An equipment design project was carried out to design an inverter (Bioreator) or the production of 100,00 metric tones per year of ethanol from sugar cane.
An inverter is a part of process equipment used in ethanol production from sugar cane. While the rest process equipment include crusher, filter, centrifuge, fermented, distribution column and dehydrator.
Having based on design on a steady –stated operation, the required feed rate and enthalpy in the inverter, calculated from material and energy balance are as follows:
Feed rate required; (Input)
Sugar = 70.766kmol/hr
Water = 13814.95kmol/hr
Invertabe = 106.149kmol/hr.
Output Stream;
Sugar = 141.531kmol/hr
Water =13744.18kmol/hr
The Energy required = 17379.16mj/hr
The required design data for the inverter is summarized as shown below;
Volume of inverter required = 910.969m/hr
Diameter of inverter required = 8.31m
Height of inverter required = 16.62m
Type of Agitator required = Turbine agitator
Liquid depth = 14.603m
Baffle plate width = 0.83m
Speed of Agitator = 0
Diameter of Agitator = 4.16m
Power required for ungassed = 506 x 106watts
Power required for gassed = 5.182 x 106watts
Design Pressure = 1.1atms
Design Temperature = 400C
Permissible Stress = 165N/M
Wall thickness of inverter = 6.55mm
Commission Allowance = 3.0
Number of Impeller = 2
The detail information on the above datas can be traced on Appendix A, B. F and G.
The success of this design project came as a result of collective efforts of some group members, although little difficulties were encountered.
Cover page
Title Page ………………………………………………………………………………………
Letter of Transmittal …………………………………………………………………..
Approval Page
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of Study
1.2 Aim and Objective of Study
1.3 Scope of Project
1.4 Statement of Problem
Chapter two
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Sugar Cane Processing
2.2 Ethanol Production Process from Sugar cane
2.3 Inverter Design Theory
2.4 Design Equation for Continuous Stirrer Tank Reactor of an Inverter
2.5 Monod Model, for a Chemostat
Chapter Three
3.0 Material Balance Results
3.3.1 Preamble
3.1.2 Aims and Objectives of Materials Balances
3.1.3 Materials Balance Summary Tables
Chapter Four
4.1.0 Energy Balance
4.1.1 Introduction to Energy Balances
4.1.2 Conservation of Energy
4.1.3 Energy Balance Summary Tables
Chapter Five
5.1.0 Design of Inverter
5.1 Summary of Results for Inverter
Chapter Six
6.1.0 Introduction of Cost Estimation
6.1.1 Accuracy and Purpose of Capital Estimates
6.1.2 Fixed and Working Capital Investment
6.1.3 Operation Cost
6.1.4 Fixed Cost
6.1.5 Variable Cost
6.1.6 Raw Materials
6.1.7 Miscellaneous Materials (Plant Supplies)
6.1.8 Utilities
6.1.9 Maintenance
6.2.0 Operating Labour
6.2.1 Supervision
6.2.2 Laboratory Cost
6.2.3 Plant Overheads
6.2.4 Capital Changes
6.2.5 Shipping and Packaging
6.2.6 Royalties and License Fees
6.2.7 Cost Estimation of The inverter
Chapter Seven
7.1 Instrumentation and Control of Bioreactor
Chapter Eight
8.1 Conclusion and Recommendation
Appendix A
Material Balance Calculation
Appendix B
Energy Balance Detailed Calculation
Appendix C
Design Calculation for Fermenter Specification
Appendix D
Design Calculation for Inverter
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