15.1 Kinetics
15.2 Thermal Conductivity
15.3 Viscosity
15.4 Diffusion and Sedimentation
15.5 Electrical Conductivity
15.6 Electrical Conductivity of Electrolyte Solutions
Chapter 16: Reaction Kinetics
16.1 Reaction Kinetics
16.2 Measurement of Reaction Rates
16.3 Integration of Rate Laws
16.4 Finding the Rate Law
16.5 Rate Laws and Equilibrium Constants for Elementary Reactions
16.6 Reaction Mechanisms
16.7 Computer Integration of Rate Equations
16.8 Temperature Dependence of Rate Constants
16.9 Relation between Rate Constants and Equilibrium Constants for Composite Reactions
16.10 The Rate Law in Nonideal Systems
16.11 Unimolecular Reactions
16.12 Trimolecular Reactions
16.13 Chain Reactions and FreeRadical Polymerizations
16.14 Fast Reactions
16.15 Reactions in Liquid Solutions
16.16 Catalysis
16.17 Enzyme Catalysis
16.18 Adsorption of Gases on Solids
16.19 Heterogeneous Catalysis
Chapter 17: Quantum Mechanics
17.1 Blackbody Radiation and Energy Quantization
17.2 The Photoelectric Effect and Photons
17.3 The Bohr Theory of the Hydrogen Atom
17.4 The de Broglie Hypothesis
17.5 The Uncertainty Principle
17.6 Quantum Mechanics
17.7 The Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation
17.8 The Particle in a OneDimensional Box
17.9 The Particle in a ThreeDimensional Box
17.10 Degeneracy
17.11 Operators
17.12 The One-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
17.13 Two-Particle Problems
17.14 The Two-Particle Rigid Rotor
17.15 Approximation Methods
17.16 Hermitian Operators
Chapter 18: Atomic Structure
18.1 Units
18.2 Historical Background
18.3 The Hydrogen Atom
18.4 Angular Momentum
18.5 Electron Spin
18.6 The Helium Atom and the Spin–Statistics Theorem
18.7 Total Orbital and Spin Angular Momenta
18.8 Many-Electron Atoms and the Periodic Table
18.9 Hartree–Fock and Configuration-Interaction Wave Functions
Chapter 19: Molecular Electronic Structure
19.1 Chemical Bonds
19.2 The Born–Oppenheimer Approximation
19.3 The Hydrogen Molecule Ion
19.4 The Simple MO Method for Diatomic Molecules
19.5 SCF and Hartree–Fock Wave Functions
19.6 The MO Treatment of Polyatomic Molecules
19.7 The Valence-Bond Method
19.8 Calculation of Molecular Properties
19.9 Accurate Calculation of Molecular Electronic Wave Functions and Properties
19.10 Density-Functional Theory (DFT)
19.11 Semiempirical Methods
19.12 Performing Quantum Chemistry Calculations
19.13 The Molecular-Mechanics (MM) Method
Chapter 20: Spectroscopy and Photochemistry
20.1 Electromagnetic Radiation
20.2 Spectroscopy
20.3 Rotation and Vibration of Diatomic Molecules
20.4 Rotational and Vibrational Spectra of Diatomic Molecules
20.5 Molecular Symmetry
20.6 Rotation of Polyatomic Molecules
20.7 Microwave Spectroscopy
20.8 Vibration of Polyatomic Molecules
20.9 Infrared Spectroscopy
20.10 Raman Spectroscopy
20.11 Electronic Spectroscopy
20.12 Nuclear-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
20.13 Electron-Spin-Resonance Spectroscopy
20.14 Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism
20.15 Photochemistry
20.16 Group Theory
Chapter 21: Statistical Mechanics
21.1 Statistical Mechanics
21.2 The Canonical Ensemble
21.3 Canonical Partition Function for a System of Noninteracting Particles
21.4 Canonical Partition Function of a Pure Ideal Gas
21.5 The Boltzmann Distribution Law for Noninteracting Molecules
21.6 Statistical Thermodynamics of Ideal Diatomic and Monatomic Gases
21.7 Statistical Thermodynamics of Ideal Polyatomic Gases
21.8 Ideal-Gas Thermodynamic Properties and Equilibrium Constants
21.9 Entropy and the Third Law of Thermodynamics
21.10 Intermolecular Forces
21.11 Statistical Mechanics of Fluids
Chapter 22: Theories of Reaction Rates
22.1 Hard-Sphere Collision Theory of Gas-Phase Reactions
22.2 Potential-Energy Surfaces
22.3 Molecular Reaction Dynamics
22.4 Transition-State Theory for Ideal-Gas Reactions
22.5 Thermodynamic Formulation of TST for Gas-Phase Reactions
22.6 Unimolecular Reactions
22.7 Trimolecular Reactions
22.8 Reactions in Solution
Chapter 23: Solids and Liquids
23.1 Solids and Liquids
23.2 Polymers
23.3 Chemical Bonding in Solids
23.4 Cohesive Energies of Solids
23.5 Theoretical Calculation of Cohesive Energies
23.6 Interatomic Distances in Crystals
23.7 Crystal Structures
23.8 Examples of Crystal Structures
23.9 Determination of Crystal Structures
23.10 Determination of Surface Structures
23.11 Band Theory of Solids
23.12 Statistical Mechanics of Crystals
23.13 Defects in Solids
23.14 Liquids
Consults, E. (2022). PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Textbook. Afribary. Retrieved from
Consults, Education "PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Textbook" Afribary. Afribary, 23 Sep. 2022, Accessed 31 Mar. 2025.
Consults, Education . "PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Textbook". Afribary, Afribary, 23 Sep. 2022. Web. 31 Mar. 2025. < >.
Consults, Education . "PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Textbook" Afribary (2022). Accessed March 31, 2025.